Third Person POV
Walking into the main part of the hide out everyone held faces that showed not one type of emotion, well one maybe if you're lucky to catch it. Dom had walked over to the table and leaned on it griping it so tight that it caused a dent in the table. Jorden had saw the was her brother was acting she had hurried over and grabbed his arm ever so lightly which caused him to let go a little.
" Dom you have to calm down, It's not the end of the world it was just a little out race alright we'll get them next time alright. "
" How can you be so sure there will be a next time. Jo you almost got shot out there and I'm not willing to put you back through that again."
A scuff had left Jorden as she had let go of his arm and crossed her arms while giving her brother a cold glare.
" Now you think about me. "
" I always think about you Jo, about you and your well being. "
" No you don't if you had thought about 'my' well being I would still be at home in Cali. finishing up my last semester and then doing what ever the heck I would be doing with my degree, but no you didn't think about my well being the only thing that's on your mind right now is getting Letty back. Newsflash she doesn't remember us so just let it go. "
Dom was about to respond to his sisters out burst but someone had beat him to it.
" You need to watch your mouth around here little girl. "
" Excuse me? You are no one of importance to my life, so back out "
Gisele had watched the look on Jordens face go from calm to irritated real fast, but she wasn't about to let her talk to Dom like he was nothing.
" You need to be thanking him without him you wouldn't have anything that you do now. "
" Oh no sweet heart I would still have what ever the heck I want regardless if my brother were doing what he did. You little miss no meat need to go sit down somewhere and but out of official family business. "
" I am apart of this fam-"
" No, no you're not, if my families blood doesn't run through your veins regardless of how long you may have known 'MY' family you are not and will never be apart of my family. SO just do me a favor and butt out of my business that has no need of your nose to be in it."
Everyone was a bit taken back from the words that had seem to fall off of Jordens tongue like water from a water fall. Dom had looked down at his younger sister and how red her face was. The first thing that he did was grab her in his arms and tired to clam her down. Jorden was past the point of mad. She couldn't believe that Gisele had the nerve to even look at her let alone talk to her being that she was with her ex Gisele was not in the good books with Jorden. Everyone was just looking between the two and wondering what else would happen.
" Jorden, Calm down alright. It's alright. "
" No, No its not. I can tell by the way that she looks at me that she doesn't like me."
" And you're right. I don't ever since I had gotten together with Han, I had to fix all the broken pieces that you had left behind in Han's heart. "
Jorden had chuckled coldly and shrugged out of Dom's grip on her and gave Gisele a smug look.
" So that's what this is about. it's about Han. "
" You know that all this is about Han, the reason why you didn't want to come. It's all because Han was here and the fact that he is with me you can't seem to even look at him nor me with out a smug look or a side eye. You hate the fact that he is in love with me, you hate the fact that I have his heart. You hate the fact that you're not me. "
Gisele had smirked after she had took in a small breath from what she thought was putting Jorden in her place but that just made Jorden even more angry then she was. Jorden had leaned against the table with a smirk on her face as well as she was thinking about all the stuff she was about to say to put Gisele in her place. Gisele on the other hand was now looking lost being that Jorden had a smirk on her face now knowing that what she had said didn't faze her what so ever.
" Alright, so lets get one thing straight here. Sweetheart you have nothing I want let alone something you seem as if I need. Han, I didn't break his heart he broke mine. If you honestly think that me not wanting to be here is about you or Han then girl you are more crazy then I thought you were. Me not wanting to be here is my business and none of yours so I don't have to explain myself to someone who is so irrelevant to my life. Han is a grown a** man which means he can date who he wants to date and he can love who he wants to love. Me not being in his life for what four maybe five years now might have taken a tole on him being that you are trying to step up to someone who has enough strength to break you in two seems as if he is trying to find someone who could replace me but he didn't do a very good job alright. I so don't understand that if you think he is SO much in love with you, then why are you getting so defensive about something that happened years ago. Huh tell us that Ginger ale. If you say that you have his heart so much then why are you scared. Is it the fact that I might come back in the picture, or the fact that Han still loves me regardless of whom he may date or marry for that matter. Me and Han, we have something you will never have nor hold. History. and that's what's keeping me in his heart and not you and yet you fail to realize that until that it is rubbed in you're face that you will never have or hold his heart the way that I did. "
Gisele had began to blink really quickly and look at Han causing Jorden to glance over at him. His posture was stiff like he wanted to run but he couldn't. Gisele had walked over to Han with tears in her eyes. Han couldn't look her in the face let alone touch her. Gisele had took his face into her hands forcing him to look her in the eyes. Han could see that she was breaking down inside her eyes were spilling out that she was hurt and heartbroken.
