Read Stories Alpha [Wolfblood] - TeenFic.Net




Alpha [Wolfblood]

307 likes / 12,590 reads
{Set In Season 4 of Wolfblood}
[Please Read
《Book 1 : Delta
《Book 2 : Omega
《Book 3 : Beta
Before you read this one, it will make more sense]

After Rhydian had left for Canada with playful threats from Sierra hanging over his head, the new wolfblood employee at Segolia had recruited one more along with her.

Jana had decided to come with her after all, to Newcastle, into the big city away from Stoneybridge and all that the pair had ever known about before.

They have to get adjusted to new environments which was fine for Sierra, who had gone to visit a few packs in a couple of different cities with the Smith family, but for Jana it was a whole new game.

Sierra was tasked with making sure that no one wolfed out on her watch, while Jana was basically put in charge of TJ, Imara Cipriani, the new alpha of Segolia's son.

Now, there are more teenaged wolfbloods who are coming into their own as wolves and they need one of their own kind to help them, a wolfblood. Maybe a alpha, maybe a Tracker...

Or maybe, they just all need someone now, who was born to be both.

《Book 4》
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