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There were two babes in the Tower of Joy. Two babes tied so closely to their parents, Ned had to make the decision. One with hair like raven feathers, eyes as grey as steel, and a face of a true Stark. The other, with hair like moonlight, eyes like an indigo pool, and every delicate feature that the Targaryens held above all else. Aegon and Visenya. The prince(ss) that was promised. --Rhaella made a choice that day Rhaegar's heir arrived on Dragonstone; to forever hide the parentage of Visenya Targaryen and to cut her completely from the prophecy her son was so dedicated to. Visenya Targaryen, Daughter of Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen was no more; in her place grew Rhaenar Waters, bastard daughter of The Mad King and soon to be heir apparent.--Incest warning, major character deaths, gore, smutty scenes... typical Game of Thrones warningsRuns on a similar line to Daenerys but with changes and different pairings and decisions.I won't lie, there is a whole host of relationships and funny business going on with this book; so expect Jon, Mero, Oberyn, and Drogo at the very least.AN: I'm going to be honest with you, this is a long and wild ride that you may or may not read. It goes through each season episode by episode and takes Daenerys place with different outcomes. There are multiple endings for those who either don't mind Incest, or would prefer to completely steer clear. It's completely up to you. So if you read, thank you so much; and if you don't, I hope you find the right story for you if this isn't the one.…