September 19th, 2014.
The day Alyvia Reign Bolton became Alyvia Reign Danforth.
The girl sat looking at herself in the mirror, stunned by how she looked.
"You look beautiful, Liv." Gabriella complemented her as she appeared behind her in the mirror, making the Bolton girl smile.
"Yeah, Chad's not going to be able to take his eyes off of you." Taylor said, appearing on her other side, making her let out a light chuckle.
"Thanks guys." Alyvia smiled. "You know, for being here."
"We wouldn't want to be anywhere else." Taylor spoke as the duo carefully wrapped their arms around the girl's shoulders, hugging her.
"Woah, woah, woah. Careful with the bride." Kelsi called, making her way over as the trio separated. "We don't want to mess up anything."
"Kels, I think I'll be fine with a hug." Alyvia chuckled, standing up from her chair as she held her arms open. "How about one more?"
"I mean, if it's not going to hurt anything," Kelsi said, wrapping her arms around the girl.
"Dress time, dear." Mrs. Bolton called, causing the duo to pull apart as Alyvia glanced over at her mom.
"Coming mom." Alyvia said, squeezing Kelsi's hand before she followed her mom into the changing room.
After a few minutes of wiggling into the dress and her mom zipping her up, the girl was dressed and ready to go.
"Don't you look beautiful?" Mrs. Bolton gasped from behind the girl, causing Alyvia to glance up at her mom.
"Aw, mom, please don't cry." Alyvia turned to face her mom.
"You just look so breathtaking." Mrs. Bolton patted her tears away. "You've grown into a fine young woman."
"Thank you, mom." Alyvia smiled, pulling her mom into a tight hug before she pulled away. "Okay. I think I'm ready."
Mrs. Bolton walked ahead of the girl as she opened the double doors that lead back into the change room before stepping aside, allowing Alyia's bridesmaids to see her, causing the room to fill with gasps.
"Liv, you look amazing!"
"That dress was made for you!"
"So beautiful."
There were more compliments thrown her way, causing the girl to let out a chuckle. "Thanks guys."
"Oh, these came for you while you were changing." Kelsi said, carrying a giant bouquet of flowers to the girl.
"They're gorgeous." Alyvia gasped, carefully grabbing them as she inspected the white roses as the others gave the girl some space.
Alyvia carefully grabbed the card tucked inside of them.
For my beautiful fiance.
This is the last time I will be calling you that, because in just a few moments I will get to call you my wife. I know you look just as breathtaking in that white dress as you did the first day we met. I can't wait to see you walk down that aisle. I'm waiting for you, baby.
I love you, Bolton.
Alyvia fanned her eyes as she tried to stop the tears from coming down her face.
"Everything okay?" Kelsi asked, approaching the girl after watching her set the flowers down.
"Everthing's perfect." Alyvia assured the Neilsen girl. "Thank you, Kelsi."
"Of course." Kelsi said, sending her best friend a small smile.
"It's time." Mrs. Bolton announced, causing the girls in the room to squeal as they glanced over at Alyvia.
"Let's do this." Alyvia smiled, causing the girls to begin excitedly leaving the room, leaving the bride and her mom.
"Nervous?" Mrs. Bolton asked as Alyvia looped her arm through hers.
"Honestly. No." Alyvia shook her head. "For the first time in my life, I'm not nervous."
"That means you found the one." Mrs. Bolton patted the girl's hand.
Alyvia stood outside the door as the sound of music filled her ears as all of the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way down the aisle, leaving the girl alone with her father.
"You look beautiful, sweetie." Mr. Bolton said, causing the girl to smile up at the man.
"Thanks, dad."
"You ready?" Mr. Bolton asked, holding his arm out to his daughter.
"Ready." Alyvia breathed out, holding onto his arm as the doors opened.
The sound of murmurs filled the girl's ears as she stepped into the room, but she drowned them out when her eyes locked with his.
Alyvia eternally melted when she watched him wipe his face, causing people in the crowd to 'aw'.
Once she hit the bottom of the step, Chad was standing there, waiting with his hand extended to help her up.
"Thank you, baby." Alyvia smiled as she carefully held onto his hand before stepping up.
"Coach." Chad said, turning to Mr. Bolton.
"Danforth." Mr. Bolton said, shaking his hand firmly before he walked over to take a seat with his wife.
"I was right, you look absolutely breathtaking, pretty girl." Chad said, turning his attention back to Alyvia.
"And you look very handsome."
"How many years?" The minister asked, looking between the couple with a smile.
"seven." The pair said together.
"That's a long time for someone your age," the minister said, causing the pair to nod. "I wish you nothing but the best with your marriage."
"Thank you."
"Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today to join Chad and Alyvia in holy matrimony.
"Now who will be presenting the beautiful couple with the rings?"
The sound of small feet hit the ground as a small child made his way up to the front, causing everyone to watch in awe.
"Thank you, baby." Alyvia smiled as she bent down to grab the ring from the small boy, placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks, little man." Chad said, grabbing the other ring as he ruffled the boy's hair.
"Cannon." Mrs. Bolton called, causing the boy to run over to his grandma, making the couple chuckle.
"He's yours?" The minister asked, glancing between the couple and making the nod. "Chad, you may go first with your vows."
"Alyvia Reign, You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You've seen something in me since day one that I still have yet to see. From the moment I first set eyes on you, nearly 20 years ago, I just knew there was something about you. I promise to love and care for you every single day until my last because I am so madly in love with you, and I promise that will never change. Thank you for being my number one supporter and the loudest person in the room. You are my home. You are my person. And I couldn't imagine my life with you. Liv, I promise to never take us for granted, and I promise to always put you and this family first. I'm yours and only yours. Today, tomorrow, yesterday, and for the rest of our lives. I love you."
Alyvia could feel the tears rolling down her cheek, but she couldn't take her eyes off of him as she watched him slide the ring onto her finger.
Chad locked eyes with the girl as he reached up to wipe her tears away. "Hey, no need to cry. You're too beautiful to be crying."
"How am I not supposed to cry after that?" Alyvia pouted as she fanned her face, causing everyone to laugh before the girl let out a deep breath. "Okay."
"Alyvia, you may say your vows."
"Chad, from the moment I saw you, there was an unspoken spark. You have made me a better person, and I can't thank you enough for how much you have changed my life. If you had asked me eight years ago if I could have pictured this life with you, I would have said yes. You are my joy and my heart, and you make me feel safe and secure every day just by being you. I promise to give you the very best version of myself and to never take you for granted because there is no one quite like you. I promise to always love and support you through your biggest victories and your hardest battles. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for our married lives. Thank you for picking me and showing me what love is. I promise to love you for the rest of our lives."
The boy smiled as the girl slid the ring onto her finger before wiping away his tears as he did for her.
"By the power vested in me by the state of New Mexico, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." The minister declared.
The couple smiled as Chad took a step closer before carefully placing a hand on the girl's cheek, pulling the girl in for a passionate kiss.
Everyone stood on their feet as they began cheering for the new husband and wife as they pulled apart.
"Mrs. Danforth." Chad smirked down at the girl, causing her to chuckle.
"Mr. Danforth."
"I think it's got a nice ring to it." Chad said.
"I couldn't agree more." Alyvia smiled as the boy leaned in for another kiss.
"I present you, Mr. and Mrs. Danforth." The minister said, causing the couple to chuckle as they pulled apart.
Chad held his hand out toward Alyvia, causing her to smile up at him as she interlocked their fingers before they made their way down the aisle.
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