Movie Night

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Sapphire's POV

Ruby laid on my lap as Steven and I watched Camp Pine Hearts. I rubbed Ruby's back soothingly as she snored. Just then, there was a light tapping on the door. Then a loud, impatient one.
"I'll get it!" Steven exclaimed.
I hushed him as he covered his mouth and repeated himself in a much quieter voice. He headed downstairs and opened the door.
"Steven!" Peridot exclaimed.
"Peridot! Be quiet! Ruby's sleeping up there!" Steven hushed.
"Sleeping? Gems don't need sleep, silly!" Peridot exclaimed louder.

"I like it," Lapis shrugged.

"I made a lot of popcorn. Sapphire just about caught up with you guys!" Steven exclaimed in a hushed voice.

The three came up the stairs and sat around the tv.

Ruby's POV

I heard people talking. Unfamiliar voices, but at least they weren't voices inside my head. I wonder what Sapphire's doing now... I'm really glad I'm having a break from the voices inside my head. Fiddlesticks... I just jinxed myself, didn't I? Hmm... fiddlesticks... that sound like a food. Or some sort of cracker in the shape of a stick. Who came up with the word 'fiddlesticks' anyways? Aw man, now I'm hungry. I wonder what seasoning would be on Fiddlesticks if it existed. Salt? Cheese? Cinnamon? The world may never know...

Sapphire's POV

"Fiddlesticks..." I heard Ruby moan. I giggled lightly.
"I wonder what's going on in that head of your's... It's been a while since I was able to read your thoughts. We've never gotten the time to fuse." I sighed. She's so cute when she sleeps.

Hey guys, sorry about the long delay of updates. I guess this will be some sort of filler chapter. Also, I've realized that this fanfic has almost reached five thousand views! When we first got 3k views, it went up to 4k views within a month. A month after that, we're almost reaching 5k! Thanks for all your support and patience awaiting these new chapters! Oh yeah, and Happy Father's Day!

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