A few weeks had gone by now, they hadn't told anyone about their relationship yet, Albedo wasn't quite ready to make it public.
The only people that knew about them were Sucrose and Diluc.
Finally dating Kaeya was an amazing experience for Albedo. He was loving, caring, took Albedo out on weekends and some afternoons, and still ate with him at lunch even if they were together now. They'd share quick kisses where nobody could see them together, everyone by now knew they hung out, although that's all they knew; the surface layer of their relationship hadn't been cut through yet.
They often had sleepovers on school nights, Albedo would stay over at Kaeya's extremely nice house and then be driven to school the next day. This is what made Albedo shocked that no one had figured them out yet, maybe they just forgot homosexuality exists.
The student council room was only really used by them for lunch, all of the other student councils ate in the cafeteria and outside. Because of this, that room was where they could hold hands and cuddle.
They were both so happy with each other, and as Albedo watched the time pass he settled on something. Albedo swallowed his last mouthful of fruit before turning to Kaeya, who was still eating his pastry, they still had half an hour until lunch ended.
"Kaeya, you can start telling people we are together now," Albedo spoke, he had given it a lot of thought and decided it'd be easier for them if they didn't have to keep it secret.
Kaeya looked up at him, shocked and excited, "Really? I can tell people now?" He replied with a grin now growing on his face, "You're definitely sure?"
Albedo smiled as well, "Yep, I've been thinking about it recently and I figured it'd be easier for both of us, are you sure about it too?"
"Absolutely, this makes me so happy, Bedo, so I can just tell anyone I want now?"
"Yeah, I'll tell my mother tonight and perhaps Klee if she understands the concept of two boys," Albedo giggled, hoping his family would be supportive, "Who do plan on telling?"
Kaeya thought for a few seconds, glancing up at the ceiling as he did so before looking back at his boyfriend, "Ajax and Rosaria definitely, and whoever else asks. Also, I forgot to ask, what did Sucrose think of us getting together?"
"She was actually the person who suggested I confess to you, she had an idea that you liked me and I guess she realized you're the first person I've properly liked so she gave you up to me," Albedo confessed, Kaeya nodding at this information.
"I always wondered how it went with you two; I'm glad it went well when you told her," Kaeya leaned over the table to press a kiss to Albedo's forehead before his hand came in to tilt Albedo's head upward, they shared a kiss of pressed lips, "Wait, I'm the first person you've properly liked?" Kaeya asked, still leaning over him.
"Yeah, I've never been able to tell if I like someone romantically, I'd jump into relationships and then realize I only liked them as a friend. You're the first person that has made me realize I do in fact like you romantically." Albedo spoke, he felt Kaeya's hands adjust on his face, one held his left cheek as the other held his right, and he was pulled into a kiss that spoke words.
They parted after a few seconds, Albedo looking Kaeya in the eye as he smiled brightly, Kaeya giggled and caressed Albedo's face lovingly, "I love you."
Albedo's eyes widened as they flickered around Kaeya's expressions, seeing no signs of jokes, only a genuine expression. Albedo pushed himself into Kaeya's arms, hearing him say: "You don't have to say it back right now, just know and remember that I love you."
Even after nearly two months of dating, Albedo was stunned to hear Kaeya actually say those three words. He was thankful and happy, he let his face fall into the shoulder of his lover.
As soon as Albedo walked through his front door and entered his house, he bit his lip at what he'd have to open up about. He decided to get it over with, to quit stalling and finally be open to the woman who raised him almost his entire life, Albedo walked into the kitchen to sit opposite Alice, who sat on her phone scrolling through something.
"Ms. Alice?"
No response.
His mother perked up at that, putting down her phone as she greeted him, "Hey, Albedo! What's grooving?" Albedo snickered at her word choice, his smile suddenly fading as he remembered what he'd have to do.
"Can I talk to you about something?"
Alice must've noticed his demeanor change, as she fixed herself in her chair and faced Albedo. "Of course, what is it?"
