T is.. different I know they are going to see this but fuck it. T is and has been one of my best friends for almost 2 years. I love them but for what I now know they only used to love me the way other than friends. Now from what I know again they are in love with someone else I mean the person they love are gorgeous how could I blame them. But T has short fluffy frequently dyed hair. With sky blue eyes I feel like I could look into there eyes all day but yet again I am not going to fuck with their relationship i'm not that kind of person. I would do anything to be in their place but I know that I won't and can't be. If I do say anything all that it would be that I was jealous and then I would move on at least I would try too deep down knowing that I wouldn't. They are amazing, they are gorgeous, and have a amazing personality. They are very funny, and and care about all their friends and will stick up for them if needed. They are free of care and will do as they please and say as they please when they want. I love that about them, I just want to know the real them as well as I can. I want to be able to kiss their lips but instead I will watch them smile and laugh and just be happy there isn't much else I can do.
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