" Is it true. Will you always love her? "
Nothing came in his mind nor out his mouth. Gisele had scuffed and let her arms fall down to her sides. Han didn't know what to do. What Jorden had said was completely and utterly true. She still had a strong hold of him and his heart which he hated do to the fact that he was in a relationship with someone that he really cared for and not some how that he had picked up off the side of the rode now that would be different but it was his Gisele, a girl that was with him through the tough time of getting over Jorden. She was his shoulder to cry on when he needed it and even though Gisele did everything in her will power to make him love her as much he had loved Jorden it just never happened that way and now she knows why. Han still loves her and now she knows why he had always seem to reject anything that was related to her.
" You do don't you. Han just tell me the truth alright! Just tell me! "
Jorden had chuckled at the scene that was going down in front of her before getting off the table not without grabbing keys to one of the cars. Everyone had watched her movements closely so she wouldn't do anything crazy.
" Where are you going? "
" Anywhere but here. Too much... drama, tension. I don't know I'll say anything to get out of here. My dog died. "
Jorden had walked over to the dark matte orange Plymouth Barracuda opening the door to it and slowly pulled into the huge elevator that was meant for the cars. Jorden knew she needed to clear her head but where she was going to go was a question that she haven't even asked herself. Everyone was looking at her drive away from the issue. Han knew that he had to follow her but he also knew that he had to try and save the relationship that he has instead of one that he wish that he had back in his life.
" Well... This has been one H*** of a day. "
Tej had said walking away from the crew with a hard look as he walked past Han as did everyone else, They had left to give the two some room so they could talk. Han had looked Gisele whose hands were covering her face. Han felt horrible that he couldn't love Gisele at the level that she loved him.
" Look G, I'm sorry. Alright you have no idea how hard it was for me to try and love you the same way you love me. No don't get me wrong yes I do have love for you but I was never as strong as it should have been and I completely blame myself for not opening up to you and telling you the truth that you should have heard. "
" No, Han I knew I would never be loved as much back from you. I knew what to expect but I didn't expect this coming I can tell you that. That..That GIRL just told me that you will never love me the way you loved her, Is that true?"
All Han could do is nod his head and look away from her tear covered face. It broke his heart that his ... girl friend was cry like this, but he knows that she wont be his for any longer.
Gisele had looked up at the ceiling as she began to think to her self what she ever did wrong in their four year long relationship that it had to come to this point to where she could handle it anymore, she just couldn't handle anything that Han had to throw at her, she was just fed up with him now that she knows the truth.
" Han, I think it's time to quit. "
" Quit... Like us?"
" Yes like us what else did you think I meat, a job. Han your way smarter then that and you know it. I just don't think I can stand around and watch you two make love eye at each other while I'm here feeling as if I don't belong. I mean she made that part crystal that I don't so lets just... Take this break."
Han wanted to stop his but he knew in his heart that if he wanted to get his girl back he was going to have to let go of the one that he had now and he was willing to do that as long as they stayed close friends ya know. So Han just nodded at her as she walked closed towards him placing a small kiss at the corner of his lips and began to back up and walk away.
" It was a nice run with you Han. I hope we can do this again. "
Han watching her figure walk away from him, he had let a small tear slip out of his eye causing him to curse himself as he wiped it away. He loved the girl, yes, but he loves Jorden a whole lot more causing him to fail at every relationship that had been after her, but he felt like that was over when he met Gisele but that was a complete failure. Now he knows that he needs his other half back
He needs Jorden back.
And he needs her Now.
Word Count :: 2146
A/N:: AHHHH!!! I KNOW IT'S LATE DON'T KILL ME. I have been super booked for the longest and complete and utter writers block but I'm happy I'm back so I hope you guys like the chapter please comment and Vote please don't be a silent reader :)
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