"Well, um." Albedo thought to himself about what exactly he'd be saying, he'd have to confess that he's finally dating someone and more specifically that it's a boy. He didn't think his mother was homophobic, she was quite up to date with how the times had changed.
Trying to be confident, Albedo took a strong inhale and then exhaled slowly, he kept his eyes on his hands that awkwardly sat in front of him on the table; he finally decided to start speaking after a minute of silence, Alice's expression of worry encouraged him to go ahead, "You know I see Kaeya a lot, right?"
"Of course I do, you two are like glue. Constantly with each other on weekends," She giggled, "Did something happen?"
"Kaeya and I are together, like, boyfriends. We've been together for the last few weeks." Albedo said, absorbing Alice's surprised expression, thinking the worst was about to come before she smiled.
"That's amazing to hear, Albedo! Does he treat you well?"
He certainly wasn't expecting that, he thought she would immediately jump on Albedo's case about being gay, but she didn't. She didn't even acknowledge it, and that's what made Albedo smile along with her. "He treats me fantastically."
His mother squealed, "Have you two kissed yet? Held hands?"
"We held hands even before I confessed, and yes we've kissed," Albedo spoke before he was cut off with a gasp, he raised an eyebrow.
"You confessed?! I thought he'd be the one to confess. How and when?"
Albedo recalled the memory, "I did it at the local cafe a few Sundays ago, I just told him I liked him, he was shocked." He laughed under his breath.
"I'm so happy for you Albedo, don't feel rushed to tell anyone else or even Klee for that matter, I'll try and introduce her to the idea of two boys, two girls, and so on when I can."
"Thank you, Ali- Mom." Alice smiled, "I'm going to do some homework, it's fine for Kaeya to come over here tonight, right? I always sleepover at his and I'd want to return the favor."
"Of course, it'd be great to meet him properly."
A few hours later, Kaeya arrived for dinner and to sleep over. They all sat around the dinner table as Klee stayed at her friend, Diona's, house for the night. "Thank you for having me," He said to Alice, she laughed him off.
"Don't thank me, you're free to come over whenever you want. Albedo told me about you two." She took a spoonful of the beef stew she had prepared after hearing that Kaeya liked that through Albedo.
Kaeya grinned at that, "Thank you for being supportive of us. I'll treat your son very well."
"I'll be counting on you."
The rest of the dinner went really well, Kaeya and Alice got along well with their similar personalities in terms of having similar humor and the same jokes with remarks. Albedo stayed quiet, appreciating Kaeya's hand that held his under the table.
Kaeya was an extremely reassuring person and could tell immediately when Albedo was anxious or stressed, or just didn't feel like speaking at all. Overall, they both learnt how to read each other, how to know when the other needed some extra love or just how to tell how they were feeling, Albedo had never felt so secure in a relationship before, perhaps it was just the honeymoon stage.
A stage that Albedo never wanted to complete.
After dinner, Albedo practically dragged Kaeya upstairs before Alice could start pulling out the baby pictures of him, he wanted to save himself the embarrassment.
Kaeya sat in his desk chair and looked at all of his sketches laid out on the surface in adoration, wishing he had those skills and happy that he had such a talented lover. Albedo came up behind him, giving him a kiss on the cheek as his arms wrapped and draped around Kaeya, "What do you think of my mother?"
"She's lovely. What do you think of my brother?"
"He's nice."
Kaeya snickered and motioned Albedo to sit on his lap, Albedo crawled over him and continued hugging him, they settled into a soft embrace of kisses and loving words being exchanged, Albedo might've been at home, although he was definitely with his home right now.
His home being Kaeya. Warm, comforting, where he wanted to be at all times, his safe space, his joy, the list goes on. Albedo pulled back to meet Kaeya's eye, and his smile deepened, "I love you," He said, Kaeya immediately pulling him back down after hearing that phrase.
"I love you too - more than anything," He rested a kiss on Albedo's nose as he peered up like a lost kitten, "I love you so much."
Albedo hid in Kaeya's chest at these words, his face turning pink as his arms tightened around Kaeya's torso, "Thank you."
"Making me finally comfortable in my own skin."
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