[Alexandrite × child reader]

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[#54: Alexandrite]

You walked along the beach, humming a familiar tune. You just wanted to explore the beach. You had heard that some crazy stuff goes on behind the huge rock formation by the water, so you decided to head there.

You turned to look at a huge statue of a woman with many arms and what seemed like an extra face carved into the rock. You gasped, with wide eyes, and gazed around. Nothing "crazy" was happening.

Maybe it was just a dumb rumor. Maybe I'm being stupid coming here. You thought, frowning. You'd seen the boy, Steven, who supposedly lived back here with alien "rock people", as Ronaldo would say, but you didn't really believe it.

You sighed and stuffed your hands into your pockets, spinning around on your heels. You had hoped to see something cool happen, but nothing. You began to walk away until you heard a noise of a door opening.

Three women came out of the Temple-like building. They looked incredibly strange, but normal at the same time. One of them had purple skin and lilac hair that fell to the floor. Another was extremely tall with cube-shaped hair. Lastly, a pale, sickly skinny woman with a gem on her forehead.

You hid behind a rock and watched with curiosity. You knew that it wasn't right to eavesdrop on these random people, but it was in your nature to act upon your curiosity. They seemed really happy for some reason, but you didn't know why.

They began to dance. The purple one and the pale one ran into the tallest one at the same time, morphing them into one being. She was huge and, in your opinion, looked beautiful. You stood there with stars in your eyes, mesmerized by the creature.

She didn't really do anything specific. She just seemed happy to be fused together. You walked up to her and she turned her head to face you, seeming to already know you were going to arrive. She was sitting in the sand, just staring at the water.

"Hello! Who are you? I'm (Y/N)!" you exclaimed, smiling wide. The woman smiled, too, which looked very out of character for her stoic nature. She reached one large hand down to you and shook your tiny hand. It made you laugh.

"What's your name?" you asked, rocking back and forth on your heels. The woman answered, "I'm Alexandrite." You really loved her voice as well.

"Wow! I love your name! By the way, you're super beautiful," you told her, giving a toothy smile. She chuckled softly.

"Thank you," was all she said. You rambled on to her about your day and events that you found special. She didn't even seemed annoyed, which is what most people looked like when you rambled on to them.

"Why do you have six arms?" you questioned, staring up and down at the limbs. She stretched her arms out and smiled wide, "I'm a fusion."

"What's that?"

"It's two or more gems fused into one person."

"What's a gem?"

"A gem is sort of like a person, but actually very different. A gem doesn't have to eat, sleep, or do anything, really."

"Cool!" you shouted, squishing your face with your hands. Alexandrite giggled, which you found adorable.

"Is there anything else you can do besides have three arms?" you asked, excited to see something cool happen. Meeting Alexandrite was cool on its own, but you wanted to see something even more exciting if you had the chance.

"Well, yeah. Watch this," she spoke. Her face lifted up and a second mouth appeared. It had slobber and large teeth. It was scary, but still incredible.

"Woaaaah!" you gasped. She put her face back in its place and stood up, towering over you. A gem on her forehead and a gem on her chest began to glow, and she pulled out a spear and a whip. She somehow magically bound them together to form a bow and arrow.

"Is this cool?" she questioned, kneeling down and giving you a better look. You nodded vigorously. She made the weapon disappear and then grabbed another spear. She summoned gauntlets and smashed them together, pulling it off of her hands and revealing a giant hammer.

"That's so awesome!" you squealed, jumping up and down. Then she started over again and pulled out her whip. She summoned a gauntlet and shot it into the air, throwing her whip after it. They connected, which made a giant wrecking ball. She swung it around, looking very happy and excited in the moment. You laughed loudly, joyous at her happiness.

The wrecking ball disappeared and Alexandrite got down on her knees. She placed on hand palm-up on the ground.

"Do you want to see what I see up here?" she questioned. You nodded and climbed onto her hand, sitting down and peering over as she lifted you up. She stood, giving you and even higher view. Everything looked so small compared to what you normally saw. You couldn't believe that this was what Alexandrite saw all the time.

"Wow..," you stared with star-filled eyes at the water, which you noticed was now reflecting the moon from the darkness of the area. You finally realized how late it was and jumped up, "Oh no! I have to go!"

Alexandrite placed you on the ground, and you immediately ran off. You looked back and waved, smiling.

"Bye, Alexandrite!" you shouted.

"Goodbye, (Y/N)," she replied in a whisper, which you couldn't hear. She spun around and settled back down in the sand, smiling at the glistening ocean.


This was requested by Eclipse_Purplewolf! I hope you like it!

Btw, you can check out my other books: The Homeworld Human (Homeworld Gems x child reader) and Learning (Jasper x fem!reader)!

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Ily all!

- Aehlyn ♡

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