Cat and mouse

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The show opens at a small car repair shop where a rat is showing a brown mouse named jerry where his new home would be

Rat: kid we've been at this all day! I get it, the last three didn't row your boat but wait till you see the next place, it's screaming mouse house! Am I allowed to say that? Is that copyrighting? Anyway, vision! Your chilling in your crib but then ya get claustrophobic, and then ya get dizzy. And to save you-

-tada! Check out the view! Splendid ain't it? It's got everything! Built on stereo, be careful the seats are very flammable

This was NOT what jerry was looking for

Rat: jerry baby, I know it ain't pretty but let's be honest with your budget this is all ya ca-

But when he turned around jerry was out of sight

Rat: hey! You don't just Batman me! You haven't even seen the trunk yet!
Meanwhile jerry was far away and then he saw something of interest, a cat by the name of Tom playing a transportable piano to public and getting paid for it

That when it came to him, "if I could get all that cash, I can afford myself a home!" He thought, then he joined in much to toms dislikes, so he flicked him away, but then he got back up. Tom then tried to grab jerry but he got off in time, he then grabbed toms tail and as he grabbed it he sent himself flying. This just became personal, he then went after the mouse who ran as fast as he could

and then kept over a small lake but Tom got his by a branch and fell in. Then and there Tom vowed to get rid of that rodent if it was the last thing he did.
Meanwhile jerry found himself far away from Tom and found himself at the zoo Phoenix academy. He then saw Tom very cross with his claws at the ready, he then charged under the door with Tom slamming his face at it, he then fell to the ground like a piece of paper flat. Luckily he was able to inflate himself to normal, just as he heard a familiar noise, then and there he saw it was butch and his gang of ally cats

Butch: well well well, look or what we got here, (grabs Tom by the collar) ya know if I wasn't a bad cat, I'd say Tommy boy here Wes trying to get in the academy

Lightning: sure what it looks like

Topsy: this is our turf bro! Which makes this our academy!

Butch: wait! Are your trying to break into OUR academy?

Tom then shook his head

Butch: yo guys don't worry about it. It was all a big misunderstanding, right Tom?

Tom then wheezed at him

Butch: are you laughing at me? Now I'm sure you know what I do to cats that laugh at me

Topsy: come on boss! Preach! Preach to him!

Butch: ya know I was about to, if you'd shut your mouth and let me handle this!

As he was saying that Tom noticed a triceratops coming his way

Topsy: my bad boss

Butch: now, you gonna answer?

Tom then whistled and got the triceratops attention

Topsy: uh oh!

Meathead: oh snap! It's trike!

Meathead: not again!

Trike: you again!

He then charged at the cats who ran away in response to this

Butch: I'll get ya Tom! I promise!

As they left Tom found an open window and went through it. It was a big green hall but could see from the small footprints jerry was here too, so he followed the tracks to a door where he saw a convenient baseball bat and went through to pound the mouse, only to get picked up by spike the bulldog

Spike: okay, alright. Ya done?

Tom: AHHHH!!!

He then ran off but spike grabbed him just as a lump showed up on his head. Tom then pressed it down only for it to come up. He then grabbed the bat and hit it twice which only made spike angrier

Spike: listen here kitty cat, I don't like being pounded, capiche? I see you again, I bash your head in

???: spike?

Spike then dropped Tom and closed the door behind him. Only to realize he was holding the bat and then went back and slammed Tom to the ground

Spike: saw ya again!

He then left with Tom unconscious
Meanwhile jerry made his way to the drama room where Steven and his friends and mom were

Steven: boy zill and Kayla are something huh?

Jackie: yep (tears up) the mists beautiful thing I've ever seen

Jerry then looks to these characters and saw them doing a duets together and at the end of it, their close together, their heads touching each other

It was the most beautiful thing he ever saw but then he heard the door open and saw Tom right there and then it became a western style stand-off

He then got out a wooden mallet and then jerry did a bring it on pose and then

He then slammed it to jerry who ran as fast as he could and Tom kept smashing his mallet to the ground all over the theater shocking everyone

Damian: shit!

Daphne: hey!

Zill: I got it

He then flew to the two and grabbed Tom and threw the mallet away and his snake tail got jerry

Zill: hey you two! You guys act like you've been at this for years

Tom: (hisses)

Jerry: (whispers)

Jackie then got jerry and zill out Tom down

Jackie: why don't we start over without the violence

Steven: yeah, why don't we introduce ourselves?

Jackie: yeah, my names jacinta Jackie Valdez, or Jackie for short

Zill: and I'm zillion or zill for short

Jack: and my names Jackson or jack

Kayla: and I'm Kayla

Spam: the names spam and this is Venexa

Venexa: hello

Sahara: and I'm Sahara

Damian: the names Damian

Daphne: my names daphne

Taylor: and mines Taylor, what're your names?

Tom: I'm Tom

Jerry: I'm jerry

The two then looked at each other with shock


Tom: well sure I talk! What do ya think I am, a dummy?

Jerry: you said it! I didn't

Tom: eh ya little pipsqueak, I outta-.... hey wait a Minuit! How come ya never spoke before?

Jerry: there was nothing I wanted to say that I thought you'd understand. AND THERE STILL ISNT!!!

Tom : alright that does it! You little b- b-

- boy ya get me angry!

Steven: guys! No fighting!

Zill: yeah, there's a way you guys can live together and not fight

Kayla: yeah, wanna try?

Tom: a cat and a mouse... friends?

- that's disgusting! No way!

Jerry: that goes double for me

Steven: well we can at least try to after school

Jackie: good idea Steven, they'll try to get along in the spirit zone
Steven then showed the two to the spirit zone and they were impressed

Steven: there's a good pile of leaves for a bed and a small hole in that tree for jerry so you guys can live together and not have any conflict

Jerry: I'll take it!

He then got into the hole and made himself at hole but Tom had other plans. He got out a mousetrap and laid it down in front of the hole

But jerry got it and went to the other side and caused it to slam down on toms tail sending him flying into the tree the giraffe spirit was munching in

Jerry: I think I'm gonna like it here, and the best part? It's free!

Tom: that little rodent! Ugh, have to get used to it I guess

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