Chapter 4

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Felix POV

"What taking her so long" I said in frustration, I decided to go inside when my back suddenly hurts. I ran inside and saw some people started to panic.

I went to the kitchen to findĀ  her and I saw her slowly kneeling in her knee "Y/n!!!!!" That's the only word I say as she closed her eyes. I look around and saw a girl holding a gun, I run to her and slapped her face really hard leaving a mark on her face as I ran to Y/n and carried her to my car.

When I put Y/n at the back seat I didn't realize that tears keep rolling down to my cheeks so fast. I went to the hospital where my aunt works, it took me 10 minutes to drive atghe hospital as I spotted my Aunt going in. I ran in front of her and stopped her "oh Felix why are you crying sweetheart?" She said "i-its Y/n" i replied as I cry even more "where is she? Is something happen to her? You know that your parents are gone and you know what will happen i if they found out" she said as I grabbed her wrist to my car, I slowly opened the car revealing her body "you have to carry her and follow me" she said as I nodded my head in response.

Minho's POV

What taking them so long its been hours and its getting dark and our friends are already here, I decided to call Felix and he's not picking up and my back still hurts. "Yah! Minho, where's-" Chan hyungs sentence got cut of because the door suddenly bursted open revealing hyunjin "min ho its y/n s-she got killed" hyunjin said and laughed "hyung that is so fun-" " I am not joking!" He said while I grabbed my phone and call my aunt.

*on the phone*

Felix: hello?
Min ho: Felix its me minho
Felix: ahh min ho something bad happen to our lil sis
Minho: I'm coming right now!

I ended the call as I walked out but someone grabbed my wrist "we're coming with you" Jiu noona said as they enter their car.


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