Chapter 1: Taylor Lawson

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"Taylor today is so great isn't it? You're away from everyone at Kentucky. You're getting better. You know I spoke to Doctor Willis this morning he's referring you to a new doctor. One located down here."

"Today is great mom, but if you keep asking me how I'm doing every five minutes, it won't be." My mom goes quite. "I don't need another doctor. I thought we agreed."

"Yes but your father insisted." She side eyes me nervously. "I was thinking why don't you try to make friends. Please don't drink, I don't won't to lose you." Her eyes start to water.

"Mom can we quite talking about this. We're here." I tell her as we pull into UNC. "Also it's college. I'm gonna drink." She's about to start talking but I cut her off. "Mom, I promise no drugs. Just the occasional drink at a party."

I open the car door before she can respond. I start grabbing my bags and head inside.

"Hi can I help you?" The lady at the front desk ask

"Hi. I just transferred from Kentucky. My names-"

"Taylor Rae. Correct?"

"Yep that's me."

Rae is my middle name. I don't tell people my name is Taylor Lawson because I'm not in the mood for the  fame. Never have been. I'm sure as hell not gonna tell people here I'm a Lawson because my father went to college here. He loved it. He met my mom here and got his career in the NBA, here.

The lady hands me a key and points me in the direction of my room.

I look behind me to see my MILF of a mother come in. With her ball cap on. I'm a spitting image of my mom. The green eyes and blonde hair. We're basically the same person except I can play sports. She can't. My mom looks like she's in her thirty's. We get mistaken for sister way to often. I can't wait until our relationship is back to normal because when it is Taylor Rae Lawson is bringing Becca Lawson to a frat party. To be hit on by college guys and mistaken for a college kid.

I make my way to a room and start to unlock it. As soon as the door swings open I see two girls sitting on the couch crying their eyes out to The Notebook. I turn and look back at my mother and give her that 'seriously' look. My mom looks like she's about to burst out laughing.

As soon as I turn back around the girls are making their way to me.

"Hi I'm Nicole."

"I'm Loren. Sorry about that. We weren't expecting you so soon."

When exactly where they excepting me then? Not many people transfer colleges in February.

"I'm Taylor."

After an hour or so my mom gets done helping me unpack and she leaves. I don't know how I feel about Nicole and Loren yet.

I'm in a hoodie and Nike shorts. I'm going to see my fathers life long friend. He's the new basketball coach as of three years ago. Him and my father played here together.

"Where are you going?" Nicole ask.

"To see a family friend."

I start my walk towards the basketball arena. As soon as I get there a man walks out the door so I walk in.

I walk around because I don't see him on the court. "Can I help you?" A male voice ask.

"Uh. Yeah is Coach Carson in?"

"He is. He's actually in the stands watching the players. Why do you look familiar?"

"I don't know. Thanks for telling me where he's at." I take off towards the seats before I can be interrogated anymore.

I see Coach Carson sitting down in the middle. I go and take the seat next to him. "Hey, stranger."

"Taylor! My gosh you've grown up! Your dad told me you were thinking about transferring. I never thought you'd go through with it."

"Yeah well, I need a break. Especially from Kentucky."

He gives me a sad smile. He knows what happened.

"What's up with number 22?" I ask

"His girlfriend just broke up with him." I'm surprised Coach Carson knows that. Most players don't tell their coach that.

"Well he needs to get his shit together."

He blows his whistle. Which was loud considering he's sitting right next to me.

All the players stop what they're doing and look at us.

"Morrison! Get your shit together!" He yells at him. I start laughing. I wasn't expecting him to yell that at him poor dude.

"Coach who's the girl?"

"Taylor. She should be the least of your worries! We suck! Start running!"

"So you thinking about joining the volleyball team or the women's basketball?"

Volleyball is a sad topic with me. I was a nationally ranked college volleyball player and I was only a freshman. My best friend Skylar was also on the volleyball team. That's why I don't want to do volleyball anymore.

"Coach. Volleyball was so Kentucky me. Basketball I play for fun. I think I'm just going to focus on school. No sports."

"I think that's a great idea. I wish the boys focused more on school and not partying."

"Oh I'm definitely going to party."

"Taylor." He says very concerned.

"Not party like the Kentucky Taylor. I'll be better here. I promise."

"Alright well you better get some sleep."

I hug him bye and leave.

When I get back in my new dorm room. My roommates are eating pizza. "Do you like pepperoni pizza?" Nicole ask

Who doesn't like pepperoni pizza? Like come on it's the best.

Nicole is one of those girls who looks like she's from New Jersey. I mean the black hair with the fake spray tan, that almost makes her look orange. She's about 5'5. I'm 5'9 so I look like a giant compared to her. 

"Yeah that's fine."

Loren on the other hand is pale and a brunette. She looks to be about 5'7. It's better than 5'5. I guess I'm not going to be able to wear high heel around these girls.

"So why'd you move?" Loren ask right before stuffing her face with pizza.

"I wanted to get away from all the drama. Kentucky just wasn't it for me anymore."

"Well UNC is walking drama. You didn't get away to the right college. There's this Instagram page where all the gossip is spilled it's run by none other than Teagan Smith. Aka the bitchest bitch here. She's in love with our friend Chase so if anyone speaks to him, she does background research on the person."

She won't be able to do background research on me. Living under the name Taylor Rae since last year there's not much drama under my name.

"So tomorrow we have a game against Florida State. You wanna come?"

"I guess I'll come." I haven't been to a basketball game in forever.

"Good. Your also coming to the Duke game the week after next. Monday the guys are traveling to Syracuse. We're gonna win. I have a feeling."

My brother plays for Syracuse. I know for sure after watching them practice for 2 minutes they will be losing to Syracuse.

"They'll lose. Mark my words."

"I will."

"Can one of y'all help me put up a poster on my wall?" Nicole nods and follows me to my room.

"Why are you putting a poster of  a volleyball team on your wall?" She ask

"This picture was a highlight of my life. That's me and my bestie Skylar hugging behind the dog pile of girls. This is from when Kentucky won the volleyball championship last year. I was on the team with my best friend."

I look at the picture. I was so happy then. Everything was perfect. Now look at me not even in the same state doing what I love. Skylar's mom mailed me this poster with a card that said "Y'all were so happy. Come visit soon." She must've had visitors around because I don't believe she would've wrote something so nice. She hates me after everything that happened but I hate myself too. I will hate myself until I'm dead.

A knock on the door, knocks me out of my thoughts. "Who's that?" I ask Nicole.

"The guys."

I follow her out of my room and I see the dude my brother hates, Hayden Caperall and his friends Chase Jackson, Ethan Reynolds, and Gabe Evans. My brother hates Hayden because Hayden is a shit talker. I only know of these guys because my brothers are involved in the basketball world.

Chase Jackson is staring between me and Nicole very weirdly. He looks creeped out. While he tries to read Nicole face. I take a good look at him. He's tan, has brown hair, brown eyes, and you can tell this man is ripped.

He's attractive I'm not gonna lie. Ok he's more than attractive. He's good-looking and easy on the eyes. I swear if I develop a crush I'm gonna transfer because this man is the definition of one night stands. He has male ego written all over him and looks like a heartbreaker but guess what nobody breaks my heart. It's already in a million pieces.


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