Devin, Cindy, Faith and Rook stood in front of Lyroxx outside of Burger Shack. Nate came out with a bag of food and tossed it over to Lyroxx.
Nate: I got you a kid's meal. So don't let them know you're over 8.
Lyroxx: I understand that this is a confusing situation.
Nate: You mean the son of both mine and my dad's mortal enemy telling me that he wants to help me with my problem.
Lyroxx: I wish to be like you.
Cindy: You should probably aim a little higher.
Nate: You, shut up. You, explain more.
Lyroxx: I do not want to fall into the old ways of Vilgaxia. Tyrants and warlords. I want to be a hero for my world to look to.
Nate: Look, I don't trust you as far as I can throw you.
Devin: Which probably isn't far with those arms.
Nate: Okay, can you two stop bullying me for one second.
Cindy/Devin: No.
Nate: Damn. I just don't understand why you want to help me with my situation... or how you knew about it.
Lyroxx: The entire galaxy knows about your bounty, Tennyson. The rest was simple surveillance.
Nate: So you've been spying on me?
Lyroxx: Only when I had to.
Nate: You didn't have to do anything.
Cindy: Enough. He's clearly here to help. Why not let him?
Nate: Y'know what, Burman? You're right.
Cindy: No, that's... wait what?
Faith: He said you're right, so let's move on.
Nate: We need to go into Undertown. Everyone in the TRUK.
They all got in. Nate looked back to see how everyone had been squeezed together with the introduction of Lyroxx.
Nate: Comfortable?
Devin: Just drive.
They eventually made it into the depths of Undertown and everyone got out.
Nate: Welcome to Undertown. Home to all things intergalactic on Earth.
They suddenly heard and explosion from behind them.
Nate: Goddamn it.
The smoke cleared and they saw the bounty hunter, Sunder, on his glider.
Sunder: Nate Tennyson. Just give up and come with me. It makes the whole process a lot easier.
Nate: Yeah, sure.
Sunder: Really?
Nate: Obviously not.
Nate activated the Ultimatrix.
Bullfrag: Aight, let's get to fightin'.
???: Not so fast.
Another bounty hunter had walked up.
Vulkanus: That bounty is mine.
Sunder: Like hell.
Bullfrag: I'm flattered that you both want me, but I already have a girlfriend.
Devin: Who and since when?
Lyroxx: Yolanda Montez, about a week ago.
Bullfrag: What kind of surveillance were you doing? Doesn't matter, I need your help, guys. Cindy, Devin... you there.
Lyroxx: Me?
Bullfrag: Yes, you.
Lyroxx: You've forgotten my name?
Bullfrag: Of course not... Liam?
Lyroxx: Good enough.
Bullfrag: Anyway, you three take Vulkanus; Faith and Rook, you're with me against Sunder.
Nate jumped at Sunder and shot out his tongue. Sunder grabbed it, span him in the air and threw him back down.
Bullfrag: Ow.
Devin absorbed the metal from a nearby hovercar. He created a spiked mace in his hand.
Devin: Squidface, throw me!
He jumped at Lyroxx; he grabbed Devin and threw him at Vulkanus, who fell back on the ground.
Vulkanus: Why do Levins always have to be a thorn in my side?
Rook shot at Sunder but he sliced through the blasts with his energy blades.
Sunder: That all you got?
Faith: Turbo!
Faith summoned a magical cyclone which knocked Sunder off of his glider. Vulkanus got up from the ground and his hand turned into a drill. He ran at Devin and started to drill into his armor. Cindy punctured a hole in his robotic suit and it started to spark.
Vulkanus: What did you do?
He started to trip backwards as his suit detonated. As the smoke cleared, they saw Vulkanus's true form.
Cindy: What the hell is that?
Vulkanus: If you don't like it, then don't look.
Sunder got up from the ground and picked up his axe. Nate hit the Ultimatrix to transform again.
Kickin Hawk: Stay down, Sunder!
Sunder: Make me, birdbrain.
Nate ran at Sunder and try to kick him but he dodged under it and hit Nate in the side.
Kickin Hawk: Bawcah!
Rook fired an energy net which Sunder turned around and sliced through.
Sunder: Children.
He turned around and was met by a hard kick to the face from Nate which knocked him out. Nate untransformed and they all grouped up again.
Nate: Alright, nice work, team.
