Chapter Six: How Many Years?

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"Avery?!" I screamed into the hand, but of course, it came out muffled. He put his finger to his lips, motioning me to be quiet while giving me a hard look. He leads me downstairs, away from the rooms.

He uncovers my mouth, standing in front of me with his arms crossed. "Now, tell me. Why were you snooping around the twins' room at--," he quickly glanced at the clock, "twelve thirty at night?"

I scoff, "Why do you care?" I asked him. He said nothing, making me roll my eyes in irritation, before spinning on my heel, done with this useless conversation. Clearly, he wasn't going to let me get away too fast. He grabbed my elbow, spinning me around, staring into my eyes with an unreadable expression.

"Do you want them finding out?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. At this point, I let out a laugh, yanking my arm out of his hold and crossing my arms.

"How would they? They're sound asleep," I told him. This time, it was his turn to roll his eyes. He held out his phone, waving it in my face.

"I'm not as dumb as you think I am, Norah. I recorded you," he told me, smirking in accomplishment. I pursed my lips, a little intimidated. Seeing my expression, he smiled in success.

"Fine," I said, slumping my shoulders, "I went into their room because--,"

"What's going on in here?" A voice demanded, flicking on the lights. Both Avery and I flinched, spinning around, to see an angry looking West with a raised eyebrow.

I was about to say something that wouldn't be really smart saying, especially to West, except he held up his hand, making me shut my mouth. "Nevermind, I don't want to hear it. Both of you, upstairs. Now."

I winked at Avery, who was left there glaring at his older brother before I went upstairs, bumping my shoulder into West purposely. I couldn't help but turn around as soon as I got upstairs, flipping both of them off, and sticking my tongue out.

They had too many chances... Will I ever forgive them?


"Norah, wake up!" Someone screamed in my ear. I jolted up, looking at who woke me up so inhumanly. I narrowed my eyes at Cayden, who was grinning creepily. "I'm surprised you didn't scream."

"I'm surprised you didn't break your voice after that scream," I told him, shaking my head. He chuckled quietly, getting up. Before he left, I grabbed his hand.

"Logan's the twins' brother's best friend," I said. He looked at me, a little confused. "The twins have a best friend. Logan is his brother," I explained more slowly. He slowly nodded, processing the information I told him.

"Wait," he said after a second, "if Logan is the brother of the twins' best friend, why would he hate us?"

"That's what I'm wondering, but, I guess we need to know the full story. Look," I unplugged my phone from the charger and went to my camera roll. I showed him the picture of what could possibly be Logans' brother. "That might be Logans' brother."

"He's good looking," was Cayden's response. I rolled my eyes, playfully slapping his shoulder. Before he could retort, we heard West call us downstairs.

We both went downstairs to an unexpected scene. There stood my stepbrothers, lined up. Both twins glared at me with a grim expression. Avery was smirking at me, while West and Theo had their arms crossed with disappointment evident on their faces.

"What?" I asked, walking to the kitchen. I didn't get to step foot into the kitchen, since Elijah grabbed my forearm, dragging me back. Cayden saw this, stepping up and shoving Elijah back.

"What do you guys want?" Cayden asked, narrowing his eyes.

"We know that you snuck into our room last night," Emmet told me, making me widen my eyes. My attention snapped over at Avery, as he just smirked at me, relaxing on the chair. "You even had the guts to actually take a picture of--!" He stopped midway, blinking.

Elijah took over. "Delete the picture you have of him in your phone."

I gripped my phone, putting it behind my back and facing away from them stubbornly. "No."

"N-no?" Elijah chocked out, facing the others. "Did she just say no?" He asked incredulously.

"Congratulations, you're not as stupid as you look," I said, clapping sarcastically. He glared at me before yelling something, making me run.

"Get her!"

I squeaked out a whimper, jumping onto the couch. To distract them, I threw a pillow at West and the twins. I threw my phone to Cayden, who gladly caught it. Theo charged for him, making him duck and throw the phone back to me. I ran upstairs, Avery right behind me. We ran around for a while before I slid down the stair railing, which was the dumbest idea I've ever thought of. Once I got downstairs, my foot landed weird, making me lose balance and twist my ankle. I yelled out in pain, crashing down and letting my phone fly out of my hand.

The boys stopped, Cayden coming over. "Oh my god!" He yelled. Cayden picked me up, putting me onto the couch. "You idiot, why did you do that?" He whispered softly. Tears stung in my eyes, but I blinked them back aggressively, refusing to cry.

