The Resolute flew through the darkness of space, arriving at a large port drifting slowly.
It flew through the open bay door and landed in the highly populated hanger. The ship opened up and the owner stepped out.
Tetrax walked into the main bar to see dozens of bounty hunters. He walked over to the two closest hunters sitting at a table drinking some questionable looking cocktails.
Tetrax: Hey, you two, what's got this sector so busy with hunter traffic?
Rhomboid: Well, we is all here to be doing the, uh... aw, shucks, Octagon, what were we doing here again?
Octagon: Boid, how many times do I have to illuminate you on this very subject? We is being paid to deal with one particular nuisance of the high overlord, Vilgax, himself.
Rhomboid: Oh, yeah, we's about to go blow him to smi-ther-reens.
Octagon: For the love of... No, Boid! We is to be taking him living and all. Otherwise, we ain't not gonna be going to go get paid, you hear?
Rhomboid: Sorry, Octagon, I forgot. I just got so excited, I did.
Tetrax: Who is this target Vilgax himself would put a bounty on?
Rhomboid: It's the new Tennyson on Earth!
Rhomboid picked up the information globe on the table and activated it, showing the bounty.
Octagon: Gosh darn it, Rhomboid! Don't go giving away information to those who are clearly outside of the know unlike those such as ourselves!
Rhomboid: Oh, shucks... I'm sorry, Octagon, I forgot.
Tetrax looked around to see just how many bounty hunters were responding to Nate's bounty. He quickly made his way out of the bar and back down to the hangar. He activated his communication device.
Tetrax: Gluto, set the ship's navigation to Earth. We need to get there as quickly as possible.
He got back into his ship as it took off from the port and flew in the direction of Earth.
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