Part 2: Greetings & A Farewell

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(Y/N) awoke in a bed, a four pole bed, wrapped in (C/C) curtains. The walls were stained a (C/C). The blankets were warm, quilted and fur. The night stands were just the accessories to the beauty of it all.
        She stood up and opened on of the two doors in the room. The one she chose lead to a hallway, but the door was blocked by a figure taller than her. It was him. He stood their with his brown-ginger (ish) hair.
       "And where do you think you'll be going, Little Bitch?" he questioned. "I haven't even gotten a "good morning" or a "hello" yet, how rude," he teased. "To think I spent so much effort making this room as comfortable as possible for you."
         "Thank you for that, sir," the girl spoke.
         "Formality?" He questioned. "I am a new friend, think of me like that." He put his hand on her shoulder and started to push her backwards until she tripped on one of the legs of the bed pole, she fell back onto the cushion.
         "I am sor-" she started saying.
He advanced onto her, crawling on top of her. She started to move herself backwards, she hit the bed board. He continued to crawl to her feet. He stopped when he was hovering over them. "You look sexy in your nightgown... it perfectly adorns your (S/C) skin, reminds me of porcelain." He flirted.
        "Whatever you are going to do- please... DON'T!" (Y/N) screamed. She tried to kick him, but he grabbed her leg at the ankle before it could hit his chest.
        "Feisty Little Bitch, you are," he retorted. He came closer, pushed his mouth up to her inner thigh and ran if along, as if looking.
        Her (S/C) thigh was penetrated by fangs. Deeper and deeper. She didn't know what had been happening, so she tried to kick again, she started crying and screaming, she was confused. He was sucking the blood out of her thigh, the blood started to drip down her leg from the scene of the bite. With every kick, with every tear, his fangs penetrated further. She couldn't help but let out a pained moan. It hurt.
       He lifted his head. Blood dropped from the corners of his mouth onto the bedsheets. "Did it feel good, my little bitch?
"No!" She shouted. "It hurt, bad!"
He seemed to have been taken by surprise. He smirked, more blood dropped from the corners of his mouth. "That is a shame," he mocked, "not that I care, your blood tasted divine. It is rare, too. O- is my favorite."

"You are a motherfucking sadist, scum of the human race," she cried. Tears started to stream down her face.
He could only force out a pitiful laugh. He zoomed in closer to lick the salted tears from her face. "Scum of the human race?" He questioned. "I am the best of the vampire race! Did you just assume I was human, my little bitch?"
      "I'm sorry," she said. "Can I just leave? I won't say anything."
      "You cannot go back now, I don't know why you can't get that through your thick skull," he poked her head.
"You two," said a familiar voice. Reiji stood to the left of the bed, "you should come down for dinner. Or stay up here and have everybody else interrupt you- I don't care either way." His deep voice shred through the air.
        "You mean, those two?" Laito said. He moved himself from the thighs of (Y/N) to the left side of the bed, staring at Reiji. "Well, might as well come down and join you all for a bite."
        "Very well," Reiji said, "don't take her looking like that. I provided decent clothing. She can't join us wearing a nightgown... or her apron and tie that you found her wearing."
       The clothes were on the bed board, hanging off.  Laito left, he said he would give (Y/N) 3 minutes to change before he came back in the room. And so she did.
       She was tying the ribbon around the socks when Laito entered the room. "Ready, my little bitch?" He asked, he didn't wait for a response. Instead, grabbed her by the forearm down the hallway. (Y/N) tried to pry his hands off of her.
      She started to whine, "stop that! It hurts," she yelled.
      Laito looked at her, "oh, please instruct me. Shall I pull harder?" He said slowly, in a whisper. "Do you love the feeling on my cold hand on your warm skin, squeezing the nerves? What about my fangs when they penetrate your skin, just like you would an apple?"
      "I don't drain apples of their blood!" She pulled away and ran down the hallway. There was a light coming from around the bend accompanied by various voices, ominous and strange. She stopped running when both of her arms were grabbed and pulled back. She was being held against Laito.
      "I am sure that you already know this," he spoke softly into her ear, "but if you try to escape, you die. It's best for you to say your internal farewell now, before I drain you into a drought."
     A single tear fell down her face. Signaling Laito to move her forward towards the turn in the hallway.
       Beyond the bend were a table and 8 chairs. There was 5 boys, 1 girl. The girl was wide eyed when she saw (Y/N), this provoked a reaction from (Y/N). "Who is she?" (Y/N) asked.
       "Who cares about that?" Said a boy with red hair in a sarcastic tone, "what is your name?"
       "Enough with the names, we will have plenty of time after dinner to discuss. Meanwhile, I will just let you know why she is here," Reiji went on. "Laito found her on the street, walking home, and decided to keep her as a pet. Like a dog."
      (Y/N) sat next to the girl, who blankly states at her, up and down. "I am Yui," she whispered.
      "(Y/N)," she replied.
"Such an ugly thing to call a creature, says teddy," said a purplev haired boy.
"Why don't you cut the crap and leave her alone, Kanato?" The wall was broken by a boy with silver (pink) hair.
"You are a ball of anger, today, Subaru," said another. "Shut up. I can hear you, you know?" A boy with earphones said.
"Little Bitch," Laito Said, "meet my Little Bitch. But I heard that you two already had the conversation," Laito places his hand on their backs, he stood in between them.
"The one with the read hair is Ayato, the one with the beat is Kanato, you've met Laito, the oldest is Shuu, Reiji is the one with the grey hair and Subaru is the one who will always shatter the wall like thin porcelain," Yui explained. "If one doesn't bite you when the others do... don't assume they are different," she warned.
"What do you mean?"
"You'll find out," she sighed in relief, "I am glad that somebody else is here, captive, besides for me. It gets lonely at times."
"I find that hard to believe," Laito budded in, "all we ever do is give you constant attention, little bitch. Stop filling the mind of my little bitch with false statements."
        "I am positive they don't want you to breathe into their ear like that," Shuu said, "your voice is a nuisance."
        "Trying to pick a fight?" Laito asked.
        "Not necessarily," Shuu responded, "just need you to shut -the fuck- up."
         "Let's not end the night in tragedy. We have a new friend to play with us," Ayato said, "we should treat her like pancake."
AUTHORS NOTE: I know that you all have different breast sizes in your fantasies... but for now you are a B cup, almost a C. Deal with it.
         "But she isn't a pancake, she has some meat to her," Laito said.
        "Almost as much as a whale."
        3 of the boys starting laughing. The other 3 ate their dinner, Yui and (Y/N) didn't eat a morsel. Eventually, Reiji said he'd teach them manners if they didn't eat what was served."
       "Well, now she has enough fat to be a whale."
       "Alright!" (Y/N) stood up, "who keeps on saying that?" She started to get riled up.
       "Sit down, it was Kanato," Reiji said.
       "Can I- can I go back to bed?" (Y/N) asked. I don't feel to well..."
       "I'll carry you back up, my little bitch," Laito spoke to her, "You are probably tired still. Especially after an encounter such as this. Maybe I can help you sleep." His hand covered her face yet again, she drifted off into a slow sleep.

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