Chapter 5. Dancing partner

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The banquet started soon, and after what seemed like hours of superficial conversations about unimportant matters, it ended. We made our way towards the main stairs of the palaces' entrance, where hundreds of our people were waiting in the gardens for the King's special announcement.

"People of Suraniat..." My father started after greeting the crowd. "Today I bring to you a very important announcement." The crowd cheered. "As a response to recent events, the council and I have decided that we will be calling a vote to decide whether joining the Republic in the war or remaining neutral would be the right decision." The crowd cheered even louder. "But for tonight, let's celebrate our avoidance of what could have been a devastating blockade." The fires that illuminated the city streets lit up, the music started and the people started dancing. Most of the nobles went back to the palace, but I decided to rush down the stairs where my friend Priya was waiting with his boyfriend Frealan.

"The real party is about to start." Priya exclaimed, holding my hand as she pushed me towards the crowd laughing.

"Princess Y/N." Obi Wan called, trying to keep up. "I don't think mixing in with the crowd is safe under your circumstances." Priya looked at me confused.

"Oh come on General." I grabbed him by the sleeve and pulled him down the stairs. "Who will search for a princess in here?" Obi Wan looked around at the people who were drinking, dancing and enjoying themselves. "Please?"

"Alright." I smiled widely and pulled him in with the crowd to join the dance mixer. He seemed inhibited at first but quickly let go, laughing as the traditional music guided our movements. Soon, It was our turn to dance together. At first it seemed strange to have him so close, but I liked it for some reason.

"Just Y/N please." I said.

"Huh?" He moved closer towards me to place his head closer to mine. I felt shivers down my spine.

"I said, you can call me just Y/N. No need for "Princess" while we're out." I told him, before it was time to switch partner. We continued dancing and having fun with all the people of the kingdom. I knew them very well from my promenades during the day and escapades at night to the village. I was the member of my family who got the most involved with our people, and they liked me as much as I liked them. The village was the place where I had more fun, rather than the boring palace.

I made conversation with almost everyone I danced with, until I switched partners to find someone I had never met. He was heavily clothed, which I found strange in the heat we were experiencing that night. He twirled me around so fast I didn't realise we were exiting the dance floor - My surroundings seemed blurry, complicating my attempt to find Obi Wan in the jargon of people. I soon connected the dots and reached the dagger in my sandal, right before he placed one on my neck. I placed mine on his in return, trying to seem like I knew what to do. He laughed, and for a minute I thought I was screwed, but then I heard a distinctive hum coming from behind, and a blue eerie light illuminating my figure.

Obi Wan's lightsaber whipped fast through the air, making the bounty hunter drop his weapon. I quickly stepped back to meet Obi Wan's side but the bounty hunter didn't give up; He took advantage of the moment and grabbed my wrist to push me on his side, forcing the hand with which I was holding the dagger on to my own neck. I tried to push it down but he was stronger than me.

"Obi Wan Kenobi." The bounty hunter chuckled while we struggled. "I was not expecting you here."

"Shahan Alama." Obi Wan stepped closer incredibly slow. The bounty hunter stepped backwards, tilting his head in defiance. "Let go of her you bastard." He tightened the grip of his lightsaber.

"You Jedi scum." Shahan hissed. "Suraniat is no fit for such warrior. You should pick your missions better."

"Maybe you should pick your targets better." All of a sudden, Shahan's hand became loose and I was able to bring it down, freeing myself and running behind Obi Wan. Shahan ran towards us with an extra knife he had on his belt, but Obi Wan wasted no time in using the force once more to link the bounty hunter's hands behind his back and tying them tightly, after he had punched him in the face dryly. Obi Wan sighed deeply after it had all passed.

"Are you alright, darling?" Obi Wan asked as he escorted the prisoner back to the palace. He talked like nothing had happened

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, walking behind him still in shock.

"Why so? You bought me some valuable time with that little knife of yours." He smiled, looking for my smile back, but I was too scared and paranoid to do anything besides looking to the floor. He told the guards the bounty hunter was found closer to the palace so my father wouldn't lash out at me for going to the village. My father sighed in deep disappointment, rubbing the bridge of his nose, and asked us to retire for the night, as he would deal with the bounty hunter himself. "Hey." Obi wan turned to me when we were on the corridor to our rooms, placing his hand on my shoulder to stop me. "You did great."

"I shouldn't have left your side." I said pessimistically, still looking at the floor.

"I was sent here to follow you around." He gently lifted my chin with his hand to meet his eyes. "Not the opposite. If someone is to blame, it's me." He dropped his hand and reincorporated his initial position and we continued walking. "Besides, it could have been way worse. You're not injured, are you?" Silence followed.

"I want you to train me." I finally said.

"Beg your pardon?" He stopped and turned once more, confused.

"Just so I can defend myself if something like this happens again. We never know." I insisted. I couldn't shake how impotent and powerless I felt, and I didn't want that again. "Please."

"As you wish." He nodded, considering how that would be beneficial, and entered my room to inspect it before finally retiring to his. "Goodnight, Y/N." He placed a metal object on my hand on his way out, passing me by the door. It was my dagger.

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