The JNPR Covenant: First Chapter

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Covenant Holy City, High Charity

In the Halls of High Charity, which is the Covenant's Mobile Capital City and Center of Government, which effectively serves as the Collective's United Homeworld. There, we see two Individuals walking towards its Grand Halls, the two are known as the Sangheili, a Saurian Sapient Species known for their Warrior Culture and Combat Skills. Named after their Home Planet, Sanghelios, but to the Humans, they are known as Elites.

And these Elites, are part of the Covenant Empire, also referred to simply as, the Covenant. They are a Theocratic Hegemony made up of multiple Alien Species that maintain control over a large portion of the Orion Arm in the Milky Way Galaxy. The Covenant is a Political, Military, and Religious Affiliation, it's originally a Mutual Alliance between the San'Shyuum and Sangheili, following a brutal conflict between the two warring Races. Its expansion to include at least six other Races, united in the worship of the Forerunners and the Halo Arrays. And now, the Covenant wages a Genocidal Campaign against Humanity, with the Covenant vastly winning on different Fronts in the Battlefield.

And speaking of the Covenant, the Sangheili, or the Elites, appear as Physically Imposing Beings, typically standing more than a foot or 30 cm taller than the Average Human. They are vaguely Reptilian in their overall appearance, with leathery skin, digitigrade legs, and sharp Claws and Teeth. Their large hands have two fingers and two thumbs. But their most distinguishing Trait is their jaw structure, which is made up of four separate Mandibles attached to their face. The first among the two wears a Sangheili Harness, which is the Armor used by Elites. It is blue in color and has gray Armor Pieces or Decorations attached to their shoulders and Helmet, along with that of his left wrist, which forms a Shield. This Elite is named Fel 'Recam.

With Fel 'Recam, is an Elite that has a Ranger Harness, given the Jetpack attached to the back of their Armor. The Harness is red in color, with white markings on the Shoulder Armor. On their head, they don a Headpiece along with gray Horns attached to their Mandibles and a blue marking in the center of the Headpiece. This here is Vyt 'Darum.

The two Elites continue to walk in the Halls of High Charity, now making their way to the Sanctum of the Hierarchs, a name given to the Private Quarters of the High Prophets on High Charity. They are restricted to virtually all other Creatures of the Covenant, except that of the Honor Guard, the San'Shyuum, and those invited to have an Audience with the Hierarchs.

As they enter its Halls, they were met with the Sangheili Honor Guardsman, they wear a Combat Harness, which is described to be a highly Ornate Armor, having a colored combination of glowing red and orange. It features jutting Spikes and Pauldrons, indicating that the Rank of the Honor Guard is not only meant for combat, but is also a position of great pride and honor. However, they also seem to wear an Armor Type similar in color and design to the Sangheili Minor Armor. As well as the fact that they are armed with Staffs, which usually doesn't prove very effective in combat, but is intended for Ceremonial use only.

These Elites are tasked of guarding and protecting the High Prophets and other High-ranking Officials in the Covenant High Council.

The Sangheili Honor Guardsman can be seen glancing at the two Elites as they make their way towards a Set of Stairs, the Doors open with them walking past two more Sangheili Honor Guardsman. They've now entered the Central Room in the Inner Sanctum. There, the two Elites were met with the Hierarchs.

The Hierarchs, known as the High Prophets, serve as the highest Theocratic Leaders of the Covenant High Council; by extension, the Supreme Leaders of the entire Covenant Empire. Their Species are the San'Shyuum, known as Physically Frail Creatures, due to them being Descendants of the Ancient Reformist, San'Shyuum, who were used to lower Gravity and bred from a small Gene Pool. Although, despite their Physical Impediments, the contemporary San'Shyuum have been able to dramatically extend their Lifespans through Medical Advancements, allowing many Individuals to live for hundreds of years.

As for the three Hierarchs standing before them. They each have Gravity Thrones, decorated with Golden Backs, equipped with Energy Shielding, and armed with Gravity Cannons, then Crowns adorned with small Holographic Projections of a Halo Installation. The one in a Hologram donning green Robes is the Prophet of Regret. The other in blue Robes is the Prophet of Mercy. And finally, the one standing in the middle and donning red Robes is the Prophet of Truth.

