Third Person POV
Everyone was waiting within her room just waiting for any sign of movement but nothing yet and its been almost two months Dom is starting to worry. Brian was nowhere to be found, Mia was going crazy thinking that her little sister wasn't going to make it. Roman and Tej had left to get everyone some food. Gisele had went back to go shower and change. Han was the only person who has changed what so ever. When the doctor called to tell them that she had been moved to her personal room, Han still didn't move from the chair in the waiting room. He was beating himself up for everything bad that's happened to her. He knows that every time she had gotten hurt it was because of him and he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to treat her right, He wanted to make sure that everything that she needed he was going to be right there to get it for her. He wants to be her one true love again.
Han had felt a hand go on his shoulder which caused him to snap out of his thoughts and follow the hand, it was Brian. The man that every one was looking for was now sitting beside a depressed man.
" Look Han. "
" Don't try to say anything Brian. I know this is my fault. It's always my fault. "
" Don't think like that. "
" Brian that girl in there was about to say something very important to me but the only thing I did was yell in her face that she didn't care for what so ever. Now I really might loose the only girl that cared for me. "
" You told her that. Han you thought Jorden didn't care for you, Wow you really are stupid. "
" I know this Brian! "
" No what you don't know is that she cares for you so much she would hate to see you like this. Dude fix it up. If you still love my little sister like you said you do then prove it. "
Brian had gotten up leaving Han back to his misery and all over thoughts. Han wanted her to be okay and he knew the only thing that was going to help that was if he was by her side and prayed.
Looking at the clock that read something pass two Han was the only one that was still in the room, He had looked up at the lifeless body that was laying in the bed with multiple cords connected to her Jordens body. He had gotten down on both knees and with her hand in his he began to pray.
" Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to please come down along with your angles and lay hands on the love of my life. i know I haven't been the best at anything but I do promise to get better and to be a better person to both you and her. Father I ask you to please put your blood upon her body and heal her in ways that no one knows. Father I just ask for your healing power to make her better and to bring her back to us. In Jesus name I declare it to be done. Amen. "
Han had opened his eyes and just sat there looking at the girl that he has so much love from day one since they met. He just felt so apologetic towards her. Han just didn't know what to do.
Two weeks had seemed to pass and all Han was doing to praying and having faith that Jorden was going to wake up, The family of course had came back everyday and they saw how much he had changed. he hasn't really ate anything nor has he left that seat he had just been waiting for Jorden to open her eyes. He was just waiting and waiting so he just started talking to her about the good times they had and the good times they will have when she does wake up.
" Oh and don't you remember when Twinky and Sean had decided that they were going to open their own garage with out any help. That was the day you told them that they couldn't get two NOS in a car with out it leaking and bursting into flames. That was a good day. "
He had continued to just say the good times hoping she was hearing him. On the other hand the Dom would come in and see how happy he was when ever he was talking about the past with her just being there. He saw how happy it made Han and how big the smile was on his face. Dom missed this version of Han he missed when they were together he missed when his sister would be happy walking into the house with a huge smile on his face. He just missed the old Jorden,
Looking down at the hand that wasn't being held Dom saw a little movement, He had stood up straight and tried to make sure that his eyes wasn't playing games with him, and that's when he saw her fingers move again and went into the room. A startled Han had stood up when the doctor had busted into the room telling him to back up from her body.
They had checked her and made sure what ever Dom had told them was true. he had took off the oxygen and turned around letting them know that she was awake.
" After what seemed like forever to you and the family, but was only four months your sister is finally awake. She is able to breath on her own when she actually opens her eyes and wakes up press the red button and we'll be here alright. "
Dom had nodded telling the doctor thank you as he walked out. Dom had went and sat beside his sister then looked up at Han.
" Han when she wakes up call me okay. "
" Yea, sure no problem dude. "
Dom had kissed her forehead, gave Han a pat on the back then walked out. He couldn't just sit in there and not know when his sister was going to wake up. Han had sat back down and just continued to pray for her to awake quickly.
Laying in the bed was still a motionless Jorden that wanted to open her eyes so bad, she was getting irritated that she couldn't open her eyes she was frustrated that she couldn't talk and tell everyone that she was okay and that she was there, but she just knew she had to calm down and pray for GOD to do his magic. Sooner then she had expected Jorden started moving her fingers slowly and then most of her hand started to move, then she felt hands go to her face and something was being removed from her nose then she was left alone. That was until she heard her older brothers voice. she didn't know who he was talking to but all she felt next was a hand intertwining with hers it made her small softly within her mind.
" Jo please Open your eyes for me. I need you okayy. "
Jorden knew the voice from any where and it made her want to get up even more so she began to try her hardest and push through the darken state of mind that she was in and before she knew it her eyes were open and she was looking at a very decorated ceiling. She had looked around to see if she saw something else but she didn't until she turned her head to the left a bit and saw Han just sitting there with his head on both of their hands. She had smiled softly and tried to move her hand but his grip was a bit tight but he did feel the movement. Han had sat up quickly and saw the smile on her face which made his smile appear on his. Han had moved closer to Jordens face and placed a hand on her cheek lightly. A tear had came down his cheek, Jorden had moved slowly but surly and wiped the tear from his eye. Han had let a light chuckle out as he had put her hand down from his face and kissed the back of the hand that was with in his grip.
" Babe, No moving."
Jorden just nodded her head and smiled. Han had pulled his phone out to take a quick picture and sent it to the family letting them know that she was awake now. Han had put his phone within his back pocket and looked at Jorden with so much love in his eyes.
" Listen to me okay."
She had nodded.
" I love you, never stopped. When me and Gisele had gotten together it was around the time where you left the family and we needed someone other then you with the skills that you have and Dom said she was the only one but she would never compare, We started to bond over similar things withing out life and out but the one thing that she never was able to take full control of was my heart. Yes I may have said in the past that she was the only girl I loved and that she may have had my heart but the truth was, the day I saw you walk in.. that was the day that my heart started beating faster then it should have, I started feeling like the day I first met the love of my life, you. Jorden I still love you, I always have, The real question is... is this enough for you to take me back. "
Jorden had tears coming down the sides of her face by the time he was finished with his thoughts on them. She loved Han and she knew that if she wanted things to be like old times that she was going to have to forgive and forget about the past to be able to move onto the future.
Forgive and forget, that's just what she did. After calling the nurses into the room and having the family updated about her current condition. Jorden was now just siting up in the bed with her hands intertwined with Hans and a smile on her face. She was finally happy with her life now she was finally okay with everything going on and being that she knows he isn't going anywhere made this all the more better then it should've been.
A/N:: Hey Hey Heyy,, Sorry its been so long but I hope you love this chapter I really do personally.
Word Count :: 1820
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