Wow It Hurts Alot

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Lisa pov

It hurts, it hurts so much to see them holding hands with big smiles on their face and the fact that she say she will consider me....

Nancy touching me constantly gives me the irk, I slammed the table and asked for a toilet break .Mr Leo was not really happy with me slamming the table and disrupting his class.  However he still gave me the green light so i head to mina's class to ask mina for advices....

"Hey mr Potts can I borrow Mina for a while???"

"why do you need mina?"Mr potts asked

"it's for class purposes." I lied

"Ok then you only get 30 minutes." said Mr Potts

When mina came out she immediately caresses my face. 

"Lisa what's wrong? why are your eyes so red and puffy?"

"Mina I saw her and him together they were holding hands and walking side by side with smiles on their faces, my heart is aching and i do not know why." i said before leaning towards Mina's hands. 

"Lisa.... don't be sad because of them there are plenty of people outside wanting to date you... including me." Mina said quietly

"what?" I asked still sobbing a little.

"oh nothing.... all I'm saying that you go out there and ignore her show her that you can do as great with or without her." said Mina while patting my head. 

"Ok mina you're right I'll do it i'll start to ignore her and give her cold shoulders from now on, thanks mina yah" I hugged her before leaving. 

*Bang the door open*

miss manoban May I ask why is your toilet break so long? Mr leo said pissed

"sorry Mr leo just some woman stuff..." I lied again.

"ok go back to your seat you're late for 35 minutes..." Mr Leo reprimanded. 

i bow apologetic before heading to the backseat.

"Lili..." jennie called when I went past her I didn't even look at her I just straight went to my back seat and opened my book but I don't plan to study today, I'm just gonna sleep.

Jennie pov
Lili eyes are red and puffy I can see it even though she covered it with her hood,  I really hurt her bad today.

you're really a good friend jennie a very good one instead, I mentally slap myself and kept scolding myself in my head.

Biology was the last class because today we have lock down drill so it's gonna take the whole day. Once class was over I walked to lili.

"errr lili can you hear me explain first please I beg you"

"excuse me unnie you're blocking my way" Lisa said staring deep into my soul with her cold eyes. The fire in her eyes, the joy is completely gone. I could not read her eyes no matter how hard i tried as she would always look away from me. 

She called me unnie.... Is it really over between us lisa yah.... I let her walked past, but before she could walk further I hold her hands

"please lili just let me explain please"

"no not here meet me at my house at 5 if you want to talk about it" said lisa before walking away. 

ok I'll meet you at 5.

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