10. A goodbye

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"Families are like branches on a tree. They grow in different directions, yet their roots remain one"


Energy was thrumming while wind was howling and electricity was sizzling as the energy force kept getting stronger.

Maddie and the four others looked at each other as they had their heads leaned forward while the energy blasts kept getting worse and stronger.

Maddie cried out as the electricity was sizzling as they could feel how strong the energy force was.

"Vanya's in the room at the end of the hall" Diego said out loud over the sound of the energy cracking around them.

"How do you propose we get to her?" Allison asked "I haven't figured that one out, yet" Diego said "You can count me out" Klaus said "Klaus!" Maddie shouted as she turned her head to him.

"What? You guys should save her. You're great at all the hero shit" Klaus said "Oh, Klaus" Allison shouted again as the four turned to him "Listen, listen. Vanya would understand. Cause she has realistic expectations of what I am. And what I am, is sexy trash" he said "You're a big pussy, that's what you are" Diego said to him "Guys, now is not the time" Maddie said "Why? Because I don't wanna die? Who does? And martyrs aren't around to enjoy the victory party cause they're dead!" Klaus said "You are going out there.." Diego said and grabbed his shoulder "I'm not! Go away!" Klaus said "...Or I'm gonna beat you, and not the way you like it" Diego said as he moved around Allison.

"Guys, stop" Maddie said "That's my cue" Allison said before she moved around the desk "Hey! Allison!" Maddie and Diego shouted as they lunged their arm to where Allison was, trying to stop her "No! Allison!" Klaus and Freddy shouted.

Allison got down on the floor and started crawling towards the room while grunting as the energy kept crackling and the wind kept howling.

She started bleeding out of her nose as she came closer "VANYA!" she shouted, her voice was hard to hear as there were more energy blasts "Vanya!" she shouted again, trying to make her way towards the door.

But then she was push back by a wave, causing her to fell to the floor before she slide back and hit the desk, knocking her out.

"All right. I'm going" Diego said but then Klaus grabbed him "No, wait, wait, wait, wait" he said "What?" Diego asked as he looked at him.

"If you don't make it back, there's one thing that I need to tell you" Klaus said "I don't have time for this" Diego said "Please" Klaus said "What?" Diego asked "You look like Antonio Banderas with long hair. I just thought you should know" Klaus said to him "Thanks, man" Diego said before he got out from behind the desk and started walking towards the room.

Diego grunted as the wind continue howling as he fought his way forward with a groan as energy surges. 

Diego felled to the floor, but he pulled out two of his knives before he but the blades in the floor as he used them to get closer.

He let out another groan as he used all his strength to move forward, using the knives to stop him from going backwards.

A loud rattling was heard as Diego looked back to see Allison laying unconscious.

Diego then crawled his way forward, but then was throwing backward by a huge energy wave causing him to let out a grunt before he was slide back, unconscious.

"Okay, my turn" Klaus said and crawled out of cover but it didn't take long before he was throw back as well.

Then Freddy jumped forward and started walking towards the room, but then a force energy hit him pushing him back, but he then put all the weight on his feet and he stood his ground before he started taking one heavy step at the time, he could feel the closer he got, the stronger the force got.

While the force kept trying to push him back, Freddy grunted while screaming as he was halfway, and as he kept grunting and pushing his way through the force, some very bright golden yellow white light started glowing around him and what look like angel wings that was made out of that light, began slowly to appear on his back as he kept fighting against the force while he got closer and closer to the door.

He put his hand on the handle but as he opened the door it was like more force was push towards him causing him to fell down on his knees.

"Maddie. I'm not gonna make it! It's up to you now! You gotta save the world!" Freddy shouted "I can't!" Maddie shouted "Yes you can, do it for Vanya!" Freddy shouted before he was throw back and landed unconscious next to the three others causing the wings on his back and the bright light around him to disappear.

Maddie took a deep breath, "I can do this, I was ready to put my own life at risk saving the world once before. I can do it again" she said and took a deep breath "Five, I'm sorry" she said before she got to her feet.

She could feel the energy force hitting her, but it was like her powers was protecting her, just like in the theater.

The wind was howling and the loud rattling continued as Maddie fought her way closer to the door, but she could feel how strong the force was getting the closer she got.

She tried fighting it but the force was getting stronger and stronger, causing her to fell on her knees "I can't do this" she said.

"You can't give up" a voice said causing Maddie to look up and her eyes widened while tears started showing when she saw her brother Ben standing in front of her, looking down at her with a smile "You can't give up. Not yet" he said.


Luther was walking next to older Five across a bridge that was built over a train line while teen Five was walking behind them.

"All right, just be cool till I finish the job on the grassy knoll. We'll get the time math and I'll ice the squirt" older Five said "I just wish there was another way, you know?" Luther said "There isn't. Look at him" older Five said and Luther turned a bit to look at teen Five behind them.

