Overdose *Mattord*

Overdose *Mattord*

29,484 1,289 36

Tord is laying low, trying to get use to his new arm, and trying to forget those he left behind. Unfortunately, it wasn't working.His mind and emotions toyed with him until some alchohol convinces him to reach out to make an unexpected alliance.Tord's bases have begun to fall. There is a secret enemy and spies in the mix, along with a missing boy that could be the turning tide of the war.…

Paper Hearts ~TomEdd

Paper Hearts ~TomEdd

5,412 195 7

This is after "the end", the house is rebuilt, tord is in the house again, sleeping on the couch. The rest is kinda unexplainable, enjoy!…

Tomedd One Shots

Tomedd One Shots

49,368 951 17

Tomedd one shots(Some may be a 2 parter)There is a few NSFW chapters, But mostly fluff and angst…

To Oblivion And Back For You

To Oblivion And Back For You

92 6 1

Sorry for the long ass TitleSkyrim AuTom, a male Barmaid, has to deal with some unpleasant customers. Edd is one of them, at first. He causes the Wood elf some trouble, who gives the nord some sarcasm in return.Their relationship is odd, but in general, they enjoy each other's company. Whether they know it or not.…

Array of Roses

Array of Roses

60 5 2

Not lapidot* *so many people have put it in a lapidot reading list, and No. Just No. I may have 8-12 lapidot fanfictions, does not mean every blonde-blunett couple is lapidot*A semi- divine girl, whom is part 'God', asks for offerings in exchange for a favor or assistance.One particular girl comes and asked for her help...finding the person who murdered her mother 7 years ago.With the odds stacked against the odd pair of detectives, they struggle with finding new clues and new suspects without alibis.Yet, that isn't the only problem.The semi - divine girl, has some wolf like qualities given to her by her god, are considered demonic to many, so not only are they chasing a murderer, they are being chased by bible crazed psychopaths ,who want the wolf-like demi-god dead.Will both girls make it out alive?Will the non-divine girl get her wish and learn the identity of her mother's killer?Will everything work out?this is a girlXgirl.... and is the first book of hopefully many.Based on okami, spice and wolf, and my own creativity.…

Teens Of The Century. Lapidot.

Teens Of The Century. Lapidot.

2,240 117 10

Lapidot , human, High school, etc.Not my pic.…

She says she loves me  (pearlmethyst)

She says she loves me (pearlmethyst)

108 8 2

Amethyst, a young teen, is fascinated by a girl she meets.The girl is seemingly normal.Pale skin, strawberry blonde hair, ice blue eyes, ice cold heart.. just like every other girl in amethyst's school.., but for some odd reason, this blonde, not any other, has clung to this poor love - sick teen girl's mind.and is showing no signs of letting go..…

Wanting someone I've never met~(GirlXGirl )

Wanting someone I've never met~(GirlXGirl )

210 52 9

When two high school freshman, who've never met personally, and inconveniently live in different school systems, meet over a fan site.June Fine, an Anti-social wall flower, who always has a her nose in a book whenever she isn't on a blog site for fans of a book series call"mystic dawn", meets her social opposite, a girl who shares equal love for the series.It's an anonymous blog, so identifies are hidden, names are unknown, and so is appearance.Despite their lack of in person communication, that doesn't stop the pair from drifting away from their original topic and getting more personal,to a point it leaves at least one girl up all night questioning their sanity for falling for someone who isn't there..…



1,005 66 5

The monster angel AU from the YouTube animation series I made. (Tomedd)Many were confused about the storyline, so, here ya go babies. I will try to keep it entirely accurate to the animations if possible. You will receive a large amount of new information that was never hinted at in the animations.those who haven't seen the animations, here's a brief description! ♡..Not long after Tord's betrayal, Tom left to the city to hunt him down. Edd and Matt were left to themselves, keeping an eye on Tom's apartment as they made arrangements to rebuild their home.This is the monster/angel au, so, you all should have a guessthat something went wrong. Very wrong...The Strings animation (part one) is available on Youtube!!…

Dear Lover Boy

Dear Lover Boy

179 13 1

So, I'm sure most or all of you have heard of dear star boy.some of you loved it, and some of you never read it, perhaps because it was TomTordThis story isn't just the same story with different dialogue and names.This is a tragic Mattord storyof course it is somewhat influenced by the original Dear Star boy, I have never read it, so, I guess you can't accuse me of copping them entirely.Besides, this has a different setting anyhow, although the end is tragic, I hope you'll at least read chapter one and see if I've intrigued you. If you read description of Dear Mirror boy you've read this before.This is a parallel story with Dear Mirror boyThe beginning is the same, except it follows Tord instead of matt,And the characters will make opposite decisions of what they did in the the first story.Example.If in Dear Mirror boy,Matt was crying in the bathroom, tord heard and decided to give him space in stead of looking in,In Dear Lover boy, he went to comfort him.Get it? No?Ok sorry ;w;…

