Part 10 - Fluffy Gossip

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Laito had woken up before (Y/N). She continued to sleep. Her face was red, her jaw was closed and cute. He had fallen asleep on top of her, using her breasts as a warm pillow. He gently grasped one of her breasts, squeezing it.
(Y/N) opened her eyes in a panic, "Laito, what are you doing?" she yelled. "Ah~ this is embarrassing!"
Glowing and bright, his emerald eyes pierced through the darkness of the room, "fufu... you're funny when you are like that. Tell me, my little bitch, why are you embarrassed? We have just had the depths of our bodies intertwined, and you are scared that I'll see you naked?" Laito laughed at (Y/N) once again. His cheeks had an adorable pink tint.  He smiled, revealing his long fangs.
     Speechless, (Y/N) failed to retort. Instead, she put her hand onto Laito's soft cheek and pulled him in for a hug. (Y/N) nestled her head into his chest this time.
     When I woke up, I saw her beneath me, drooling like an idiot. Oddly, despite the vulgarness, she looked cute. The face she was making reminded me of a kitten. I hurried to get my clothes on, while I hid her clothes.
      When she wakes up, we should do it again. This time, I won't give mercy or go slow. She'll be split in half. Maybe we will reach fifth base... lost in thought, I started intently at her. Her tits look soft. She was still asleep, I wanted to wake her up. Ah~ how will she react if I grab her boobs and go to town? And as I thought that, I reached out, grabbing her boob with mighty force.
     She bursted into consciousness, "Laito, what are you doing?" she yelled. "Ah~ this is embarrassing!" Her face was red, like a cherry. Her (E/C) had fear and picnic laced in them.
      The more she started at me, the more aroused I became. She made me giggle, I stayed to laugh quietly. "You're funny when you are like that. Tell me, my little bitch, why are you embarrassed? We have just had the depths of our bodies intertwined, and you are scared that I'll see you naked?" Her face turned more red than it already was, her fear dissipated. (Y/N) had a very bashful expression. This is the most beautiful I have seen her... she isn't scared, my little (Y/N) was happy. She looked like she had been fulfilled. I wanted to see that expression more. I want her to be happy, I want her to love me.
      A warm, soft hand touched my cheek. (Y/N) has placed in on my face. She, then, pulled me in. She rested her head on my chest. I could feel her warmth fill my core. Somehow, I felt complete. I felt like I needed nothing more than to see her, than to feel her. She breathed through my jacket, I sniffed her soft hair. It smelled like us.

I woke up to somebody grabbing my breast will the force of 1000 stars. My boobs were sore like hell. I woke up in a panick, I didn't know who or what had groped me. Whoever it was, their hands were very cold.
When I flung up from my resting position, I saw Laito. He was smiling and giggling at me like nothing had happened. What? He just groped me and he is fine with it? He hasn't removed his hand yet... "Laito, what are you doing?" I yelled. "Ah~ this is embarrassing!" Which... it isn't really embarrassing. I enjoy it. I want to be embraced by Laito more. I feel truly happy, at peace now. There was a pain between my thighs, it was sore and tender. I quickly glanced down to see an ocean of blood and cum. I was a mess.
      In the moment, something sparked within my chest. It was the feeling of pure love and affection, I glanced up at him, he smiled back. My muscles acted without my consent. Reaching to touch his cheek, I pulled him closer. I wanted to be as close to Laito as I possibly could. Don't leave me alone... not now, not forever. His chest was colder than mine, but I made do. So what if I am a little cold for my love? That doesn't matter now.
NOBODY'S POV (Time Overlap):
I wrote what comes next while high on sleeping pills....
       The five brothers and Yui gathered around the entrance hall. They were readying themselves to go to school. Laito and (Y/N) were nowhere to be found. They could sense her presence, and smell her unique smell, from around the mansion. But not a one saw either or.
       "I guess he impaled her last night," Ayato remarked. "She smells too tempting now, next time I might have to join them!" He raised his voice.
       "Yes," Kanato said, "she smells delicious, it's almost irresistible. Teddy, what do you think about (Y/N)'s new scent? What is it that you said? Oh~ you like it? I do, too," he laughed to himself, grasping the bear tighter.
       "What are you guys talking about?" Yui asked innocently.
       "When a girl loses her virginity, the scent of one'a blood changes.," AYATO SAID softly to Yui. Not high anymore by the way. "It's noticeable to us, we can smell her." He sniffed the air and sighed, "damnit, I wanted to be her first everything."
       Kanato glanced at Ayato, "I wanted to, too. Laito is just greedy, why couldn't we share her body? I wouldn't mind getting the back," he smiled at his little bear. "You would watch, Teddy. You would enjoy that, wouldn't you?" He started to laugh maniacally.
Yui's POV:
No... did she really sleep with Laito? I guess it has to be true, I just hope it was consentful. I walked into the car with everybody else, Reiji held the door open for me.
     When the 5 brothers were in the car, we started to converse about the conversation. I had to ask, "if they do decide to come to school, will they be able to get a ride?" I was concerned about (Y/N)'s graces. After all, she was the only girl that lived in the mansion besides for me. So I cared.
      Reiji fixes his glasses like usual, "the car returns to the mansion everyday after dropping us off. After home room will be the earliest they will be able to go in," he stared into my soul. "I don't expect him to come in."
      "I wouldn't be surprised if it was rape," Subaru stated, "he's done that before, who's to say he won't do it again? Goddamn pervert."
"Chill, Subaru," Ayato demanded. "The sex sounded great, I heard it from my room. It couldn't have been rape if she was making noises like those," Ayato smiled.
Did he actually hear it? I should stay quiet, I don't want to be dragged into this conversation. I looked down, hands on my knees. I'm glad to hear that it most likely wasn't rape, but what about STD's or STI's? I'm sorry to think such awful things about Laito, but I wouldn't be surprised if he has one or the other.
       "A penny for your thoughts, Pancake, what's on your mind?" Ayato said to me, I stared at him in shock. He pulled me out of my trance.
       "Oh~" I said, "I am just worried for (Y/N), is all," I couldn't lie to him, I really was worried about  her. The car came to an abrupt stop as we arrived at the school.
     "We are here," Reiji said, "Shu, did you hear that entire conversation? Or did you sleep through it?" He scolded Shu for constantly sleeping while everybody was conversing. "It's extremely rude to sleep when others are engaging in conversation."
      "Like I care..." he retorted.
     We all exited the car, I hurried to my class. I wanted to remove myself from that awkward conversation as soon as possible.

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