The robot was sparking as it adjusted its stance. It roared like it had a car engine.
Courtney: Stay away from me!
Pat: Courtney.
Courtney: I mean it Pat.
Pat: I can explain.
Courtney: So explain.
Pat: First, I need to get you somewhere safe, okay?
The robot bends down at puts Courtney on its back.
Nate: What about me?
Pat: Sorry, kid. This is personal business.
The robot then takes off into the sky.
Nate: Oh, hell no.
Nate activates the Omnitrix and scrolls through. He then hits the faceplate.
Nate takes off and catches up with the robot.
Ampfibian: Now tell me that you didn't just try and leave me with a crazy guy on the loose.
Pat: What the hell? Is that...? It can't be.
They fly for a while and then land outside the car garage in town. The garage door opens and the robot walks inside. The door closes, locking Nate out.
Ampfibian: Oh, come on.
Nate looks around until he notices a junction box. He floats over to it and sends a small zap that opens the garage door. He untransforms and walks inside with the door closing behind him. Inside, Pat was talking to Courtney.
Nate: Okay, I have questions. Number one, who was that guy that attacked us?
Pat: The way Courtney describes him, it sounds like Brainwave. One of the enemies of a group known as the Justice Society.
Nate: I know who the Justice Society are. My dad was a member.
Pat looks at Nate's wrist and sees the Omnitrix.
Pat: You're Ben's son?
Nate: Nate Tennyson, nice to meet you.
Pat: Well, Brainwave is a member of the Injustice Society of America.
Courtney: The Injustice Society of America? None of you were good with names, huh, Stripesy?
Nate: Wait a second, you're Stripesy? Wow, Aunt Gwendolyn thought you were dead.
Pat: Look, the less you know-
Courtney: I want to know who Brainwave is.
Nate: Me too.
Pat: That's enough outta you, Tennyson. Listen, Court, I'm trying to protect you.
Courtney: Did he kill my dad?
Nate: Your dad?
Courtney: Starman.
Nate: Your dad's Starman?
Pat: Would you stop with that, Starman wasn't your dad, and Brainwave killed a lot of my friends that night. Johnny Thunder, Hawkman, Hawkgirl.
Courtney: So, who killed Starman?
Pat: Their leader. Icicle.
Courtney: Where is he?
Pat: I don't know.
Courtney: Wait, Nate, your dad was in the JSA. Maybe, he can help us.
Nate looked at the ground.
Pat: Court, Ben Tennyson was one of the many heroes who lost their lives that night.
Courtney: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-
Nate: Nah, it's all good. How could you have known, right?
Courtney: Y'know, I bet Brainwave knows where Icicle is.
She begins to walk out.
Pat: Hey, hold on a sec.
Courtney: No, you hold on. There's no way it's a coincidence this psychopath is in the same small town that you are.
Nate: That's a very perceptive point actually.
Courtney: No more secrets, no more lies. What's Brainwave doing in Blue Valley?
Pat: I'll tell you everything once we get home. You better start going to, Nate.
Nate: Yeah, my Aunt and Uncle aren't exactly thrilled about me having the Omnitrix.
Pat: And it's not hard to see why. You don't know how to use that thing.
Nate: What are you talking about? Of course, I do.
Pat: No, you don't. Otherwise, you would've known that Ampfibian can go intangible and float through the garage door.
Nate: Of course... I knew that, I just wanted to be more resourceful.
Pat: Your left eye's twitching, kid. That was your dad's sign that he was lying. You should be getting home.
Nate: Alright. See ya on Monday, Courtney.
Nate walks out of the garage.
Vilgax arrived in the ISA headquarters using his ship's transmat beam. He wasted no time walking through the corridors until he had reached the prison door. He opened the door to Azmuth, the creator of the Omnitrix, chained to the wall.
Vilgax: Hello, Azmuth.
Azmuth: Ah, Vilgax. Is it time for my yearly visit already?
Vilgax pulls up a chair and sits down.
Vilgax: Not today, old friend. Apparently, you're a lot less tight lipped than you've been for these long 10 years.
Azmuth: Well, it is rather lonely in here. Perhaps, I've started to go mad from the delirium.
Vilgax: Do not play games with me.
Azmuth: Why shouldn't I? Your doom is imminent.
Vilgax: What do you mean?!
Azmuth said nothing, he just chuckled under his breath.
