Hey guys. I never thought this story would gain as much attention as it has and still does, and for that I thank you.
As you all probably know, Joey Jordison passed away a few days ago. He passed away in his sleep due to issues created by alcoholism and health complications. My heart has been so heavy the last couple weeks and its been difficult to formulate anything to say about it.
So with that being said, I have decided I will continue this story. This is a personal choice that really comes down to the fact that I want to keep joeys memory alive for as long as possible. By writing about him, I feel like we can all feel he is still with us, be it in spirit or in the real world.
If anyone thinks this is the wrong choice to make please do let me know. I'm finding it hard to find a way to get rid of my emotions over joey passing so I think this is the only way I can do so.
New chapter will be coming in the next few days so I have enough time to think about where I take the story next. In future I will avoid any kind of extreme smut in this story as I feel very strange writing smut about man whos only recently passed away, I hope you all understand.
Anyways, I hope all you maggots are keeping well and staying safe. Life is a fucking menace at times and I know we have all been in pain since Joey left us, but times will get better and we will all eventually have the chance to see him in another life.
To finish this off, here's a picture of the time I saw his band sinsaenum in London purely so I could see Joey in the flesh.
I love you all. Stay safe.
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