I'm a Person (Part 2)

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Oh, uh, hi again...
About those two girls................
Let's just say....
Fuck them

I'm not gonna go into detail with them because.........
Well, I honestly don't know exactly what went on in both our heads atm
One of them is just a bitch
And the other is just not as compatible

Right now, I'm in Soho, London
Reason I'm telling you this?
Because it's my last day of vacation
Gonna head back to America soon

And uh, I wanted to add a few things to this
And I don't typically word things right and I end up with terrible grammar errors and spelling/typos/autocorrect because I'm using my phone, so, here we go...

I'm a person
We got to that already
There's another thing

I'm also a very very lesbian person
And I'm not depressed anymore
-mumbles- I mean I'm not quite sure cuz I'm either just a very emotional person or I'm still depressed but shhhhh

So, I wanted to thank you guys for reading this story
And thanks for reading the first part of this personal weird biography thing(?)

It means a lot to me

Before we get to the mushy shit, I wanna just advertise this new (100% better than this fanfic) Rubapphire fanfic called, "You're Not Worthless"

I hope you guys check it out because it's very new and I'm trying something out that might really tug on your heartstrings yet stay to the ground and... well... you know, not end in a tragic "wtf is even going on in this story" and ending with a... dead end


Thanks haha.

-clears throat-

I'm a Sophomore now! Hooray.....
I'm getting lesbian crushes that I have no chance with!

I know right, my life is so fun -_-

What's uh, -awkward giggle-
Funny about this is that, erm..........
I was actually homophobic when that one creepy religious bible camp-knife-depressed lady came out as gay
Then she said she was bi
Then in freshman she said she was gay
So like
from my lesbian perspective
Stay in or out of the closet
Don't be an annoying cunt


Yeah, funny thing was, I was homophobic because of her

And that one kindergarten friend I talked about way back when actually hug out quite a lot but I didn't actually remember a lot lmao

But yeah I had a lesbian crush on her and since I didn't know that lgbt was a thing, I just thought it was a strong friend connection

And I mean
With ALL of my lesbian crushes


But yeah
I love how I was homophobic for like two years just to realize out immediately afterward that I'm against myself
Not surprising tho hahaha

So, just curious, but, would you guys like a part three of this talking about my coming out story? Just asking before I move on...

Ok, so, moving on (lol)

But yeah, ironic how a homophobe becomes homo without the phobia

But sadly it's not like this one book I read about where the lesbian finds a homophobe and the homophobe falls for the lesbian and becomes lesbian as well

Plain old boring


Also, another irony in my life is about my religion

I'm not an atheist because I'm lgbt btw
It's a little more complicated than that

I just couldn't believe in that
I literally couldn't imagine it
"Feel" 'his' presence
And also religious ed itself was boring as shit

Funny thing is
I think that religious ed
Y'know, the thing that "educates" you about "god" based on a book that was actually created because the government couldn't control the people yet
Yeah that
I think it actually converted me towards... well, the opposite direction

I probably failed that stupid "final" (you go there for 8 years til u can be confirmed
That's 8 years of my life I'll never get back
Fml once again btw)
And yet I still passed lmao
We had stupid essays and all that bs
heads up

-composes self-
Yeah, I just...
The science and the logic... and the reason why religion exists historically

And people who say "every religion makes sense" or has some truth to it
Makes me think
"Then do tell me, which one is correct?"

Also, there's also this dumb homophobic quote in there (that was actually translated wrong anyway) (it said that man cannot marry man or something but it was supposed to say something along the lines of man cannot marry boy. Makes were used to generalized the human public. Not the gender. So it meant no pedophilia, not "no homo")

I know that some religious people (including Christians and Catholics) aren't homophobic
I'm not trying to generalize that religious people are anti lgbt
I'm just saying that for the people who are, fuck you

I was only originally homophobic because I hated that one girl with a passionnnnnnnnnnn
That's my belief that you 100% didn't sign up for

Sorry about that haha..........
Let's get away from the debates
And erm

To the personal things

I'm a fucking hopeless romantic lesbian in a bubbled white town

I'm close to Chicago so it's fine when I go to the city
But goddammit I fucking hate everyone in my school
Cuz 1: they're cunts
2: they're cunts
3: they're cunts
4: they're annoying
5: they're rude
6: they're cunts
7: they're irritating af

I hate it when that one girl from religious bible camp was all like (one day during freshman) "omg everyone in this school is ugly"

I personally believe that, (think as if I'm speaking to her)
You're uglier than everyone in this fucking school so you don't get to fucking rate you dickwad
Nobody cares what you think
I don't care about looks as much as you do and seeing that you base people off of their looks and only their looks, FUCK YOU

I personally believe that, according to my attraction, I don't find very many people -cough-girls-cough in my school attractive
I get my attraction on their looks fueled by their personality
I can only get a crush based on if I'm attracted to their personality
Yes, I need looks to bring me to the point of checking them out to see if I could possibly give their personality a chance (if not from another circumstance)
But I can find people's looks to almost be as if they've been upgraded after I like their personality

My brain works weirdly...

Anyway, I'm gonna go to bed
Enough rambling
It's been about a thousand or more words
And I walked over 25k steps today cuz I walked all day


Thanks for reading this
Thanks for dealing with my 15-year-old bull crap
Thanks for reading "The Spy"
Thanks for being awesome
And I hope you go check out "You're Not Worthless"

Annnnnnnnnnnddddddd Raptor out
One last thing

So, I see that a lot of people have been following me
Even if I barely update anymore
So thank you, new followers
And thank you old followers for sticking with me for a long time!

Annnnnnndddd now I'm out

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