Chapter 30

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*~-~-~-~-~POV Y/n~-~-~-~-~*

My eyes flutter open and I look around wildly. Nothing is in sight, in fact, the room is void of any color. I glance around to see that I am alone. Did Dream- did he kill me again? Am I back at that place between life and death? 

As if wanting to answer my question, Wilbur materializes beside me.  "Well hello y/n. It's been a while since I've been able to speak to you privately". 

I turn to face him, clenching my fists. "Why did you tell Dream to kill me? What do you want?" 

"Well, I've been meaning to tell you how rude it was of you to reveal me to the world", Wilbur says, stepping closer to me. 

"Maybe you shouldn't be controlling people then!" 

I try to take a swing at Wilbur but he disappears and rematerializes behind me, knocking me over. I quickly get back up on my feet to face him, yet he vanishes once again. I look around wildly, fist raised, slowly turning in a circle, waiting for Wilbur to reappear. 

His voice laughs in my ear, "As much as I'd love to continue this fight, I need you in order to continue with the plan". 

"What plan?" 

My body freezes and Wilbur rematerializes in front of me. I strain against the invisible threads holding me in place making Wilbur tut disapprovingly. "Silly y/n, even in this state I am more powerful than you will ever be. In fact, now that you're dead and in this realm- I can take complete control over you". 

I strain, this time not to fight Wilbur, but to get away instead as fear consumes me. 

"Don't worry y/n, I'll make sure you get a front seat to your friends' demise". 

Wilbur steps forward and places a freezing hand on my shoulder. The harsh cold spreads over my body, causing everything to slowly turn numb.

Eventually, I can no longer feel my body and I collapse, the invisible threads no longer holding me. Wilbur stands overhead, casually observing what was happening to me. 

Without warning, I feel the invisible threads attack and completely wrap around and entangle me. I'm desperately trying to free myself from the invisible bonds that I don't even notice I'm standing up. In fact, I can't even feel that I am standing. Wilbur smiles at me with a dark glint in his eye.

"Ah yes, I can sense you still fighting in there. How does it feel, y/n? You see, I've always been able to take control of people, but I've never understood what it exactly feels like". 

I stop fighting the threads in my mind to process what was happening in the real world: how I was no longer in control of my body. 

"Oh, you're giving up so soon", Wilbur says with a smirk.

Enraged, I use every ounce of my strength to take control of my body, managing to take a step towards Wilbur, my fist raised to punch him.

Wilbur tilts his head and I can feel the threads pulling me deeper and deeper into the recesses of my mind. I lose control of my body, my enclosed fist relaxing by my side.

"Impressive, but you won't be in control for a long time. Not until I'm done with this world- then I'll free you only to see the damage left behind. Now, let's get you resurrected," Wilbur says. "You have some work to do!"

I'm screaming and clawing against the mental restraints entrapping me in my own mind, but my physical body stands still, obedient to Wilbur.

"Oh, and y/n, do enjoy the show", Wilbur says with a smirk as I feel myself transition back to the living plane.

*~-~-~-~-~POV Dream~-~-~-~-~*

It happened again. One minute I'm talking to y/n and the next thing I know that small headache I was feeling has turned into such an intense pain that I blacked out only to regain control to find y/n dead in my arms. Sam found out and man, I thought he took it badly when Tommy died. 

I run my hands through my hair, clenching it tightly. Memories flash through my mind of me killing y/n. I squeeze my eyes tighter. 

"No no no, I wouldn't, I couldn't, I DIDN'T! I DIDN'T KILL HER", I scream. "Stop lying", I plead to the memories that have been haunting me since her death. 

Another flash and I see her locking eyes with me as I choke her out. I'm- I'm apologizing. "Why- why why why?", I mutter. I inhale sharply and pound my fist on the wall. "Why do I keep losing control?!" 

It's good that you killed her.
She never cared for you, why do you care for her?
It felt good killing her. 

I shake my head like that will cause the voices to leave me alone. Well, the voice. It's his voice and I keep giving in. Didn't y/n warn me about it before she died? I owe it to her to ignore it now after my listening to it got her killed. 

I wrap my arms around my knees and tuck my head towards my chest, softly crying. 

"Feeling bad are we?", a voice laughs from behind me. "You are so pathetic!" 

I furrow my brows in confusion, lifting my head. There, alive and well, stood y/n. 

"Y/N!" I stand up and lung across the cell, wrapping her in a hug. "I'm so sorry, y/n. I promise I'll never listen to him again, I won't let him take control of me. I'm so sorry", I say as I release her to look at her. 

Y/n looks unimpressed. "I don't have time for this", she snaps, rolling her eyes. "Sam", y/n calls out. "Let me out of here". 

The lava drops to reveal Sam. "Y/n?! You're alive?" 

She is quickly whisked out of the room and I am left there all alone. 

Wilbur was right, she would leave me behind in the cell. I try to feel anger at the situation, but I can't. I deserve this.

*~-~-~-~-~POV Sam~-~-~-~-~*

I stare in disbelief at the girl before me. "I'm so sorry I left you locked in there". 

"You know, you should be. I did nothing wrong and you treated me like a convicted criminal! Technoblade left days ago, leaving me behind. What kind of accomplice leaves his partner behind? Clearly, your theory was wrong and you unjustly imprisoned me and allowed me to die".

 I swallow the lump in my throat. My nervousness only seems to fuel y/n. "How many people did you tell about my death?" 

I freeze. "Uh- no... no one". 

"I see", y/n says. "It would be a real shame for me to go out and reveal this to the server, wouldn't it?" 

"Y/n wait, please we can talk about this". 

"Why on Earth should I not expose the screwed-up system you're running here? You are mismanaging this prison to the point where you allowed two people to die in the hands of one man. When will you learn? In fact, I should go out there right now and have you removed from being warden". 

I hang my head in defeat. Everything she's saying is true. Maybe I am unfit to be the warden. 

"Unless...", Y/n starts. 

I lift my head instantly, "Unless what?" 

"I won't tell anyone about what happened here, but I want your help with building something". 

I raise an eyebrow. "What do you need help building?" 

"Well after dying", she says, emphasizing dying, causing me to cringe, "I have a new appreciation for life. I want to host a large get-together and I need help constructing a personal gathering hall". 

I nod, "I can help you with that. I also have a friend Sam Nook who is just as great of a builder". 

Y/n smiles. "Perfect. I guess I'll leave the prison now. I'll be in touch with the construction plans. You better answer or else I'll bring your entire prison operation to the ground". 

I nod nervously and pull the lever on the wall to let y/n out of the prison. The second she's gone I slump into my seat and sigh. "What have I done?"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Anybody else watch Manatreed's first stream yesterday? (Who else thought it was going to be Dream the whole time?😂)

Thank you for all of the votes, comments, and overall support for this book! <3

This chapter sort of marks the last phase for the story... there are still several more chapters, but we will be nearing the end soon

However, the end is not here yet, so until next time- ily all and I'll see you soon...


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