As they are blessed by the presence of the Hierarchs, both Fel 'Recam and Vyt 'Darum kneeled in front of them as a sign of respect.

Fel 'Recam: Noble Hierarchs. It is honor to be bestowed upon your presence. What is it do you need from us?

Truth: First off, we would like to congratulate you and your Legion on a job well done. Thanks to your efforts, you were able to cut a swath in the Human's hold on that pitiful Planet, turning the tide to our favor in mere seconds.

Mercy: Indeed, and we watch as each days go by, your Elites are growing in strength.

Fel 'Recam: We do what is absolutely necessary for the Great Journey, and will continue doing so.

Truth: And let me remind you that your Legion in the Covenant has awarded us with numerous victories in our Campaign against Humanity, and we did the same of offering you four high-positions in its Ranks. You, a Supreme Commander chosen by us, you, a Field Marshal, and the other two, a Fleet Master, and a Special Operations Commander; who I believe, also serves as your Field Master. One I know, is a deadly Warrior in the Battlefield.

Regret: And even if we have given your these Positions, you continue to impress us, not failing in your Mission for the Great Journey.

Fel 'Recam: Yes, we are honored and thankful for what you given us.

Vyt 'Darum: But we must ask. What is it you wish for us to do, High Prophets?

The Hierarchs didn't say anything as Truth displays a Hologram in front of the two Elites. The minute they see the Hologram, the two Elites felt a familiarity seeing it, especially that of the Shattered Moon.

Truth: This pitiful and primitive Planet is known as Remnant. We do not much about it, but we do know it is infested with those Heretics.

The Hologram now focuses on a Marked Location.

Truth: We have reason to believe that there is a Structure located here related to that of Halo. I assume you know of Thel 'Vadam's new Mission after he chased this Pillar of Autumn to the Halo?

Fel 'Recam: Yes, I do.

Mercy: Then you must do the same. Head to this System and secure this Structure at once, and prevent any of these Humans from capturing it or destroying it. And we won't accept any failures. Is that clear?

Fel 'Recam: Of course, Holy One

They Bow and take their leave, as another Mission awaits, not knowing the minute they arrive in Remnant, a big revelation awaits them.

High Charity: Fleet of Vengeance

The Fleet that Fel 'Recam and Vyt 'Darum command is known as the Fleet of Vengeance. The Fleet of Vengeance is comprised of one CAS-Class Assault Carrier and twelve CCS-Class Battlecruisers.

In the Command Deck, which is the Bridge described to be a large, Commodious Room with Holographic Controls and Viewscreens that reside on the Rim of a Central Operation Table. Fel 'Recam and Vyt 'Darum enter the Command Deck and were met with their Crew of Elites, alongside that of two High-Ranking Individuals that are part of their Team.

The first among them stands by the Center Operation Table. They are an Elite described to be donning a Commando Harness, but they do not possess the same Helmet as them, they only wear it when on Missions. The Color of their Harness is a yellowish white, with pink LED Lights on their chest. They also have more Armor present by their Mandibles. This here is the Special Operations Commander and the Field Marshal of the Legion, their name is Rtosa 'Trazam.

While the other sits upon the Chair that hovers from the Floor, signifying that they are the Captain of the Ship. The Elite in question is described to be wearing a Combat Harness, the Harness purple in Color, with light pink LED Lights on their chest, they also have a Silver Armor Piece where their Mandible are. This here is the Fleet Master of Fel 'Recam's Fleet, he is known as Khosan 'Mohamee.

Fel 'Recam: Is the Fleet ready to depart?

Khosan 'Mohamee: Affirmative, Supreme Commander. We make haste to the Planet of Remnant immediately.

He faces the Seat towards the Windows of the Ship as the Fleet of Vengeance leaves High Charity and heads off to the Planet of Remnant, passing by numerous other Covenant Fleets, now making the jump to Slipspace. How Slipspace happens from what we can gather here, is a Portal of blue Energy opens up in Space, as a black Smoke surrounds it. And as the Covenant Ships enter Slipspace, it slowly closes, disappearing from sight completely.


In Remnant Space, it's quiet as ever, as the Shattered Moon continue to orbit the Planet, when all of a sudden, multiple Slipspace Ruptures open up everywhere as like what was saw before, a Portal of Energy appearing with the Covenant Ships shooting out of it, all of them making their way towards the Planet.

