18 | Watch Out

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"Hi, Yoonsol, you wanted to meet up with me? I read the message," Sunoo questioned as he stepped closer to the boy.

They were now in the hallway, though, there was less people attending the place since some of the students finished their schedule for the day.

Just like the others, Sunoo also had ended all of his classes. He was the one who set up their meeting, wanting to have actual time talk to the red-head without rushing the conversation.

"Yes, I did want," Yoonsol began. "But it's not related to the project, though..."

Sunoo simply nodded lightly.

"Is that okay with you?" he inquired, catching the blond off guard.

"What are you talking about, of course you can contact me whenever you want to. I thought we could form an actual friendship outside your project, isn't it?" Sunoo gestured a lot, reassuring the taller.

Yoonsol sighed out of relief, "Thank you. And yes, I wish to have you as my real friend, I didn't mean to make it look like I don't!"

"I'm probably overinterpreting your words and such, it is not your fault, sorry."

Yoonsol cracked a smile, "If you say so... about what I said earlier, do you mind helping me with maths? I'm not good at calculating stuff and I heard you have good grades," he fidgeted while talking.

"How do you know that?" Sunoo was caught off guard, he never boasted of or even shared his achievements. "I mean, I guess you could say I do. If there's anything I could help you with, then I gladly will try to," Sunoo spoke, agreeing out of politeness but also some sympathy he had towards Yoonsol.

"You are literally saving my life right now! When can we start the tutoring? I'd like to begin as quickly as possible if I were honest."

"Turoring?!" Sunoo thought. That word was at least a bit much to use. The blond just wanted to help out the other once. Tutoring would mean doing it regularly, right?

"Sunoo? You there, hun?" Yoonsol waved his hand in front of the frozen sun.

"HUN? AS IN 'HONEY'?" Sunoo's cheeks were now tinted with a reddish tone, feeling somewhat uncomfortable and flustered with the name from his friend.

"Y-yeah, um, actually, why don't we start today? What do you think?" The sunshine asked in panic, not thinking the response through.

A second after realising his stupidity, Sunoo facepalmed himself mentally. He has just suggested they started today. He didn't mean to do that. He didn't want to "tutor" anybody at all.

Yoonsol smirked lightly at the response,  yet, quickly got a hold of himself, "Omg, you're serious?! Yes, please, today would be awesome!" Yoonsol sounded excited, like a little kid getting a sweet treat from their parent.

"Very awesome, indeed.... where do you want to do it? We can go and find some place-"

"At my place!" Yoonsol shouted, cutting him off completely.

"Oh." Sunoo didn't expect that answer.

"So it's settled? Let's go?" The red-headed pointed at the back with his hand.

"Let's... let's go," Sunoo hesitated but felt like he had no other option to choose from, so he gave up. Besides, he would feel too guilty if he didn't help the taller.

'We were supposed to meet up at a house anyway, well, at my house but that's also okay, right??' Sunoo thought.

And they walked together in the direction of Yoonsol's house. There was a complete silence between them, neither comfortable nor awkward one.

To be honest, Sunoo wasn't sure he could call Yoonsol his friend. That would mean he knew the latter a bit, presumably. The blond didn't know much about him, though. The only time they shared information about each other happened to be only Sunoo sharing. He didn't notice it until now. He would have blamed on himself but, quite frankly speaking, Yoonsol didn't seem to want to talk about himself. Like, at all.

The random thoughts and following retrospective to the past situations including Yoonsol talking with Sunoo, made the blond realise he does not know his "friend". He may say something about the latter's personality but that would be it. Is that... normal?

'What is normal anyway, right?' Sunoo asked himself, deep in thoughts while walking slightly failing to keep up with the red-head's pace.

Yoonsol turned around to see a semi-gloomy sunshine, obviously not in the best state, "Sunoo? You alright? You look blue."

"Yeah, everything is just fine, don't-" Once again Sunoo was cut off, this time not by someone but rather something. His phone ringtone.

"I'm so sorry, someone's calling," the blond took out his phone. "Oh, it's um..."

"Is it your best friend?"

"What, how do you- it is," Sunoo was surprised the other knew about his best friend's name somehow. "It's Jungwon, yeah, I need to pick up..."

Sunoo was about to answer the call but Yoonsol had stopped him, blocking the screen from the latter.

"Don't answer him," the red-headed looked like under pressure or stressed. "I thought we were supposed to hang out and focus on maths, weren't we, Sunoo-ssi?"

"You are right but it's my best friend-"

"It's probably not important anyway, just ignore the call and chat with me instead?" Yoonsol smiled foolishly.

Sunoo did what he was told to do, not wanting to upset the other, "I guess, if you say so," he shrugged.

Not more than a minute before the incident Ni-Ki happened to be passing by the place where the two were, just a sidewalk away from them.

Initially he wanted to approach them, yet, something told him to wait for a second and let the scene happen.

As soon as the vampire watched Yoonsol interact with Sunoo, something felt off. He was too far away to realise what it was but it was more than enough to make him alerted and take action.

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