The others just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do. Cayden got up, shooting the others a glared, before running to the bathroom. As he searched for the first aid kit, West came over. He pursed his lips, looking at my ankle.

It was already swollen.

"Give me my phone," I told him. West held his hand out, which had my phone in it. I unlocked it, before going through my camera roll. The picture that I had of Logans' brother was gone. I whipped my head around glaring at the twins.

"How'd you unlock my phone?!" I practically growled at them. They both smirked, looking accomplished.

"We tried your birthday, then your dads, then Bellas', Landons' and then Alex's'," They told me. A pang hit my chest hard, memories of the people I loved the most flashed through my head.

"I hate you guys so much," I whispered, tears running down my cheeks. Cayden came back, stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw the tears.

"What the hell? I leave you guys alone with her for a damn minute and she's crying. How pathetic of you idiots," Cayden muttered.

As he wrapped the bandage around my ankle, he spoke up again, "You shouldn't go to school. We have about an hour still--,"

"No!" I exclaimed, before realizing how loud I was and making me lower my voice, "I-I mean, I can go to school, it's fine."

"Norah," he said, narrowing his eyes, "Logan and the whole school won't leave you alone."

For a second, I saw everyone tense.

"I've been through this crap for two years Cayden," I told him, "we both have. We're both strong, we can get through this."

He was hesitant, before he reluctantly sighed, "You know what, you're right. We are strong, and we'll always be."

In unison, we both looked at the other five and smirked.

"I have some crutches in the garage, I also twisted my ankle a few years ago," he explained, as we both walked to the garage, leaving the others dumbfounded.

A T | S C H O O L

"I think everyone's staring," I whispered to Cayden. He nodded, agreeing. As we walked through the halls, the only thing that could be heard was my crutches clicking every step we took.

"What's so interesting about seeing an injured person?" Cayden muttered. I agreed, looking down, letting my hair cover my face. "Uh oh, here comes Rivers himself."

I looked up at my locker, already seeing Logan and a few of his friends leaning against it. He raised an eyebrow at the crutches, an amused smirk playing at his lips. Cayden saw this, his body instantly tensing. "Can you move please?"

Logan looked at me. He looked between me and Cayden, his eyes darting back and forth. "What happened?"

I scoffed, "As if you'd care."

"I do, that's why I'm asking," he told me, crossing his arms. It was awkwardly silent in the halls, nothing could be heard. The silence was making me extremely uncomfortable.

I shook my head, stepping up to him, "Really? You cause me pain, Rivers. Physically and emotionally. You wouldn't care if your life depended on it."

That made him shut his mouth.

I took one of my crutches, and put it over his foot, adding pressure to it. He yelped, jumping to the side, making me smile. I told Cayden to open my locker as he looked at me proudly. He obviously knew my combination, 'cause we tell each other everything.

Finally, the bell rang, intimating it was time for the first period. Everyone rushed around, going to their first class. I told Cayden to go, since the guys and I had the first period on day four.

As soon as Cayden walked away, I noticed Logan hasn't left. He stayed there, staring at me. His friend already left, as he leaned against the locker next to mine, as he just studied me. "What is it Rivers?"

Before he could answer, a voice echoed through the halls, calling my name. "Norah!" I looked to my side, seeing Jaxon and the two others. Jaxon was running but came to a stop once he saw my foot and the crutches.

"What happened? Are you okay? Did this idiot do something to you?" Jaxon asked, looking at me with concern laced in his voice. Automatically, all three of them glared at Logan.

I couldn't help but laugh at their protectiveness. "Guys, it was my fault. I tripped while walking down the stairs."

I technically didn't lie. My injury did involve the stairs and me tripping. I just didn't say I slid down the stair railing because that's embarrassing, then they'll ask me why I was sliding down the railing, which will lead me talking about my stepbrothers, which I really don't want to.

Ethan sighed, "You should have been more careful. Now, let's go, we're late to class already enough."

I nodded, turning around. Logan still hasn't moved, he stayed where he was the whole time. Finally, he pushed himself off of the lockers, leaning down to my height. "You're not getting away with what you pulled off."

With that, he bumped into my shoulder purposely, walking away from us.


A/N: Hey everyone! Hope everyone has been doing great!

What are your thoughts on this chapter? This was definitely a Cayden x Norah chapter. Not the way you guys are thinking though 😂

~What do you guys think the twins have done to their best friend (A.K.A Logan's brother) so badly to make Logan hate them?


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