20 | Feel Used

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Sunoo walked to school unexpectedly faster than usually. Yesterday was a huge mystery for him so he thought today he would get to know what and why those events took place.

He was anxiously jogging when the school building was in sight, not wanting to wait any longer.

Perhaps naively, the blond hoped Ni-Ki would arrive at school earlier that day so he could get an explanation quicker. Waiting for it a couple of periods didn't seem like a fun option.

Sunoo hurriedly got inside, immediately searching around for a familiar face of his vampire friend.

Honestly speaking, who the hell would go to school about half an hour earlier than needed? Masochists maybe.

Still, he went to the chilling area where most of the commuters from the outskirts and other towns nearby waited for the classes as they couldn't figure out a mean of transport to take them to school on time.

A few steps in and Sunoo noticed the familiarly looking tall figure with black hair standing somewhere near a wall, their back facing the blond.

'Niki!' Sunoo thought to himself.

He wanted to approach the younger when suddenly he saw another familiar figure already approaching him instead.

"Sunoo-ssi!" Yoonsol exclaimed as he walked towards the called out person.

That was when Niki turned over to see if someone actually meant the Sunoo he knew, however, when he realised who was shouting the name, he maddened.

"Yoonsol... hello," Sunoo said, complicated.

"Are you okay? You left so quickly yesterday, I felt abandoned, don't do that again!" He responded, trying to make a joke, yet, sounding threating.

"I umm, I'm deeply sorry," the blond apologised, confused with the other's statement while feeling a bit guilty.

Before they could continue their conversation, Niki interrupted, smoothly sneaking to stand beside Sunoo.

"Hi Sunoo hyung, hi... Sunoo's friend-ssi? Anyways, why are you here so early?" Niki asked, sensing his hyung's nervousness, thus, holding his arm from behind while trying to come across as calm.

"I actually wanted to-"

"And who are YOU by the way? Some kiddo interrupting our conversation?" Yoonsol spoke, already too annoyed.

"I am Sunoo hyung's dear friend and we were going to head to our class now, why?" Niki fake smiled to the older.

"Oh really? Well I don't think that was what Sunoo initially wanted to do, is it?" the red-headed inquired, giving a demanding look at the sunshine.

Sunoo felt Ni-Ki slightly squeeze his arm, indicating he wanted Sunoo to answer in some way.

"I wanted to go to class with Niki, yes. Sorry, we'll get going now, bye!" Sunoo answered as he dragged the vampire with him to get away from the place.

When they where somewhere close to the classroom and away from the chill area, Riki made the older stop and look at him.

"I will tell you what's going on. Just not now. We don't have enough time and this thing is too complicated to talk about in such a short amount of time. Let's discuss it after the classes, okay? We have few of them today so you'll be able to wait, right, hyung?" Niki explained.

Sunoo listened carefully, "I guess I can, just don't make me wait after school."

"Of course," Ni-Ki spoke. "Just one more thing - don't meet up or contact this Yoonsol guy at all cost, please."

Even though Sunoo couldn't get why not, he himself wasn't keen on the idea either so he didn't complain or question the request.

"I won't, Riki," he reassured.

"Thank you, now let's go to the class. I'll find you after school so don't worry."

"Whatever you say..."

Sunoo walked in circles, looking out for the vampire that promised him to tell the truth about the red-head the blond got to know.

"He said he'd find me after school. 'After school' is now and he's nowhere to be found. What a liar." Sunoo scoffed, already regretting agreeing to the request the other made.

"I heard that." Niki walked from behind a corner, hands in pockets.

He stepped in front of the shorter, giving him a questioning look while smirking.

The blond got red as a tomato, looking away from the younger, "You took me off guard, that's not fair."

"Excuses," the dark-haired spoke as he brushed back his hair. He secretly enjoyed seeing his hyung become a mess because of his actions.

They stayed like that for a couple more seconds, Ni-Ki adoring the shorter boy under him blushing and panicking, and Sunoo desperately trying to vanish from this world and forget everything.

"You wanted to know about the red weirdo, right?" Niki said, now more serious, placing his hand on the other's shoulder.

The simple act made the blond's heart beat so fast he thought it would burst out of his chest.

"Hyung? You haven't seen me a few hours and you start acting weird, somethings wrong?"

"No, I'm okay! Now please explain the thing with Yoonsol, just ignore everything else," Sunoo somehow managed to mumble out, fighting with the urge to run away from the pressure he was experiencing.

His brain played with him today, normally Ni-Ki wouldn't have that much of an impact on him but now his presence felt stronger. Maybe he did something to make Sunoo feel that way?

(Spoiler, no, Niki didn't do anything, it's just Sunoo and his treacherous heart♡)

"But we have to go somewhere, it's not only me who will be explaining," the vampire stated.

"Then let's go, I don't wanna wait any second longer," Sunoo spoke, annoyed at this point. For how long can the truth be hidden from him. Especially when he's in the middle of it all.

They went to a field on the school's property where there were placed some sort of picnic tables to fit more people. It was located far from the building as well as no students were seen there for the time being, making it a perfect spot to discuss a rather confidential topic.

On their way they could already see two people sitting at one of the tables, Niki waving at them to signal it was them who were drawing near.

Once the duo arrived, everyone bowed to one another and sat down together, awkwardly staring at each other.

"You're here to discuss the Yoonsol situation, correct?" Sunghoon asked, having unreadable face while doing so.

posting after what feels like (it has been tbh) ages? sure.
sorry and ill try my best to finish posting chapters for this book.

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