Angel Face - Oliver Queen 🌷

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Harleen Merlyn is the youngest daughter of Malcolm Merlyn and grew up in Starling City her whole life. Despite being Tommy's younger sister she spent most of her days with the trio; Oliver, Tommy, and Laurel. Although, she was closer with the two boys than she was the Lance - she spent her nights getting into trouble with Oliver Queen and Tommy Merlyn only to turn around and get them right out of trouble.

Of course, what couldn't the Merlyn Princess get away with?

Everything changes after Oliver Queen was presumed dead only to mysteriously return to Starling City five years later with the story of spending five years ship wrecked on the island of Lian Yu. When he returns home, he is reunited with his mother, Moira Queen, his sister, Thea Queen, his best friend, Tommy Merlyn, and the girl he could never quite catch - Harleen Merlyn.

Harleen had spent the last five years cleaning up her act - she took up fencing lessons with her father as well as joining the SCPD as a Lieutenant. But, with Oliver coming home and a sudden mask vigilante running around the streets in a Green Hood her life is going to be far from normal.
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