Today isn't my day. I just poked myself in the eye with mascara again. As in my fifth time.
Kylie was supposed to come over to help me get ready but bailed.
The banquet I'm going to isn't a formal one where you need to wear a long dress.
So I got a blue navy dress. I didn't realize how much of my chest it shows. I really hope my dad isn't here to judge my dress.
"You look beautiful!" Nicole says as she enters my room with Loren right behind her.
Loren hands me a pair of black heels.
"Wear these. They'd look good with the dress."
"Sure. Thanks."
I'm never had "friends" like Loren and Nicole. Skylar would never let me borrow her clothes or shoes. She'd leave me to figure it out.
There's a knock on the door.
"I'll go get it." Loren says exiting the room.
"Coach Carson is here." She tells me as she walks in my room.
"Taylor!" I know that voice. I turn around and see Susan Carson. Coach Carson's wife and my mom's best friend.
"Miss Susan!"
She pulls me into a hug.
"Come on ladies. Let's go!" Coach Carson yells from the kitchen
"He just doesn't understand how it can take us women so long to get ready." She tells me
"He's going to judge my dress." I tell her
"Oh honey, if you wore a turtleneck dress. He would still say it shows to much skin."
We walk into the kitchen and I see Coach Carson talking with the girls about the season.
"We're ready." Ms. Susan tells him.
"You look hot!" Loren compliments me.
"I'm not going to judge your dress with words because I'm sure your father will do that." He tells me
"He's coming?"
"Yes. Did he not tell you y'all are honoring the Jackson's."
"No. I'm not. They are. Not me." I tell him.
I will not make my appearance into the basketball world. I'm fine hiding behind my siblings fame.
Once we arrive at the banquet. I see all kinds of UNC basketball legends. Most of the people here are retired nba players.
I look like a basketball player wearing these heels. I'm already 5'9 without the heels. I fit in just fine here with my height but not my personality.
I wanted to come because I haven't seen my brothers in forever and I knew that they'd be here. I didn't know my parents were actually coming. My parents are the type that say they're coming but never show. So I'll be surprised if they do.
"Taylor our table is back here with the Jackson's." Susan tells me.
The Jackson's as in Chase's family. I look at the table she is talking about. There I see Chase, Hayden, Chase's parents, and two girls.
"I'm going to get something drink. I'll be at the table in a minute." I tell them and turn around before they can respond.
You'd think for a banquet and a whole bunch of professional athletes they'd make this place a little fancier.
We're literally in a hotel ballroom. There's no decorations. Only a stage. And the bar with beverages is on wheels. All these people here are rich. They could've made it look better. At least there are barely any lights on so you can't see you're walking on carpet.
"What can I get ya?" A bartender ask
"A water."
"Whose daughter are you?" A male voice ask
"My parents aren't here. I'm a family friend's plus one." I tell this dude.
This dude smells of male ego.
"Would you like an actual beverage because I can get you one? I'm underage but they know who my father is."
"I'm good."
"You sure?"
"Yeah she's sure." I know that voice.
That's the voice of the dude I FaceTime everyday. I turn around and see my brother Austin Lawson.
"Taylor. How's North Carolina? I've been here a day and already Miss New York."
"Taylor!" That's Kylie.
"I thought you never show up. I didn't want to be stuck with your parents all day. I don't get where you're supposed to sit because the table is full."
"I'm Austin's plus one." She says with a shaky voice.
"It's about damn time. I seriously couldn't continue to give Austin advice on how to ask you out. I'm glad you manned the fuck up."
"I'm gonna tell mom and dad you're cussing now."
"Do it! I'll tell them what really happened on your sixteenth birthday."
"You two continue to catch up. I'm going to see my parents." Kylie says before walking off.
"How long?"
"3 months."
"Okay and we've FaceTimed for longer. You couldn't tell me."
"Kylie wanted to keep it a secret. But I really need to tell you something before a go up on that stage." He looks nervous.
"When have you ever been nervous to tell me something?"
"Well it's just a big deal and I'm announcing it in 30 minutes."
"Spit it out."
"The NBA draft deadline is coming up and I needed to make my decision on if I'm applying or not and I'm applying. I want too. I don't want to wait for next year and think about what could've happened that didn't."
"I'm proud of you. I knew you'd make a good decision."
"You acted like you didn't want me too."
"I did that so you'd really weigh your options and you did. So I'm proud of you. All of my friends say you'll be going first in the draft."
"I'm not going first. There are better players out there than me."
"Since when have you been humbled?" I ask my brother but he's too busy looking behind me.
"What are you looking at?"
"The dude who looks like he wants to punch me and Hayden Caperall."
I turn around and my eyes immediately meet Chase's. He scans my body and bites his lip. That brings butterflies to my stomach. He then makes eye contact with me again and I get lost in his eyes and can't look away. I want to but I can't.
I scan his body and again he's dressed in a suit. I wonder who did his necktie. I wish I did. I wish we were standing that close to each other again.
I turn back around and my cheeks are flushed.
"Why does he look pissed?" My brother asked and then is about to start speaking again but something flashes across his face. "He thinks I'm flirting with you. You and Chase Jackson have a thing?"
"No we don't. Okay? We don't. I told you he's friends with my roommates. I see him a lot but there's no way he likes me."
"He's the dude that Seth said you were at dinner with." My brother states. I can't believe Seth told him.
"It wasn't just me and him. It was with his parents."
"You met his parents?" My brother asks in shock
"No! It wasn't like that."
"They're walking over here."
"Don't say anything. I swear Austin if you say something."
"I won't but you might have to stop me from slapping that ego off of Caperall's face."
"Trust me. I won't stop you. I'll help you."
"That's my sister!" He cheers.
"Shut up! Nobody needs to know that." I whisper yell at him.
"You're still keeping that act up?"
"What act?" I turn around and Hayden and Chase are right there. Hayden asked what act. Like I talk to him.
"Caperall! How did you get invited? You're parents are just lawyers that get you out of your legal shit." My brother ask him.
"Hayden is my plus one." Chase speaks up.
"Y'all a couple now?" I joke trying to ease the tension in between these three.
"Shut up Taylor." Hayden snaps at me.
"Don't tell her to shut up." Both my brother and Chase tell him at the same time.
I didn't ease the tension.
If anything I made it worse.
My brother and Hayden are having a stare off now. Thanks to me. Yay. I look at Chase and he looks really embarrassed to be Hayden's friend.
I'm surprised I haven't snapped yet. Normally I'd already be calling Hayden awful names but we're in a public place.
"So you trying to get Taylor in bed with you. Is Kylie not good enough?" Hayden ask in the middle of the state off.
I want to throw up. That's literally disgusting. Eww. Someone save me.
"I want Taylor to go to bed, it's past her bedtime." That's Austin's answer. It's past my bedtime seriously. That's such a big brother answer. I haven't had a bedtime since the 5th grade. Okay so he can shut up.
"What are you her sister?" Hayden ask. If only he knew we have the same blood and came from the same mama.
"Uh, yeah." Austin answers.
Did he seriously think these two are apart of the three who know my actual last name?
"Now that I think about it y'all do have the same nose and eyes."
"Austin shouldn't you go announce your announcement now." I ask hoping he takes the hint.
"Yes, yes I should." He turns around and walks away and I walk towards the table. Ignoring the dudes following me.
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