"What are you looking at?" teen Five said asked a woman as he walk up to the bridge "See something funny?" he said aggressive "Worst case of paradox psychosis I ever seen" older Five said and Luther glanced back at teen Five as he kept walking "What's wrong?" older Five asked "Well, I...feel bad for him. You know?" Luther asked "Mind your business! Or I'll give you something to stare at" teen Five said to a woman that walk past him.

"He's just a little guy" Luther said "Everybody's a little guy to you" older Five said "You wish you could pull of these shorts!" teen Five said aggressive.

"You look like King Kong and the Hitler Youth had a baby. Luther, I...I don't have time for you to tuck and squeeze here. Can I count on you to keep him under control?" older Five said "Yeah, I'll do my best, yeah" Luther said "All right" older Five said before he walk up ahead.

Teen Five walked up to Luther "Hey, brother. How you doing?" Luther asked with a small smile "He's gonna kill me, isn't he?" Five asked and Luther let out a scoffing laugh "What?" he said and Five looked at him "What, him?" he asked as he pointed on older Five "He's gonna kill you?" he said and let out a softly laugh "Yeah, right. That's ridiculous" he said as they walked down from the bridge.

"You know, you're terrible liar, Luther" Five said and he put his hands in his pockets as he turned to look at Luther "You're a worse liar than you are a spotter" Five said before he took a deep breath "I knew I should have brought Freddy instead" he said and Luther snapped his head to look at Five "Okay, whose fault is that? What good is having a spotter if you won't even listen to him?" he asked "So you admit you're conspiring against me?" Five asked "Do...Do you admit that you're suffering form paradox psychosis?" Luther asked "All I'm suffering from is bracing clarity about you and your murderous intentions" Five said aggressive as he was itching his chest before looking forward.

"Look, it's not like he's gonna 'kill you' kill you. He just wants to kill a, um...version of you" Luther said "But I am that version of me" Five said "Hey, I don't love it either, but he's actually got a pretty good plan" Luther said. 

Five glanced to the side, itching his chest again before turning back to Luther "What? The one where you guys off me and then jump to 2019 to save the world" he said and he pushed the palm of his hand against his forehead as he learned his head back uncomfortably while Luther looked at him "Yeah, wait, how did you know that?" Luther asked as Five ran his hand through his hair while he started looking more aggressive and he pointed to his past self who was ways in front of them "Because I'm him, and that is exactly what I would do if I were trying to kill me" he said as he turned to Luther while he he raised his voice.

Luther put his fingers up to his temples, pointing to nothing in front of him "Okay, all I know is we've got one Five too many and you're the one acting like a maniac" he said and Five snapped his head at Luther "Maniac? Luther, you have seen nothing. If you want a maniac, I will show you maniac" he said threatened and aggressive causing Luther to furrowed his brows while backing up slightly as Five got in his face.

"Okay, as your spotter, I think the best thing I can do for you right now is put you out of your misery" Luther said "Okay, Luther, listen" Five said and grabbed Luther's shoulders causing them both to stop and Luther turned to face him.

"I know your feeble mind only responds to age and authority, so listen very closely. Yet again, your are experiencing daddy issues" Five said, poking his fingers on Luther's chest before putting both of his hands in his pockets.

"This time with your own brother, which honestly is making me a bit crazy" he said before he inhaled while fixing his blazer "But remember this: I'm 14 days older than him" he said as he pointed at his older self "I have seniority here. So it is me you should be listening to, Luther" Five said as he pointed on himself with his thumbs.

"I'M THE DADDY HERE!" he shouted out loudly, making the pedestrians on the street to look at them before they started whispering.

"How's it going?" Luther said with a forced laugh while smiling to some people walking past them.

Luther then put a hand on Five's back as he crouched down to his height "Five, please, you're being unseemly. Look at you" he said as they started walking again after past Five.

"I admit there is possibility that I may not be in my fully...right mind right now" Five said as he was holding his right hand on his chest. "Okay, good" Luther said "But whatever I've got, he's got it too" Five said, looking at his past self "What?" Luther asked.

"Quit grab-assing. We're here" older Five said as they arrived at the place.

"Flatulence. Stage four" Luther said as they heard past Five farts.

"See? What's your plan, now, bucko?" Five asked as he rubbed his hands together before he let out a fart causing Luther to look at him "That was just lunch, all right? Shut up" Five said.


"Ben" Maddie said "Hey, sis" Ben said before he stretched his arm towards her and she grabbed it before he help her up.

"Am I dead?" Maddie asked "No" he said "Then why can I hear you? Why can I see you?" she asked "I don't know how or why, somehow you can. But right now we need to save Vanya" he said "I can't" she said "Yes you can, look at you, somehow your powers are strong enough to fight back the energy wave. You can do this, I will help you, just like all those times you have helped me" he said.

She looked at him and nodded, Ben then grabbed her hand and with his help, Maddie was able to moved forward.

High-pitched tone resonating and energy thrumming as they entered the room where Vanya was. 

Vanya was tied to a chair with something around her forehead that was giving her electricity chock while her feet was in a tray with water.

Her skin was pale and her eyes was white "VANYA" Maddie shouted but she didn't react.

