Chapter 18

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Third pov- (o)

It's been a few weeks since Isabella and Bucky broke up.

There wasn't any bad blood between the two of them. In fact, the two were supportive of each other.

They were supportive of the feelings they had for other people.

The break-up was a mutual decision between the two of them.

Other people were shocked by the fact the two had split.

You can see the joy in Kim's face when she found out Isabella was single. Kim was indeed happy that the two ended their relationship.

Sam also felt slightly happy, but he was confused by the fact that they had separated. He chose not to question it, though, since it wasn't his business.


The school has been on a break recently, so Sam and Bucky have been hanging out a lot lately. The two are very aware that their feelings for the other are slightly growing stronger.


During the first week of the month, Eric had finally made it to New York.

At first, Sam was harsh on him. He didn't mean to come out as rude, but he also didn't expect Eric to come out to New York so soon. Sam wasn't ready to face Eric yet. And he knows that's a bitchy reason, but no one can control the way they feel.

Their mother was also hard on him - she still is - but we all know the reason for that. She rarely came home, ever since Eric had knocked on the door. When she did, she just acted bitchy.

Sarah wasn't rude to him. She liked him even.

She had always wanted someone her age - or around her age - to live with them. She always wanted to meet Eric, anyways. Not like this, but at least she got to meet her half-brother.


During the second week, Sam had started getting used to Eric around the apartment. Sometimes, the trio, Eric, Sam, and Sarah, will have movie nights and fall asleep on the couch. But other nights, Sarah and Sam slept in their room while Eric sleeps on the couch.

Sam doesn't want to admit this to himself, but he's starting to like Eric. Sam's starting to see him more as a real brother than just a half-brother. The two of them have always wanted a brother to do brotherly stuff with, so why not take the opportunity? 

~In the third week, Bucky came over to Sam's place while Sam and Eric were in the middle of playing a video game. "It's open!" Sam screamed, turning to the door before bringing his attention back to the controller. Bucky stepped in, holding a pizza box and a small box of fried chicken before he froze, looking at Sam then at Eric. "Uh, who's that?" Bucky asked, looking at Eric with furrowed eyebrows."Oh, hey, Bucky. This is Eric. My half- no, my brother," Sam said, his attention still on the game. Eric looked at Sam then smiled.

Bucky's eyes went wide, walking towards the kitchen to put the food down as he said, "o-oh! Um. H-hi."

Eric turned to Bucky, "hello," he said smiling.

Bucky smiled slightly at him before bringing his attention back to Sam.

He walked over to him and groaned when Sam still had his attention to the game. "Sammy," Bucky pouted. "Hm?"

Bucky rolled his eyes, "get off the game." Sam shook his head, muttering, "in a bit. I want to beat this level."

Bucky groaned again before saying, "I brought pizza and fried chicken." Sam dropped his controller, "You did?!" he asked, looking around for it. Bucky smirked, "Well, you can keep playing your game while me and your brother, Eric, go eat...all of it."

Sam narrowed his eyes, getting up to turn off the game, "The game can wait." Bucky chuckled, grabbing Sam's hand, "come on then!"

Eric watched them with a smile on his face before he got up, following them to get the food.


Hours later, after endless chatting and laughing, Sam had gone up to his room to take a quick shower since he spilled his drink on himself on accident. Which, of course, made Bucky and Eric laugh harder.

Bucky eyes did trail down to Sam's abs, though. The liquid made it more visible.

Eric saw, and a slight smirk appeared on his face.

After 2 minutes of silence, Eric decided to break it-

"You're a very good boyfriend to my brother. He seems really happy around you. He told me about his last two relationships that he took seriously, but they both didn't end well. Treat him good, please?"

Bucky's face turned red as he looked down at his palm, "we uh... he and I aren't together," Bucky muttered.

Bucky wished they were, though. He wants to be with Sam. He really wants to be with him.

Eric laughed awkwardly, " Sorry. The interactions between the two of you got me mistaken."

Eric thought they were dating. He felt embarrassed for assuming they were dating and processed to tell Bucky about it. You can't blame him, though. The way they were staring at each other and the way they were acting towards each other made him think they were a couple. 

Bucky nervously chuckled, "oh?"


During the fifth week, Bucky's mother invited Sam to have dinner with them.

She really liked Sam. He was kind, helpful, and, not to mention, very handsome.

Her son, Bucky, had told her that he had feelings for Sam. That just made her like Sam even more. Sam was good for her son. She had already approved of it, even though they aren't even dating.


