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"Callback?!" Sharpay's voice echoed the halls as she let out scream as she looked at the pink paper hanging on the bulletin board.

"Callback for roles of Arnold and Minnie next Thursday, 3:30 p.m." Ryan read. "Ryan and Sharpay Evans. Gabriella Montez and Troy Bolton."

"Is this some kind of joke?!" Sharpay questioned. "They didn't even audition!"

"Maybe we're being punked?" Ryan said, excitedly causing his sister to give him a look. "Maybe we're being filmed right now. Maybe we'll get to meet Ashton!"

"Oh, shut up, Ryan!" Sharpay exclaimed, snatching her arm away from him as the group of basketball players approached the Evans twins laughing.

"What's wrong?" Chad said, letting out a chuckle but his smile quickly faded seeing his team captain's name on the musical call back sheet. "What?"

Alyvia heard everything as she peeked her head around the corner from behind them, watching as Chad ran away from the group before everyone walked away.

Quickly looking up and down the hallway, knowing it was clear of her friends, Alyvia slowly made her way to the pink paper.

Letting her finger slowly run down the paper, stopping when seen her name in bold letters, causing a small smile to form on her lips.

"Hey." Alyvia heard from behind her, causing her to quickly turn around to see her brother, causing her to let out a loud sigh.

"Holy cow, you scared me." Alyiva said, placing a hand over her chest as she let out a light chuckle before turning back to the paper. "Callbacks aye."

"Yeah." Troy said, looking over the paper as well. "The guys are gonna freak when they see this."

"Oh, they sure did." Alyvia said, smirking up at her brother, causing him to quickly look at her. "Don't worry they took it as expected."

"Great." Troy said, nodding his head as the sound of an too familiar scream was heard from the cafeteria, causing the Bolton twins to share a look before quickly making their way down the stairs that lead to the cafeteria.

As the twins made their way over to the scene, Chad quickly grabbed the Bolton boy, causing Alyvia to stop as well.

"You do not want to get into that, man. Too much drama." Chad said, pointing at Sharpay and Gabriella before quickly pulling the twins towards the area that usually only held the basketball players and cheerleaders.

"What is going on here?" Ms. Darbus' voice traveled through the lunchroom as everyone watched in shock.

"Look at this! That Gabriella girl just dumped her lunch on me!" Sharpay exclaimed, referring to the very visible food stained top she was wearing. "On purpose! It's all part of their plan to ruin our musical. And Troy and his basketball robots are obviously behind it. Why do you think he and his sister auditioned? After all the hard work you put into this show. It just doesn't seem right."

"What's up?" Troy questioned, causing Chad to take his focus away from the scene in front of them.

"What's up? Oh, let's see." Chad said. "Um. You missed free period workout yesterday to audition for a heinous musical. And now suddenly people are confessing."

Alyvia watched Zeke walk past the group with a bowl in his hand, causing Chad to grab him.

"Yeah, and Zeke. Zeke is baking creme brulee." Chad said, pointing at the boy.

"Oh, what's that?" Troy asked, looking at the bowl in the boy's hands.

"Oh, it's a creamy custard like filling with a caramelized surface." Zeke explained, sounding so excited. "Liv actually helped me master the recipe."

That caused the other two to slowly turn their head to the short girl standing between them, causing her to send them a small smile with a slight wave.

"It's actually really satisfying." Zeke said, causing the girl to nod her head in agreement.

"Shut up, Zeke." Chad said, harshly causing his smile to drop as he quickly turned to walk away as Alyiva watched him with a sad smile but followed her brother as he took a seat at the nearby table.

"Look. Do you see what's happening here?" Chad said, taking a seat on the other side of Troy. "Our team is coming apart because of your singing thing. Even the drama geeks and the brainiacs suddenly think they can talk to us. Look, the skater dudes are mingling. Suddenly people think they can do other stuff. Okay, stuff that's not their stuff. You're thinking about showtunes when we've got a playoff game next week!"

That caused the Danforth boy to angrily push the tray away in front of him before standing up and walking away from the table.

"Hey, don't let him or anyone else get you down." Alyvia spoke softly to her brother, placing a supportive hand on his arm as he dropped his head. "If this is what you want to do, do it. If they're real friends they'll come around, Troy."

"Yeah." Troy said trailing off before a smile grew on the boy's face. "You're basically friends with Gabriella right."

