13 | Silver & Ruby

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Niki looked at the older confusingly, "Why do you ask?"

Sharing such strange information felt like some TMI no one would like to know. He found his routine embarrassing or even gross. Yes, he wasn't the only who did it but it didn't help the case. The boy treated it as a completely different experience than eating meat - like humans would - since he aimed exclusively for the animals' blood. Furthermore, he killed the prey on the spot, not caring to prepare it and etcetera.

In a short summary, Riki felt hideous and was scared to say anything about the topic.

"Um, I don't know actually. Just out of curiosity, probably. Though, I'm kinda intrigued by the idea," Sunoo admitted, stating it as a matter of fact.

"Well then," Niki paused for a second. "I only drink it when I truly need it. Sometimes I suppress the hunger until I'm on a verge of sanity..." The last sentence sounded like a whisper full of guilt and sorrow.

"A-are you serious?" Sunoo inquired, full of concern for the other.

"Yeah. I'm fine, though. I usually need it once every two weeks. So adding the days I'm holding myself back from doing, I can last up to one month or two months without any blood," he spoke with a bitter smile on his face.

"Riki! That sounds like famine!" Sunoo more scolded him than shared his opinion.

"No, hyung, I'm utterly fine. Until the hunt I eat normal food and drink other liquids. They fill me up well enough to survive."

Sunoo took steps back to get to Ni-Ki as he was until then ahead of the latter by a few metres, "I don't think vampires can substitute blood that well, can they?" He pouted a little, feeling pity for the poor vampire.

"But I'm okay. I've got used to that lifestyle, Sunoo-ssi. No need to worry," Niki reassured.

Right after stating the fact, Riki yelped as he held his head with a hand to support it.

"Riki?!" Sunoo felt alarmed as he saw the younger's sudden movement and painful sound coming out of the latter's mouth.

"It's nothing, really," the younger spoke weakly, trying to recover from the pain.

The blond didn't buy it. The vampire sounded like he was in great pain to say the least. He ignored the latter's words and proceeded to get trough the tall bushes to help him.

While on the way, he accidentally scratched his hand as he tried to support himself by taking hold of a close-by branch of a tree. He hissed at the sensation, checking his hand where the scratch appeared.

Just when Sunoo glanced at his hand, Ni-Ki suddenly jerked his head up to look at the older's wounded part of the body.

Without realising his sense of smell as well as sight sharpened, enabling him to focus on the injured hand and not be distracted by the pain or his other surroundings.

"Ouch... Niki, are you okay?" Sunoo averted his eyes to the younger, disregarding the mark.

"Please don't come closer," the vampire stated, still transfixed and terrified of his instincts but also sent to some sort of trance.

"I want to help you, though. Don't be so stubborn!"

"You don't understand, please..." he begged, breathing heavily while nervously clenching his hands.

"But I want to understand, Niki, I really do." There was now only a small gap between the two, making the younger shut his eyes.

"I don't want hurt you, hyung. I can't control myself I-" He tried covering his mouth to stop the urge.

The reactions made Sunoo realise what the younger meant. He saddened at the realisation, then enquired rather rethoricaly; "You haven't eaten in a while, have you?"

"H-how do you..."

"It's okay. We tend to do things against our own will. It's an universal experience," Sunoo reasoned with a caring tone.

By just Sunoo's voice Ni-Ki sensed the older's unexplainable calmness while speaking. Calmness that the younger couldn't get a reason for to radiate from the other because he was transforming into a blood-sucking monster right next to his hyung.

"You refrained from eating for so long. You did well," he continued, smiling softly. "You deserve an award for the effort, so let me help you."

Sunoo took the younger's hand, rubbing circles on the back of it, "You shouldn't help me," Ni-Ki uttered, hardly standing.

"You deserve to rest, Riki. Let yourself rest. Do it for me, please."

Niki eventually opened his eyes as he couldn't resist the urge to drink anymore. One last time he gazed at the older for a moment - as if asking for permission - examining his ethereal face covered by the silvery rays of the moon before digging his teeth deep into Sunoo's neck.

The delicate skin of the blond's thrilled the vampire. He experienced that kind of sensation for the first time, making him eager for more and more.

On the other hand, Sunoo let out a single tear while being fed on. Contrary to the last time the younger buried his fangs into his skin, the stinging felt more distinctive from other sensations. Besides it, the pain was sharper and the feeling of the blood lessening was uncanny and hard to even explain.

In spite of all the negative aspects, Sunoo felt completely safe. The younger's hands settled on his back, making Ni-Ki embrace the blond. Owing to the fact, the older could endure the burning pain, relaxing in the hug.

After filling himself up to the fullest, which felt like forever for both of them, Niki detached himself from the neck.

His brain was yet processing the most recent events as Sunoo cupped the vampire's distressed face.

"I hope you feel better now. You must've been starving a lot for all this time..." he said which sounded too calm to be true. Sunoo didn't show any signs of anger, madness or despair; instead he brimmed with sheer serenity, as if he spent the last few minutes meditating.

"You're an angel," the younger muttered out of breath, still not fully aware of his surroundings.

Sunoo chuckled lightly, "Your angel," he corrected, though he knew the other didn't hear him due to his current state.

Shortly after, Riki gained full consciousness; widening eyes at Sunoo, "What have I done?! I let myself feed on you, I cannot believe it," he started panicking.

"Ni-Ki, it is okay. I allowed it to happen myself," the blond tried to explain.

"No! I hurt you so much, I'm guilty and should be badly punished for what I've done," he shouted.

"Riki Nishimura, stop it," Sunoo said gravely, getting the latter's attention. "I wanted you to gain your energy back and end your stupid starvation. I consented to give you my blood so don't question it's rightness."

Niki hung his head low, nodding at the older's words, "Wait, but how did you know I wouldn't suck out all of your blood and literally kill you?" he suddenly inquired.

"I didn't, I just trusted you."

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