Game of Thrones Fanfic
This is a mixture of season 4 and season 5
Rhaegar Targaryen was always fond of his eldest girl, Rosaerys; born from the passion of a drunken night, yet accepted by her father she was nothing but the sparkle in his indigo eyes. After the brutality that was Robert's Rebellion, and the horrendous deaths that her half-siblings faced, Rosaerys sits in the wings of exile with her aunt waiting for their moment of return.
With an offer she can't refuse, and better ties to politics than what should be available, she's ready to set sail across the Narrow Sea, three dragons in one hand and promise of marriage in another. Will the Second Prince of Dorne rise to meet the challenge, or will Rosaerys be stuck biding her time?
The timeline will differ in this one, and some event may not happen, along with some characters may or may not choose to die