"Jackson! My office please after you shower." Coach says before disappearing into his office, signaling that practice is over.
"What's that about?" Gabe asks as we head into the locker room.
"I have no idea." I lie. I have an idea, but if they knew me and Taylor came here last night they would flip.
As everyone starts heading out of the locker room. I stay behind. Waiting for Coach. He wasn't in his office.
Ethan appears out of literally nowhere. I swear he's teleporting. "Everything is set for tonight."
"Thanks for the help."
"I'm so glad I'm not going to be the only one in a relationship. It gets annoying. All the teasing."
"Ethan, we're not in a relationship. It's just a date." I tell him.
"Yeah right. I said the same thing. Now look at me. I mean I've been ring shopping online. She's my forever." He smiles just thinking about her.
"Go see your girl man. I've got to talk to Coach."
"Alright. Enjoy tonight because I know me and Gracie will." He says before heading out.
He's so in love.
All he thinks about is Gracie. All he talks about is Gracie.
Ethan tells us all the time that he wouldn't care if he got drafted because he knows Gracie is his forever. So, if he doesn't get drafted next year he's perfectly fine playing the waiting game. Ethan's life doesn't revolve around basketball. He just plays because he's good. Ethan wants to coach. He's going to be that dad who coaches his child's basketball team.
Once I'm done hitting the showers I head to Coach Carson's office.
"Come in!" He yells from behind the closed door. I swear he has a tracker on all of us. He always seems to know where we are.
I walk in and Coach Carson has my party shirt and basketball sitting on his desk.
"Missing anything Jackson?"
"Yeah, I was wondering where my basketball and shirt went."
"What was it doing here?" He questions
"After the party last night I decided I wanted to practice."
"Mhm. Okay. And how did you get it?"
"The door was just unlocked."
"Really? Because I remember locking it."
"Well I guess someone unlocked." I state.
"Like my wife?" He questions.
I just look at him confused.
"Did you really think Susan could lie to me. Please we tell each other everything. She told me she unlocked the door last night for Taylor. But then I see your shirt and basketball. So you both broke in?"
"It was Taylor's ideas. See she thinks she can beat me in basketball and I wasn't about to forfeit. She also didn't tell me we were breaking in." I just ratted Taylor out.
"So who won?"
I was expecting to get yelled out or even cussed out for being here after hours.
"Don't look at me like I'm a math problem. Who won? You or Taylor?"
"Sorry it's just I was not expecting you to be so calm. I was expecting to get yelled at. We didn't finish the game. It was tied." I tell him.
"Trust me I really wanted to yell at you, when I woke up this morning. Then Susan gave me some wisdom. So, next time you want to brake into my gym at least ask. I would've said yes because it was Taylor. You bringing back the old Taylor, slowly, but calmly she's coming back. So I owe you and her roommates a thank you."
"Coach I've got her. There's no need to thank me if anything we should all be thanking her. She's really brought out the best in all of us." I say before grabbing my things and heading to the door.
"Oh and Chase?" I turn around. "Susan and I are requesting front row seats at the wedding." He says with a smile.
"I'll see what I can do."
I've never seen Coach smile. It was a weird sight.
Once I'm back at the basketball house. I'm trying to keep myself busy.
I've never really thought of anything other than basketball. I mean I've never wanted to focus on one girl. It's always been basketball.
Basketball is like a drug. No matter how many nights I've spent crying in a locker room, No matter how many times I've been told I'm going nowhere, Everyday at 6am, I'm still there, I'm still training, because my brain has convinced me, that this is what it will take, coaches pushing you until you brake.
I spent the next few hours studying. Because I knew I was seeing her later.
When I pulled up at her dorm. I got nervous.
...I don't get nervous.
I have only ever gotten nervous before a basketball game. Never for a date.
I bought her roses. I've never really done the dating thing. So I didn't know how to dress. So I put on a button down shirt.
Ethan has helped a lot. Anytime I need his help I just text.
Me: Do I give her the roses now or when we get there?
Ethan: For a guy that has every girl wanting him you sure are clueless when it comes to dates. Give her the roses now. Walk with them to her door.
I follow his instructions and head towards her door.
I didn't even have to knock before it was swung open.
"Are you here for Taylor?" Loren asks
"Yeah, we have a date tonight." I remind her
"Well we have a few requests." She tells me before Nicole comes to the door.
"We want her home by eleven." Loren states.
"And no funny business on the first date." Nicole adds.
"Also children ruin dreams. Keep it in your pants mister. Or I will have no option, but forbidding you from seeing my dear roommate."
They're acting like her parents. It's funny. I've never seen Nicole and Loren act like this. Mainly because Nicole and Loren have never been sober past 4pm.
I hear footsteps and I watch as Taylor rounds the corner. Nicole and Loren move out of her way so she's standing in front of me. "Hi." Is all I manage to say.
Get it together Chase.
"Hey." She's wearing a pink strapless top with black jeans and of course tennis shoes. She never wears heels.
"These are for you." I say as I pass her the roses.
"Thank you. They're beautiful."
"You're beautiful." I blurt out. "I mean you look beautiful."
"You look handsome."
"As much as we would love to watch you two stand here like some awkward teenage kids, me and Loren would love to watch the Bachelorette. So, goodbye awkward teenage kids on their first date." She says pushing us out the door.
"They love the bachelorette." Taylor tells me once the door slams shut.
"I can tell. Now let's go have a great first date." I say grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the door.
Next Chapter is the actual date.
Hi, so my family is safe. My town wasn't really in Ida's direct path, but my family thought it would be safer to evacuate. Just incase she changed courses.
Most people were in the direct path of Ida. Louisiana has had there many different hurricanes this year and people are still trying to recover. I've listed two links below in which you can donate. Donations are greatly appreciated and help a lot.
And please thank a lineman for all that they do. I mean seriously most of us can't go an hour without internet or power, and they were down there doing their best to give everyone affected by Ida electricity. Because can you imagine cleaning up Ida's mess in Louisiana heat. Unbearable.
Also if any of you know anyone in the Cajun Navy. HUG THEM AND THANK THEM.
The Cajun Navy is just another example of how Louisiana's just one big family. They are residents who use their own boats and supplies to help and respond quickly.
Take a moment to read their story. They are the definition of local heroes.
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