It's Good to Be Back

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you guys got off the plane and waited around for baggage claim.

"Everything okay with your flight?"

"yea. I slept through most of it anyway."

"Then why is he acting like that?"

Hanyu points and Mingrui who was holding up his jacket with his pointer finger and thumb, and when he took a sniff out of it, he gagged

"Yeah...I kind of used his jacket as a wall between me and the guy...and he ended up sitting on it..."

"Wait, you didn't tell me what happened last night."

"I did."

"all you told me is that he confessed and you said I don't know."

"and that's all that happened."

"Details. I need the DETAILS."

"You sound like Eundong..."

"Never insult me like that again."

"Well...I went to go give my brother a cookie and then he told me Mingrui was sitting outside. So I went down and gave him a cookie...he was crying...he said he was thinking about the things that would have happened if he wasn't there...i told him not to think like that and so on..."


"Xinlong texted me. Mingrui asked what he said and Xinlong said he wanted to talk...he started to talk about how he was insensitive and how we were already broken i was about to go inside he confessed. I told him I needed time to think...and that's that."


"Will you shut up?"

"What perfect timing...You're home. In China. Where you two grew up with each other. Where you two shared your first laugh. First hug...first kiss..."

"Seriously Hanyu. Shut up."

you saw you luggage so you grabbed it. All of you walked out together. Mingrui immediately ran to his family

"Mom! Dad!"

he hugged them and then looked back at you

"Lin Li Fang!"

he signals you to come over

"Hi Mr. and Mrs.Gou"

"Wow, look at you!"

they both hug you

"You're still so pretty."

"Thank you..."

"Hi, JieJie."

"Well isn't it Little Ms.Princess."

you two laugh and you hug you

"Holy crap your so big now!"

"Xiao Xiao! Let's get going."

"Coming!...well, I'll see you guys around."

"Hope so."

you say your goodbyes and go over to Hanyu's house with your family

"Hello, Mrs.Jia."

"Hi Lin Li Fang."

"Thank you so much for letting us stay."

"of course!"

"Auntie FangFang."

Hanyu's mom gasps

"My grand baby!"

she picks up Gou Ji and drowns her in kisses

"Lin Li Faaaaaaang!"

Shuyang runs to you and picks you up

"Shuyang! Zeyu!"

he puts you down and you hug both of the boys

"So what are we doing first?"

"Eating out? Play video games? repainting the park?!"

"um...unpacking my stuff. I'll give you guys a call when i'm settled."


"XiaoXiao, why don't you go out with your friends. I can help you unpack later."

"What's the catch?"

"Daddy, can I have a snack?"

your brother looks at you

"alright fine. Xiao Xiao Gou, let's go eat."


she runs to you

"Hi Gou Ji~"

"Hey...where's Uncle GouGou."

"Glad we're worth remembering ."

"We can go meet up with him later."

"I don't think he's doing anything now."

"We can meet him on the way."

you four start to walk

"Hey, what's up with your sister."

"She goes to school in Hong Kong. Once she's there, she doesn't want to leave. She's spending the holidays at her new boyfriend's house."

"Well, glad she's happy."

"Auntie, where's Uncle GouGou?"

"Did someone say my name?"

Mingrui picked up Gou Ji from behind and sits her on his shoulders

"Uncle GouGou~"

"Oh my god, what'd they do to my house?"

you saw your old house and they painted it a bright pink

"Some old lady with 50 cats moved there not too long after you moved

"ew...I'm more of a dog person."

"So where we going?"

"Mini mart?"

"I'm hungry~"

"Me too!"

"Let's go~"

Mingrui holds onto her and starts to run

you put your arms around Zeyu and Shuyang

"It's good to be back..."

You guys got to the Mini mart. You and Mingrui went in to buy food while Zeyu and Shuyang sat outside with Gou Ji

you were looking at the self of instant noodles. you picked out one for Gou Ji, and you turned around to find Mingrui standing right in front of you

"Sorry. One second."

he puts one of his hands on your shoulder then uses the other to reach over your head to grab a pack of instant noodles

you stared blankly into his chest. you don't know why but you felt nervous. when he looked down at you, your heart stopped beating

"Sorry, should I get beef or shrimp flavor?"

"W-Well...shrimp makes your stomach hurt, so beef..."

"oh that's right. Thanks, FangFang."

he grabs it from the shelf and takes yours out of your hand then started to walk away

"What are you doing?"


"I'll do it. It's fine. She's my niece."

"and she still calls me Uncle."

he hands the cashier his money

"Lin Li Fang? Gou Mingrui?"

you looked at the cashier and it's the same one from when you two were younger

"Wow...I see you two are still hanging around together"


"Wow...I haven't seen you two in here together since you guys were in high school. How old are you guys now? second year of college?"


"...well good to see you two again."

"You too."

you two make the instant noodles and go outside to where the others were sitting


"Where's our food?"

"Man, buy your own."

"Screw you."

"Yeah! Screw you!"

you four laugh

"Xiao Xiao Gou, never. NEVER repeat anything those two say. understand?"


she sits up and takes a bite out of her food


you wipe her mouth.

"Auntie, can we go to the park! please!"

"Eat first, okay?"

She stuffs her mouth

"I'm full."

"you sure?"

"mhm, can we go now?"

"So if I let Uncle Shuyang finish this, you won't get mad? won't complain that you're hungry?"

""yes! Now hurry!"

you slide the bowl over to Shuyang

"We have to wait for your uncles to finish"

"Hurry up!"

"okay, okay."

the two boys finish eating and you guys go to the park

"play ground~"

Gou Ji runs to the play ground and you watch her play with Shuyang and Zeyu from the swings

"This swing taken?"

"all yours."

he sits down and slowly starts to swing back and forth

he looked at you and saw your eyes drawn to the wall you used to paint on. It was all covered in scribbles and there wasn't one bit of your work left

"we tried to keep your stuff seen...but it was difficult."


all of a sudden, you heard crying

"Gou Ji!"

you ran to the play set and saw her. You ran up the stairs to the tiny bridge. You saw a string at the end of one side so you hopped over it.

"Are you okay?!"



"You didn't-"

"Is everything o-"

Mingrui tripped over the string

"You didn't do that."

"I think we should head home, huh?"

"Aww, already?"

"your mom and dad might be wanting us home. plus, Grandma and Grandpa wanna see you."

"Fiiiiine. Uncle GouGou?"

Mingrui slowly gets up

" back..."

"We really are old, huh?"

"Uncle Zeyu."

she puts her arms up and Zeyu picks Gou Ji up

"you like putting these boys to work for you?"


you guys want back to Hanyu places to find some guys standing at the front door

"Awe shit..."

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