Chapter 9

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"He's going to reclaim all land and people back under the DreamSMP territory".

No one says anything. 

"He what-?", Tommy starts.

Dream bursts through the door, glowing axe in hand. 

"Stop talking, everyone. Especially you, y/n". 

Tommy cowers in the corner. 

"Tommy", Dream comments. 

"Dream", he nervously mutters back. 

"I'll let you all go about your business, if you give up y/n now", Dream says, stepping into the house. "Don't take this wrong, I'll be back for you sometime", Dream continues, nodding at Tommy.

"I won't let you take her", Technoblade says, standing between me and Dream. 

"Hmm, we'll see about that". 

Dream disappears. 

"Where did he- ah!", I yelp. 

Dream was magically behind me and had scooped me off my feet. I see something in his hand. Wait is that a? I suddenly recognized it. 

"Wait, stop him! NOO-", I frantically shriek, trying to wriggle out of his arms. 

Dream throws the ender pearl and we are now outside. I hear enraged voices from inside the house. Dream produces a stack of ender pearls and throws them one after another, creating a large distance between us and Techno's house. 

"No, no, no, no, no", I whisper, "please no". 

I weakly try pushing off of Dream's chest, but his arms don't budge. 

"Don't put me back", I plead quietly. 

If Dream heard me, he didn't acknowledge me. Eventually, Dream stops pearling and just walks, still carrying me. He carefully navigates through the forestry terrain, until we reach a small wooden house where he carries me inside and places me on a chair. I look around, it looks like a normal house. Dream starts walking away. 

"STOP", I yell, panicking. 

Dream freezes and turns around to look at me. 

"What", he asks, annoyed. 

"Is there... is this... please don't pull any levers", I stammer, getting flashbacks to the last time Dream left me in a room alone. 

"Relax, this is just a house". 

I let out a shaky sigh of relief. 

Dream leaves the room but returns shortly after. He pulls up another chair, placing it across from mine. It was almost like the first time we met all over again. We sit in silence, staring at each other. I'm the first to talk. 

"I've always hated that mask." 

"I know." 

"I hate you." 

"You don't mean that." 

"Yes, I do." 

"No, you don't." 

We sit silently for a few more moments- the whole time I'm staring daggers at his stupid mask. 

"Why did you bring me here?" 

"You know why." 

"No, I don't." 

"Yes, you do." 

"Stop being cryptic and just tell me!", I yell, annoyed at Dream's blunt answers. 

"You're my backup plan and I need you around. How about you tell me how you escaped my containment room", Dream challenges. 

"I was lying there when I heard distant voices. I was carried out and brought to Techno's house", I confess.

"Huh, so I just didn't hide you well enough", Dream muses. 

My eyes widen as I glance around at the house we were in now. Dream notices. 

"Calm yourself, I hated having you in that room and don't plan on putting you back. Instead, I have an offer. I will allow you to either live here with me, freely, or go back to Technoblade's house." 

I pause to think. "What's in it for you?" 

"I want you to train and become a fighter", Dream responds immediately.

"What- why do you want me to become a fighter?", I ask confused.

"Because, y/n, you're so much fun to have around. I want to see you become more powerful." 

I stare at Dream's mask. 

"I want you to take me back", I say. 

He pauses. "Ok, Technoblade will be an excellent teacher."


We get back to the house just in time to catch Technoblade leaving. He's in full enchanted netherite. I call out his name as we approach. 

"Y/n!", he calls back. "Wait... Dream?" 

I run up to him, "Dream is letting me go". 

"Huh, why?" 

"I'll explain later, don't worry it's not bad", I add, seeing his concerned expression. 

I turn back around to face Dream. "You can go. Oh and feel free to never come back." 

He smirks. "I'm leaving, but next time I come, if you're not ready, I'm not giving you back." 

With that, he turns and pearls away.

Techno and I walk back inside to find Tommy and Philza waiting. 

"Back already, how?", Philza asks. 

"Did you kill him that quickly?", Tommy laughs. 

"No... he just gave her back." 

"What?", they both ask in unison. 

The three of them turn to me expectantly. 

"He said he would give me back if I learned how to become a fighter", I explain. 

Their faces remained blank, seeking further explanation. 

"He said I was fun and he wanted to see me become powerful." 

Tommy's face pales. "Oh no." 

"What?", I ask, concerned by the sudden change in Tommy's demeanor.

"You don't want Dream to find you fun", Tommy says nervously. 

"What do you mean?", Philza asks. 

"Dream got Tubbo to turn on me because he found me fun, he got me exiled because he found me fun, he became obsessed with stealing my discs because he found me fun", Tommy yells.

Wait, I think. Tommy was a main character of the Dream SMP, making Dream his villain. If Dream was showing similar habits towards me now... does that mean I'm becoming part of the script? Am I becoming a character in the story? 

Technoblade stares at me. "Well I don't care what Dream wants us to do, I'm training you so next time he tries to come and mess with any of us, we're ready". 

I nod with approval.

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