Today is Clarissa and Jake's wedding.
I don't know what was wrong with me last night. I kept thinking about Skylar and that made me sad. I've come to learn that everything I do reminds me of Skylar. I took my emotions out on Chase last night.
I didn't speak to him for the rest of the night. I was scared I was going to the say the wrong thing. Something I would regret.
You know that saying April showers being May flowers?
I live by that saying in the month of April.
I hate the month of April. April gives me bad memories. April was the accident. But May, May is a new month. A new month that isn't April. That makes me smile every time I think of it.
Chase doesn't hold grudges. He's not mad at me for having a bad night.
He woke me up with a smile on his face. This house is crazy. Everyone is running around trying to get everything ready before two.
The wedding is outside overlooking a river. It's on the bank of the Neuse River.
It's going to be so hot today at two. I hate outdoor weddings when it's hot.
When me and Skylar would go to wedding as children we would bet on how long the couple would last. I still do that. In my head. We both came from homes where our parents weren't happy. Hers were always arguing and getting a divorce. Mine were, well rich famous parents. Who needed a divorce. They think their relationship has to be perfect on the outside, but not the inside. When in reality that's not true at all.
I'm not going to do that today though because this is Chase's sister.
Every time I have walked around this house today I have felt like I'm in the way. So I'm upstairs studying my anatomy book.
I've figured out my relationship with my family.
Since I've been here in Havelock I've posted pictures. For the first time in awhile I'm back on social media. The first picture I posted was announcing my new relationship. The second was on me in my outfit from last night before we left because I felt pretty. Both photos my brothers liked and my mom.
I guess that's the new family dynamic. Let's like each other's post, but never talk to each other. I still keep up with their life. How could I not? I want to know what they're doing if they miss me like I miss them. But I know this is for best and with time I'll get use to it.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts when my door swings open quickly and shuts just as quickly.
Melanie walks in and sits down on the bed next to me.
I give her a questioning look.
"I'm hiding."
"Everyone. It's a madhouse down there. Everyone is loading flowers into cars. Which I should be with the other bridesmaids and Clarissa at the venue hanging out, but mother insisted that I help get everything set up. You know they should have done all of this last night. They still have to decorate the tables for the reception. This is the most unorganized family ever. Chase should be here helping but nope he's a groomsman he gets to go hang with the guys." She rants.
"What time is it?"
"Yeah the wedding is in an hour and I should be hanging with the wedding party but I'm here."
"I need to get ready."
I must have lost track of time. I was to busy studying bones. I immediately get up and start getting ready.
"You should check your door." Melanie tells me as she makes her way out of my room.
I just stand there confused. Check my door. I go to the door and open it.
A bouquet of Sunflowers
For a second I'm fooled but then I remember I never told Chase that my favorite flowers are sunflowers.
It doesn't have a card but I know who they're from and I'm disgusted.
How the hell did he get them in here and how did he know?
Once I'm in my blue dress and my hair is straightened I pair some white sandals white my outfit.
I make my way downstairs and it hits me.
I didn't think it through how I was gonna get there. So I make my way outside to call an Uber, but a truck catches my attention. The window rolls down.
Hayden Caperall
"I figured you might need a ride." He says as I make my way over to the passenger door.
"Thanks. I was just about to call an Uber."
"Do not thank me. Remember we are enemies. Plus you're gonna be wishing you were stranded here when Clarissa and Jake start reading there vows. Apparently they're like four pages long for each of them. They're gonna be up there reading an essay." He says and I laugh.
This wedding keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Once we pull into the venue Hayden and I go our separate ways. Hayden is going to find is family. I have no clue where to sit.
"Did you get my flowers?" An annoying voice behind me asks.
"Leave me alone." I say as I turn around.
"I gave them as a peace offering."
"What? A peace offering? Jake Thomas that was not a peace offering. I'm not getting into this with you right now because this is someone's special day."
"It could've been our special day." He tells me and I try my hardest not to bust out laughing. This dude is delusional. Our special day?
"What the f- let me stop myself. You can't really think we belong together? The love of my life is back there getting ready with the groom. I don't love you. I don't understand why you are. I just want you to leave me alone."
"If you talk with me I won't transfer to Chapel Hill. I just want to talk to you. Talk to me let me tell my side. Let me make you fall back in love with me. If you talk to me, one on one, today, I will leave you alone. I promise. I'll leave you alone forever. I just need you to hear my side." This man is crazy. Psychotic.
"You can't just give me an ultimatum. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? That sounds psychotic. The fact that if I don't talk to you you're going to follow me around at Chapel Hill. You're crazy."
"Crazy in love." He says as officiant directs people to take their seats. "Come find at the reception if you want to talk and don't want me to follow you to Chapel Hill." He says and then walks over to Leah and her family.
Hayden waves me over to his row. "I decided to be nice. You can sit here. Also you look like you needed away from the crazy ex." He whispers.
"He says if I don't talk to him he'll transfer to Chapel Hill and follow me around. He's apparently still in love with me." I whisper back so his parents don't hear.
"Sounds to me like you need a restraining order."
"His family has money. Restraining orders don't work." I inform him.
"Dad, mom, this is Taylor Lawson. The girl who has Chase tied down. Taylor this is Steven and Annie Caperall my parents. Who may I add own there own law firm."
He added that last part in because of the restraining order issues.
"I've known Chase since he was a child. He's never been this taken by a girl. If only my son could get like him in the relationship category."
"I know a girl."
"Who is it? He tells us nothing when it comes to girls." She questions Hayden.
"It's nothing. Shut up Taylor."
"Are you blushing Hayden?" I tease. "Can't wait to tell her about this."
"Don't you dare." He threatens.
"Nice to meet you." Is all Hayden's father says and I can tell he's a quieter man at first.
It doesn't take long for the vows to get started and Hayden didn't lie when he said they were long. They have me yawning. This heat is making me tired.
I know I said I wouldn't do it, but when I felt a ladybug land on me. I just feel like Skylar is watching over these two. Watching the wedding. Judging Chase. She would give me a sign if he wasn't the right guy for me and so far she hasn't.
A lifetime
These two will be together for a lifetime.
Throughout this whole ceremony I couldn't help but, look Chase. When Hayden told me they were doing four page long vows I cringed. But now that I'm hearing them, I love it.
Like when Clarissa promised not to get mad when he has to go out of town for work. For some reason Chase and I made eye contact. And when they made cute other promises we just kept looking at each other and smiling.
Sorry it took so long to update. We had some tornadoes come through so a lot of people lost power and internet. Some people are still out of power. We were lucky to only lose it for a little bit.
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