Devin: We're not a team.
Nate: Well, what else would you call that? Because I'd call it teamwork.
???: Well, well. It's you who's been fighting in my streets.
They turned to see the reason that they were all here.
Argit: I'd expect better from our own residents.
Nate approached him holding the Ultimatrix dial. The Techadon robots stepped between them.
Argit: You'll have to forgive them. They're designed to protect me, you know.
Nate: We need to talk.
Argit: Absolutely. But I'm afraid your friends will have to stay here.
Nate: Alright. Rook, you keep these guys in check.
Rook: Understood.
Nate: One request.
Argit: Sure thing, kid.
Nate: The big guy comes with me.
Argit: Absolutely not.
Nate: You got protection, why can't I?
Argit: You have the Ultimatrix.
Nate: I don't know where you're taking me, or what's about to happen, I don't want to rely on the most unreliable piece of technology on the planet.
Argit: Fine. The others stay.
Devin: I'm sorry, did you just forget why me and Cindy are here?
Nate: Fine. Rook take them back to the base and let them use the lab.
Rook: Are you sure?
Nate: Not really. We'll be back soon.
Nate and Lyroxx followed Argit with the Techadons between them.
They reached the Mayor's office. Nate looked over to Lyroxx.
Nate: Got something to tell me.
Lyroxx: What are you-
Nate: Oh please, whether you're Human or Chimera Sui Generis, you know when someone's got a secret they want to tell. Spill it.
Lyroxx: Most of what I told you was true.
Nate: Most?
Lyroxx: I do truly wish to be a hero for my people. However, that is not why I'm here.
Nate: Go on.
Lyroxx: My father sent me down here. A distraction.
Nate: For what?
Lyroxx: I am not sure. He did not tell me his plan. All I know is that he has a partner and that the outcome is not desirable. You truly are my role model, Tennyson.
Nate: Trust me, Cindy was right. You gotta aim much higher than me if you want to be a hero.
Lyroxx: I'm afraid it's too late for that. You are already renowned across the galaxy for your victories.
Nate: I didn't do it alone, okay? I had a team.
Lyroxx: Those people helped you defeat my father and Zs'Skayr?
Nate: Different team. The Justice Society of America.
Argit: Will you two shut up?
Argit opened the doors to the office.
Argit: Okay, my robots stay out here and so does your muscle.
Nate: Deal. Thank you, Lyroxx.
Lyroxx: My pleasure, Nate.
Back at the Plumber base, Rook watched over Devin, Cindy and Faith in the science lab. Cindy was analyzing her DNA under a microscope. Faith had Ship on her lap and was petting him.
Cindy: Y'know, not once when I walked past Nate Green did I ever think his life would be this interesting.
Devin: That's one way of putting it.
Cindy: What do you mean?
Devin: That kid has been nothing but an annoyance to me my whole life.
Faith: You're kidding, right?
Devin: The hell are you talking about?
Faith: Maybe you missed it while you were bouncing between juvie and rehab, but Nate had done nothing but defend you our entire lives.
Devin: And he repaid it by taking my place.
Faith: Will you stop that? He was nice and he was kind and your folks showed that back. Don't forget that they only had the extra space because you wouldn't stop screwing up.
Devin: That's not-
Faith: Who was the only one to ever visit you?
Devin: Alright! I see your point.
Cindy: Did you know that he was dating Yolanda?
Devin: Nate's a secret keeper. No-one would know unless he wanted them to.
Rook: He told me.
Devin: What?
Rook: Nate called me after their first date. He said that they were keeping it secret from everyone but he had to tell someone.
Devin: I... Um. How are you doing on the cell analysis?
Cindy: Bad.
Devin: Keep at it.
Cindy: I'm not exactly gonna stop here am I?
Nate sat at Argit's desk as he went over to the bar at the side of the room.
Argit: Say what you will about Maxatomars, they make the best whiskey in the galaxy.
He poured a glass.
Argit: Want some?
Nate: Cut the shit, Argit.
Argit: Alright, alright.
Argit sat down at his desk. His chair was raised so his eyeline was higher than Nate's.
Argit: How may I help you?
Nate: I know that you placed the bounty.
Argit: I can neither confirm nor deny that.
Nate: I could crack your skull in a second, don't play games with me. I am not in the mood.
Argit: Careful, Tennyson. Your dark side is showing.