"I can't get to her, the wave is too strong. What are we going to do?" Maddie asked "This is a fight for her mind. I have to go in there" Ben said "What no, Ben if you do that, then you will---" "I know" he said, cutting her off.

"Maybe this is why I have being held back for so long. So I can do the right thing in a situation like this, so I can save you and the others, just like you always used to saved me back when we were kids" he said "You can't Ben, please, there must be another way" she said "Like what? If I don't do this, you all die, I am already dead so I got nothing to lose" he said.

Thought I found a way
Thought I found a way, out (found)
But you never go away (never go away)
So I guess I gotta stay now

"Ben...I am so sorry, is my fault you are dead, if I haven't lost control, you would have still been alive" Maddie said "If you haven't lost control you would have being dead. What happen to me wasn't your fault, it was my fault, I should have listen to you and stayed where I was, but I got worried about my sister" he said "I never meant to hurt you, if I knew that I had the abilities to heal, I would have done it" she said with tears in her eyes "You didn't knew you had it back then, and even if you do, then they wasn't strong enough" he said and she looked down in sadness.

Oh, I hope some day I'll make it out of here
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years
Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near
Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear

"It still haunts you, right?" he asked and she nodded "Then maybe is time to tell the others" he said and she looked at him "I know what I said, that I made you promise not to tell anyone what really happen. I only said that because I was afraid of what Dad would do to you, lock you up in the basment again like he did to Vanya or do something worse and I was afraid what the others might think, but they have changed and if you tell them, then I don't think it will haunt you anymore" he said and she gave him a small nod.

Isn't it lovely, all alone?
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin to bone
Hello, welcome home

"I'm not afraid of what they would say, I'm afraid of my powers" she said "You don't have to be afraid of yourself or your powers anymore, it's time for you to let go of that fear" he said "You can't leave now, please" she said "It's time for me to let go. Remember all those time back when we were kids, you were there for me and saved me, now is my turn" he said.

Walkin' out of town
Lookin' for a better place (lookin' for a better place)
Something's on my mind (mind)

Always in my head space

"Please don't go" she said with tears in her eyes "I have too, this is my chance to save you. I'm not scared anymore and neither should you be. You are stronger than you know. Dad treated you as a weapon, proof to him that he was wrong, that you are not a monster or a weapon. Show people who you really are" he said.

But I know some day I'll make it out of here
Even if it takes all night or a hundred years
Need a place to hide, but I can't find one near
Wanna feel alive, outside I can't fight my fear

Maddie then wrapped her arms around Ben, giving him a hug.

Isn't it lovely, all alone?
Heart made of glass, my mind of stone
Tear me to pieces, skin and bone
Hello, welcome home

"I miss you Ben, so much" she said "I miss you, too" he said as he hugged her tighter "You didn't know it back then, but all the times you spend with Klaus, you were also spending time with me" Ben said and Maddie sob as she hugged him tighter.

He pulled away before he put each hand on her cheek and they both closed their eyes as Ben lay a kiss on her forehead, tears felled down from Maddie's eyes as her brother kissed her on the forehead.

Whoa, yeah
Yeah, ah
Whoa, whoa

"I love you sis" he said "I love you too, bro" she said.

Ben then turned around and started walking towards Vanya "I will always watch over you and the others, praying for you and Five to get together" he said and Maddie let out small chuckled "Say goodbye to Freddy from me, tell him that he is going to figure it out, he will understand what it mean and tell him that I am going to miss him" Ben said and Maddie nodded "I will" she said.

"Can you sing a song for me when I go, just this last time?" Ben asked "Of course" Maddie said before she started singing the song called 'Lovely'

Electricity was crackling as Ben grabbed Vanya's hand and he felt the electricity. He grunted as he grabbed her other hand.

Even so Ben could feel the pain, he ignored it.

"Hello, welcome home" Maddie sang as Ben went into Vanya.

"Goodbye Ben. Save her" Maddie said while tears ran down her eyes.


"This is my favorite part" older Five said as he preparing and assembling his sniper gun as the radio beside him was playing "The calm before the storm" he said.

Teen Five and Luther was standing next to each other looking at older Five.

Teen Five was breathing heavily as he was sweating and was looking more aggressive.

"Look. The briefcase" Teen Five said as his eyes was focused on the briefcase that was just beside older Five "No, don't. You won't be able to get there in time" Luther said "Of course I will. This is our only chance" teen Five said "Hey, uh, just remind me...what was the final stage of paradox psychosis again?" Luther asked "Homicidal rage" Five answered "Right. That's great" Luther said with a smile but that smile disappeared as fast as it appeared.

"Five, listen to me...I" Luther said but Five ignored his brother as he began creeping towards past Five "No. No!" Luther whispered.

But what teen Five didn't know, was that older Five was watching him through the scope of the rifle. 

And just as teen Five blinked, older Five also blinked before he appeared behind teen Five.

"Oh...shit" Luther said "Bad idea, shit-heel" older Five said and aimed the rifle at teen Five.

Luther let out a sigh before he walked over to older Five, ripping the rifle out of his hands "Stop it! All right? The both of

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