Read Stories Aesthetic Drabbles: Hogwarts Houses Edition - TeenFic.Net




Aesthetic Drabbles: Hogwarts Houses Edition

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Gryffindor is like the thrill and reckless joy of summer; they are crackling bonfires and shrieking laughter and the sight of fireflies burning brightly at dusk.

Ravenclaw is like the cool tranquillity of the night; they are smooth, lush crushed velvet and raindrops sparkling on windowpanes and the dulled, gentle gleam of antique silver.

Slytherin is like the mysterious, ethereal aura of an ancient corridor or abandoned castle; they are bitter black coffee and deserted ballrooms with vaulted ceilings and everything that lies beneath the mirrored surface of an icy alpine lake.

Hufflepuff is like the peace and comfort of home; they are hand-made flower crowns and grass stains on knees and dust particles dancing in rays of sunlight.
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