Midnight snacks (Sayori x Yuri)
"Yuri, c'mon, wake up!" Yuri felt a slight nudge on her shoulder, but didn't bother to open her eyes. She grunted slightly and lightly shoo-ed her friend's hand away. "Yuri, please?" Sayori didn't give up. "What do you want" the tall girl grumbled with a tone that was usually only reserved for Natsuki. Usually she would immediately apologize and say that she didn't mean it in a mean way. But usually included being in a clubroom after school, not Monika's house at 2 A.M. "Would you go to the store with me? I'm hungry and Monika is out of bread~" Sayori showed her a goofy grin. A sigh escaped Yuri's lips as she got up, something cracking in her wrist, oh well. Even on her knees and slightly hunched forward she was towering over the girl. Her face was still scrunched up from the sudden awakening. "So is that a yes?"…