The Covenant has arrived in Remnant.

The 4 Elites head on over to the Window, with Khosan 'Mohamee stepping off his Seat as he joins the three. The four of them and the other Elites can be seen looking at the view of the Planet of Remnant, wondering what lies there the minute they reach the Surface, many of them already knowing they will have to face the Humans when they arrive. But many are curious on the Shattered Moon, wondering how such a thing is even possible. Did the Structure they needed to capture was the one that destroyed it? Many questions linger in their minds, but for the 4 Elites. They question why this Planet is giving them a sense of familiarity.

Vyt 'Darum: You feel it don't you?

Khosan 'Mohamee: I do, I question why this Planet feels familiar. It should be impossible. The Covenant nor any of us has never step foot on this Planet. If we have, then this Place would have been nothing more than a Barren Wasteland.

Fel 'Recam: We'll get our answers once we reach the Planet's Surface. Get the Phantoms ready, we make for the Ancient Structure at once.

They all nod as the 3 Elites went on their way, with Fel 'Recam staring at the Planet of Remnant. For he too, wants answers as well, on why this Planet feels familiar to him, almost like it's telling him that he is back Home. He shook off the thought and followed the rest of his Team, he'll get his answers one way or another.


By the Confines of the CAS-Class Assault Carrier, we see three Aircrafts being launched out of the Carrier as they make their way to the Planet. This here is the Covenant Troop Transport used primarily to deploy Ground Units and Equipment swiftly and efficiently to the Battlefield. This is known as Type-52 troop carrier, otherwise known as the Phantom.

Vyt 'Darum: When we joined the Covenant, we took an Oath!

Elites: According to our Station! All without Exception!

Vyt 'Darum's voice echoes out in the Phantom as we are shown in the Center of it all, him speaking to the Elites, who are all lined up in Formation, with Fel 'Recam being in the Center as well. The Elites with them are known as the Sangheili Minor, they don the Combat Harness, which is the Standard Armor System used by the Sangheili. The ones with them, their colors are that of blue, with blue LED Lights present on their chests.

Vyt 'Darum: On the Blood of our Fathers, on the Blood of our Sons. We swore to uphold the Covenant!

Elite Minors: Even to our dying breath!

Vyt 'Darum: Those who would break this Oath are Heretics, worthy of neither pity, nor mercy! Whatever lies on the Grounds of this Planet, will sully the very Foundations, in which the Covenant has bestowed upon us.

As Vyt 'Darum continues walking in the Phantom. One of the Soldiers they brought, known as a Grunt, can be seen fumbling with the Methane Tank of another Grunt. Some of the Gas was released, and the Grunt in front of him mutters angrily for doing said action.

The Grunts in the Covenant are known as the Unggoy. They are, in general, poor Soldiers in terms of skill and combat. They are poor shots when not focused, are physically weak, and are tactically inept as a rule. If their Commanders are eliminated during combat, they frequently panic and scatter in random directions. However, what Unggoy may lack in Individual Skill, they make up for with tenacity and sheer numbers. The Unggoy are the only Covenant Species to breathe Methane rather than Oxygen. Their combat Armor or Harness has an Integrated Methane Re-breather System, as Unggoy are unable to survive for long periods of time without Methane due to Aphyxiation.

Elite Minors: We shall grind them into dust!

Vyt 'Darum: And continue our march to glorious salvation!

He says that as Vyt 'Darum clenches his fist and raises his arm up in the air. Outside, the Phantoms enter Remnant's Atmosphere, making their way to the Structure, which is located in a Land known as the Dragon Continent.

Fel 'Recam ushers Vyt 'Darum to a corner in the Phantom as they discuss what is about to come next once they arrive.

Fel 'Recam: I do not know what awaits us in this Planet. But if we get our answers on why this Planet feels familiar to us. It stays between us four. Rtosa 'Trazam and Khosan 'Mohamee are joining us as well. They want to know answers, and I know you do too.

Vyt 'Darum: I know.

As they continue flying, they past the Clouds and see the Dragon Continent in sight. The Land being that of a Mountainous Region, filled to the brim with Forests, and in the middle, they see the Structure. Given its design, it is advanced and futuristic, the Structure is hidden beneath the Mountains of the Dragon Continent, and has yet to be discovered until today.

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