Nate: I know who and how. Help me understand why.
Argit: Y'know, this city used to be a beacon of hope for the future. Now look at it. A dump.
Nate: Alright, I've had enough of this.
Nate activated the Ultimatrix.
Nate hit the Ultimatrix once more.
Nate pinned Argit against the wall and pointed his spider leg at him.
Ult. Spidermonkey: You had no reason to place that bounty. You knew that I would track it back here. You're risking everything and yet here you are, facing me down without a single ounce of fear. What are you hiding?
Argit: Boy, you really are a Tennyson. Too bad Tennysons have a natural enemy.
Lyroxx flew through the wall and landed inside, injured. Nate let Argit go and went to Lyroxx. Argit scuttled through a secret escape hatch in the room.
Ultimate: Son of a bitch. Lyroxx, what happened, buddy?
Lyroxx: I... was a... distraction.
Nate looked through the hole in the wall to see Vilgax standing over broken Techadon Robots with his sword.
Ultimate Spidermonkey: I knew my dad shouldn't have trusted you.
Vilgax: It was you who made the mistake in who you trust, Nathaniel.
Nate jumped at Vilgax but was instantly grabbed and slammed hard into the ground, causing him to untransform.
Vilgax: Disappointing.
Nate activated the Ultimatrix.
Nate launched into Vilgax but was swat away.
Vilgax: Pitiful.
Lyroxx got up and rushed at Vilgax but he caught Lyroxx's fist.
Vilgax: Predictable.
Nate hit the Ultimatrix to transform into Cannonbolt. He hit the Ultimatrix again.
Nate rolled into Vilgax and knocked him into Undertown.
Ult. Cannonbolt: We need to keep him from causing too much damage.
Lyroxx: Understood.
They both jumped down to where Vilgax was. He threw several cars at them but Nate rolled through each of them. He was stopped by Vilgax's hand. Vilgax then punched down on Nate, creating a large impact crater. Nate untransformed.
Nate: Ow.
Vilgax: Time for a decision.
Vilgax picked up a truck with someone still inside.
Vilgax: Fight me or save them.
He tossed it into the nearby river.
Nate: No!
Lyroxx: It's okay, Tennyson. I'll fight him. You go help the people.
Nate ran to the riverbank and activated the Ultimatrix.
He dove in after the truck. Both doors were held closed by rocks, so he bit the roof off and grabbed the driver. He surfaced and put him on the docks. Nate untransformed.
Nate: You okay?
Pakmar: Thank you, Tennyson, you have saved Pakamar's life.
Suddenly, Vilgax grabbed Nate by the neck and held him in the air.
Vilgax: Like father, like son. Goodbye, Tennyson.
Suddenly, a sword came through Vilgax's torso. He dropped Nate and went to his knees. On the other side was Lyroxx who had been the one to stab Vilgax.
Nate: You... you saved my life.
Lyroxx: You're welcome, Nate.
Nate: Y'know, maybe the JSA could use a few more members.
Lyroxx: Really?
Nate: I'll mention it to them. How about that Vilgax?
Vilgax: (wheezing) All... according... to plan.
Vilgax let out his last breath and closed his eyes.
Nate: That was concerning.
Lyroxx: Did we not win?
Nate: I don't know.
Lyroxx: I say we go back to...
A large blast was heard from behind Nate. He looked back to see a giant hole through Lyroxx.
Nate: No!
He went over to Lyroxx.
Nate: Hey, hey. Lyroxx, buddy, look at me! You're gonna be okay.
Lyroxx: Th- thank you... hero...
His eyes shut and his body loosened.
Nate: Lyroxx. Lyroxx, look at me. Come on! We were just starting to become friends, don't leave! LYROXX!
Ben?: So disappointing.
Nate heard his father's voice, but when he looked up, he saw something different.
Ben?: Wasted potential, if you ask me. Both of them. Still, less loose ends.
Nate: You... Dad?
Ben?: Afraid not, Tennyson. But, that's not to say that being Benjamin hasn't had certain-
He lifted up his arm to show off the Omnitrix which was now integrated with his own technology.
Ben?: -benefits.
Nate: You're still Eon.
Eon: Well done. You've started to piece things together. Too bad you didn't do it sooner.
Nate reached for the Ultimatrix.
Eon: Now, before you try to eviscerate me
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