That caused the girl to look at her brother with a raised eyebrow before she was sent to the girl with a note in hand.

"Is Sharpay really, really mad at me?" Alyivia heard the Montez girl ask Taylor as she approached the two sitting at a table together. "I said I was sorry."

"From my Sharpay knowledge I would say you're at the top of her list." Alyivia said, taking a seat beside the Montez girl, causing the duo to look at the Bolton girl.

"Look, no one has beaten Sharpay out for a musical since Kindergarten." Taylor explained, causing Alyvia to nod in agreement.

"I wasn't trying to beat anyone out." Gabriella explained, shaking her head. "We didn't even audition, we were just singing."

"Yeah, well you won't convenience Sharpay of that." Alyvia said, sending the girl a sad smile. "Especially since I tried the same thing in Kindergarten."

"I'm telling you, if that girl could figure out a way to play both Romeo and Juliet, her own would be aced out of a job." Taylor said.

"I told you it just happened, but I liked it." Gabriella dreamily said, causing Alyvia to smile at the girl. "A lot. Did you guys ever feel like there's a whole other person inside you just looking for a way to come out?"

"Not really, no." Taylor spoke proudly with a smile.

"Definitely." Alyvia muttered to herself as the sound of the bell ringing, gained the trio's attention.

"Let's go." Taylor said, quickly packing up her garbage, walking away to throw it away at the nearby trash can.

"For you." Alyvia said, holding up a folded piece of paper towards the Montez girl with a smile, causing her to slowly take it with a confused look. "From my brother. He would like to see you."

"Thanks." Gabriella said, smiling ear to ear at the girl before turning and walking away with Taylor.

Alyvia turned to walk down the opposite way only to be met by the Danforth boy himself.

"Livi, just the girl I've been looking for." Chad said, throwing his arm over the girl's shoulder as the duo walked down the hallway towards the girl's locker.

"What can I do for you, Chad?"Alyvia said, looking up at the boy.

"It's about Troy and this singing thing." Chad said, dropping his arm once they made it to the girl's locker. "We need you to convince him to quit."

"And why exactly would I do that?" Alyvia questioned, causing her to raise an eyebrow at the boy as she opened her locker.

"Because you're his twin sister who he loves and cares about. Besides, who cares about a silly school show when we have a basketball championship game coming up in only two weeks." Chad spoke, causing the girl to slam her locker, sending the boy a fake closed lip smile.

"Look Chad, I'm only gonna say this nicely because we've been friends for so long." Alyvia said, turning to face the boy. "Whatever it is you want me to do to sike Troy out about this musical, you can forget about it. I haven't seen my brother seem somewhat good at anything since my dad first handed him a basketball when we were only 4 years old. Also an fyi, I care about this school's silly show and I was hoping you as a friend would come support me at my callback but you can forget I even asked. Have a good championship game."

"Liv, wait." Chad called after the Bolton girl but she continued walking, ignoring the boy's calls. "Liv!"

They tell you a good girl is quiet
And that you should never ask what
Cause it only makes it harder to fit in
And you should be happy, excited
Even if you're just invited
Cause the winners need someone to clap for them

It's so hard just waiting
In a line that never moves
It's time you started making
Your own rules

You gotta scream until there's nothing left
With your last breath
Say here I am
Here I am
Make em listen
Cause there is no way you'll be ignores

Not anymore
Say here I am
Here I am
Here I am

Here I am

You only get one life to work it
So who cares if it's not perfect
Say "it's close enough to perfect for me"
Why should you hide from the thunder
And the lightening that your under
Cause there ain't nobody else you want to be

If how your living isn't working
There's one thing that'll help
You got to finally just stop searching
To find yourself

You gotta scream until there's nothing left
With your last breath
Say here I am
Here I am

Make em listen
Cause there is no way you'll be ignored
Not anymore
Say here I am
Here I am
Here I am

The world better make some room
Yea move over, over
Cause you're coming through
Cause you're coming through

You gotta scream until there's nothing left
With your last breath
Say here I am
Here I am
Make em listen
Cause there is no way you'll be ignored
Not anymore
Say here I am
Here I am
Here I am

Here I am

"Alyvia Bolton." Mrs. Michaels called out for attendance, causing the Bolton girl to raise her hand with a smile.


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