Dear Mirror boy

Dear Mirror boy

339 25 1

So, I'm sure most or all of you have heard of dear star boy.some of you loved it, and some of you never read it, perhaps because it was TomTordThis story isn't just the same story with different dialogue and names.This is a tragic Mattord storyof course it is somewhat influenced by the original Dear Star boy, I have never read it, so, I guess you can't accuse me of copping them entirely.Besides, this has a different setting anyhow, although the end is tragic, I hope you'll at least read chapter one and see if I've intrigued you.…

How to be a normal person

How to be a normal person

395 53 18

An old bookOld rantsOld friendsOld problemsOld solutionsNew content will be coming soon…

Book Of Art

Book Of Art

14,053 866 121

all my digital art, some sexual content, some spoilers about my books such as"wanting someone I've never met""Array of roses""if I had a heart""queen of the qeers"etc…

Ask or dare lapis and peridot.

Ask or dare lapis and peridot.

5,819 170 31

Ask or dare lapis and/or peridot.leave a question in the comments, and the next chapter will answer the question.this is a lapidot book, but of course the two will deny first.…

If I Had A Heart~ lapidot Demon AU

If I Had A Heart~ lapidot Demon AU

918 49 2

The 'Guardian Angel Exchange program'is where a demon gets to 'play' guardian angel to see poor sucker on earth.only a handful of demons get to participate and they are randomly selected, and so are the individuals who get stuck with them.Lapis lazuly, a demon selected for the program, gets assigned to Peridot greene, a miserable anti-social wallflower that has no friends, nor does she want to waste her time trying to make some.Another fun fact is that the selected demons are stuck with these humans. Forever.So not getting along is not an option. Fun, right?ya, so here ya go kittens.…



58 8 4

The original cast is being replaced for the most partKinda a dead project, but oh well…

Queen of the Qeers.~ Erin Heart x Mariah

Queen of the Qeers.~ Erin Heart x Mariah

33 3 2

Erin heart, my friend Jackiethewolf07 persona,and Mariah Nett, a creation of the goddess of sin.Erin is self concious and has bad self esteem, so Sin made her someone to make her feel loved.cliché?too bad for you, isn't it?just a cute story, Mariah is my oc and Erin is Jackiethewolf07 's Oc and persona.(GirlXgirl)…

Bound to you~skyrim

Bound to you~skyrim

42 3 1

This is hard to explain.This world, it's based on a game.One of the biggest skyrim fans bought the rights to the game, bought a continent, and built the geography of skyrim on this land.Of course it helped to have been extremely wealthy and had the money and connections to do all this.After several years, it was opened.Anyone could come and explore this land, mine, Hunt, buy property, even become thane or achieve other titles.But this land is considered it's own country, which includes the laws.Of course there are no dragons or magic, or any thing of the sort, except the founder used his great wealth to hire people to create item similar to the game.They found a way to make healing potions, (doesn't function exactly as in a game, but it can cause a short burst in regeneration of cells, etc.) but they also made the less desirable things from the game, like vampirism, (again, no magic, so it is spread through biting, and 'vampire seduction' is more like a paralyzing agent)but this story is not about the creator, it is about an unlikely encounter and an odd relationship between two girls who are engaged in this dangerous realm.One is a huge fan of the game, and is also smart, polight, and just advanced in many skills. She's also advanced in sarcasm and stubbornness.And so is the other girl, but we'll talk more about her in the book. Let's begin!…

I'll love You For A Thousand Years.

I'll love You For A Thousand Years.

4,581 148 9

Lapidot. In the barn.What more do you need?The word 'lapidot' should be all you need to start reading. If you want more, read the story!X3Se pics are not mine.The ones I don't advertise as mine, are not mine.Hope ya like dis fan fiction!Peace out, kittens! :"3…

Light Rebellion

Light Rebellion

41 6 1

Edd, a Fae, and protagonist of the story, ventures out to find people to join his rebellion against the Dark King in a land full of frightened and angry creatures.Tom, a wood elf, joins Edd's cause, mostly for the talented Fae's cooking.Matt, an Avien being who is legally a slave to the Dark King, follows his saviors who freed him from a work camp by the river.It's a small rebellion, but an effective one.They make unlikely allies and followers, until the final battle.For the land.For freedom.For their lives.…