1. Previous Life

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[ 滞在 ]

Y/n finished his service at the military at the age of 20 with no problems, which surprised many soldiers that were still in their service.
many got jealous of you, seemingly those who had to repeat their service many times.

he also had zero Idea and experience about the love life area.
True that he had a crush on high school, but when he confessed to that certain someone, he got rejected and even made fun of.

Causing his friends to ignore him, not wanting to be made fun of too.

So Y/N just spent his highschool days on studying, and nothing more.

His parents, in all honesty, cared for him like how other parents would.

but they believed that Y/N can already live on his own, seeing how he grew up.

So his parents lived together at a comfortable place in London. leaving him alone at Japan, for his business and life.

but not even bothering to check up on him, nor congratulate him after his service, when they moved out.

It was like the two loving, married couples, lived on their own world together, away from the original world,

That they did not realize,
they forgot their one and only child.

That one sweet kid who was the solid proof of their love.

Who was now growing distant from the world as his age continuous to go up, year by year.

The two loving couple, A loving parents.

would only once again remember their sweet boy, who always used to greet them with pecks in the cheeks, and bone crushing hugs, the moment they come home after work.

That boy who put his parents first, than what he wants for every occasions.
keeping what he wishes for, for himself in order to save up money for his parents.

That boy who always joins his Mom/Dad on the dinner table late at night to eat with his parent, even tho his already full, just to not let his Mom/Dad be lonely, after work, all tired and worn.

Those two couples would only once again remember their sweet boy, after his Gone.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

You're walking back to your apartment after buying some groceries that would last for a week.

The streets were normal, not too busy, not too quiet, just normal.

You then noticed a newly constructed bridge at the opposite direction of your apartment.

The bottom of the bridge was filled with nothing but the tainted blue water.

You reached for the large railings and touched it, enjoying the fresh breeze that hit your face.

You felt some carvings on the railings which caught your attention.
You glanced down at it and opened your phone's flashlight, since the lights around the area were very dim.

You were surprised at the words you saw, not realizing that it was the words you were finding for someone to say just for you, and only meant for you.

"You've Worked Hard, Thanks for hanging on fella :) "

The carvings were a bit shagged but was still understandable.

You couldn't help but smile, and be at least proud of yourself for what you managed to reach with your best, without anybody's help.

But sadly, your line of appreciation got cut off, when you were suddenly pushed by an unknown source, making you fall down the bridge and towards a large rock below the water surface.

Everything was so sudden that you didn't even manage to protect your head on hitting the rock, causing an amountful of blood to ooze out on your head, and major bruises to form on your skin.

some parts were surely broken too, this made you to have zero ability to try and get out of the situation.

you tried to know who the suspect was, but unfortunately, all the lights were dim, and the suspect already seemed to ran off.

You were slowly getting out of consciousness, but you were still fighting to be awake and try.
not for yourself and for your career, but for your parents.

You wanted to atleast say goodbye to them for the last time.

You wanted to say you love them for the last time.

You wanted to hug them again, make them smile, make them proud, make them laugh, make them excited....for the Last time.

But nothing of this was gonna happen anymore.

you're already gonna die, everything is already too late.

All your life, everything outside your home was lonely, your friends always threw empty promises at you, everybody seemed to dislike you, except for your parents.

But your parents also started to forget you after they moved out of the country, which led you to have no one.

You started to slowly accept this way of you dying.

You stopped fighting.

You didn't have the audacity to complain about this life, since everything here contains choices, so how your life went was how you made your decisions.

and there, you closed your eyes fully, your face seemed peaceful, but your mind was full of regrets.

10 am || In the morning

where his body has been discovered by a cop who noticed something strange in the bridge.

His parents were informed a tad too late from the lack of info

Process were prepared like the funeral and all, the military also helped the preparation, giving condolence to the couple.

No relatives came for the funeral, only the parents, the soldiers noticed this but didn't utter a word about it.

And There occured the couple's biggest regret and misery.

Tears of sorrow poured down their eyes like waterfall.

The words of 'I love you' and 'I'm sorry' repeatedly came out of their mouths

The couple's trauma has been made.

The trauma of losing a son, a child of their own blood, the one they poured their love on, but failed as a parent as he grew up.

They regretted it too much, to even dare to make another child, and replace him.

They won't ever dare.

They swear it.



hope you enjoyed today's chapter, everyone :D

Chapter 2 will be published after 2 hours :)♥️🌟

and also! the people who has relations with you has also been updated, check it out to see who has been added! :D

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