During dinner, Winnifred had been so kind to Sam. She kept giving obvious hints to Sam for Bucky.

Bucky couldn't be any more embarrassed. He kept trying to give his mother hints for her to stop, but she kept going.

Bucky would smile nervously at Sam when Sam looked over at Bucky, chuckling slightly.

Moms these days, Bucky thought as he rolled his eyes.

Even Rebecca was starting to laugh. Bucky looked over to her, glaring at her. She shrugged as she smiled down at her food.

Sam then told them stories about his past events and what he wants to work as when he gets out of school. He also told them about Louisiana. Louisiana sounded like a great place, based on how he's describing it, Bucky thought.


After dinner, while Sam and Winnifred were still chatting, Rebecca came up to Bucky, "I approve of him," she said, smirking. "What?" Bucky asked, looking up from his phone.

"Y' when you both start dating and stuff, I'll support it," she finished, smiling when she saw Bucky's face turn red. "Shut up," Bucky said, smiling as he looked down at his phone.


For the last week, Sam was staying the night at Bucky's place.

Sarah took Eric with her to see a movie with her friends. But of course, later on, their aunt is going to pick them up.

It was 1 am when Sam and Bucky decided to stop their chatting and head to bed. However, they did want to stay up with each other a little bit longer. But no one said anything about it.

"Uh...where do you want to sleep?" Bucky asked, secretly hoping Sam will ask if he could sleep up here with him.

Sam scratched his head, "Uh, I could take the couch."

Bucky frowned faintly, "you sure?"

"Yes," Sam said as he started walking out of Bucky's room.

"Oh. Okay. Good night," Bucky said, waving to Sam before he closed his door.


Bucky had woken up earlier than he intended to, but he still got up and went downstairs to check on Sam.

Bucky noticed Sam was still sleeping, so he decided not to bother him. How is he this adorable? Bucky thought, smiling as he watched Sam peacefully sleep.

'This is weird. I'll make breakfast," Bucky said to himself as he noticed he has been staring at Sam sleep for a few minutes now.

When he got to the fridge, he noticed there was a note there-

Rebecca and I went to the mall. We'll be back in a few hours. Don't do anything stupid, boys! ;)


"What the actual fuck," Bucky muttered, throwing the note away, his face turning red. Maybe she didn't mean it that way, Bucky thought. Then why add the wink face?

Bucky shook his head, trying to stop the thought before he might start picturing...things.


Sam woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. He got off the couch looking at Bucky, who seemed like he was battling with himself, battling with his mind.

"Good morning," Sam said.

Bucky jumped a little as he looked at Sam, stuttering, "S-Sam! H-hey? Why are you up?"

Sam furrowed his eyebrows. What type of dumb question is that?  he thought. "Because it's morning?" Sam said, but it came out as a question. Bucky nodded, "right."

Sam stared at Bucky before speaking up again, "you good?"

"Yes... come," Bucky said, pausing for a second before he cleared his throat, " to the table, come to the table so we can eat, yeah."

Sam furrowed his eyebrows as he made his way to the table.


They both went upstairs to take a shower. Bucky went to his mother's restroom while Sam went to his.

After they finished, they went back downstairs and watched tv.

Bucky occasionally glanced at Sam.

He couldn't help it.

Sam was wearing one of his sweatpants with his blue hoodie.

He looked so good in them Bucky couldn't help but stare.


Bucky looked away, "n-nothing."


Sam had stayed for a few more hours before he left. He changed into his past clothes and went up to Bucky's room, putting his sweatpants back, but he still had Bucky's hoodie on.

Bucky saw him still wearing his hoodie but didn't say anything about it. He liked it on Sam.


It was 9:00 pm still the same day Sam stayed with Bucky, when Sam, Sarah, and Eric gathered snacks and sat in the living room. 

After arguing about what movie should be playing, Sarah finally got up and played the movie she wanted.

With a roll of an eye, Sam and Eric sat down, holding their snacks.

Sarah and Eric sat down on the loveseat while Sam sat on the one-person couch.

Eventually, the trio fell asleep during the movie, their snacks unfinished.

What a day.


Chapter 18 done <3

I'm not sure about this chapter hmm...but then again I'm not sure about a lot of things so...

I love how Sam's siblings think Sam and Bucky are dating 

Reminder: Water is very very healthy. Don't be shy, drink it

Hope you enjoyed this chapter <33


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