Vilgax: Tell me, or I'll-
Azmuth: You'll what? Torture me? I'm afraid you've already tried that.
Vilgax: I have let your world live as a courtesy, 'First Thinker'. Remember that before you speak back to me.
Azmuth looked down in sorrow.
Azmuth: The Omnitrix has been reactivated. There is a new user, a new hero to vanquish you from this world.
Vilgax: Whoever this "new hero" is, I assure you. They shall fall just like the last person to wield the Omnitrix.
Vilgax stood up from his chair and walked out of the cell, locking the door behind him.
It was morning and Nate walked downstairs for breakfast. Kevin and Gwendolyn were still talking before they noticed that he was downstairs.
Gwendolyn: I can't believe you actually think that him putting the Omnitrix on isn't so bad.
Kevin: Ben could take on a lot more at a much younger age.
Gwendolyn: That's because they weren't threats when we were kids. They got stronger over the years.
Nate sat down at the table and started eating his breakfast.
Gwendolyn: Oh, hey, Nate.
Kevin: How ya doing, kid?
Nate: I know that this is a concern to you, but you need to trust that I know what I'm doing.
Gwendolyn: We know, it's just... You're so much like your father, we just don't want you getting hurt.
Nate: I understand that.
The room laid silent for a moment.
Kevin: We better get going. Gotta open up shop early if I want to compete with that new garage in town. I got half a mind to go over there and teach them a lesson..
Gwendolyn stares at him, unimpressed.
Kevin: ...respectfully, that is.
Nate takes his bag and they go to get into Kevin's car.
Nate was walking through school when he noticed Courtney standing outside the sewing room. He walked up behind her.
Nate: What're you doing?
Courtney: Ah! Can you stop scaring me?
Nate: I'm not even an alien this time.
Courtney: Whatever. Can you just open the door?
Nate looked at her confused as he pulled down the handle and pushed the door open.
Nate: Would you like me to carry you in as well, your Majesty?
Courtney: I thought it was locked.
Nate: You could've at least tried to open it.
They both walk inside. Courtney put her bag down on the table.
Nate: Alright, so why did you need to get in here so bad?
Courtney: I'm making a costume.
Nate: Out of what?
Courtney: Out of this.
She opens her bag and pulls out Starman's costume.
Nate: Wow, that's a really bloody costume.
Courtney pulls out some scissors and tries to cut through the costume. They break without putting a dent in it.
Nate: Wow, amazing work, Ms. DIY.
Courtney: Shut up.
Nate: Maybe, you could try the guillotine.
She rolls her eyes and takes the suit over to the guillotine.
Courtney: So, do you have a costume?
Nate: Why would I need a costume?
Courtney: To protect your identity.
Nate: I'm pretty sure the transformation into alien species does that part for me.
Courtney: You're no fun.
Nate: Fine, I'll see what I can do. I think there's a Plumber suit in the attic.
Courtney: A plumber suit?
Nate: Different kind of plumber.
Courtney start to cut pieces of material from the costume. She then takes the pieces over to the sewing machines.
Nate: This is going to take a while, I see. So I'm gonna head out, see ya later.
Nate walks out of the room to the sound of a broken sewing machine.
At the American Dream, a tall, well-dressed man walked into a meeting being held by Steven Sharpe, the CFO of American Dream.
Steven: Why, Mr. Gacks, I wasn't expecting you. May I ask what you're doing here?
???: I just came to look over the meeting.
Steven: Alrighty then, everyone, this is Mr. Bill Gacks, a silent partner in the company. He won't be around this much in the day-to-day.
Bill: Just continue like I'm not even here.
Bill Gacks sat down in the corner, overlooking the meeting.
Steven: As CFO here at The American Dream, my focus is, of course, to balance profitability with our extensive philanthropic appetite. As such, the suggestion box for our next community fundraiser is open. So to speak. Ideas, folks.
Everyone in the room stood silent.
Steven: Anyone?
One employee raised her hand.
Steven: Yes.
Barbara: Well, Mr. Sharpe, there are so many new restaurants in Blue Valley. I mean, far more than when I was a kid, and back in Valley Village, California, there was a taste of the the town once a year. It was a way for the restaurants to introduce themselves to the commu-
Steven: No.
Barbara: But it really helps.
Steven: Everyone in Blue Valley knows the restaurants already. Bad idea. Any others?
Again, no-one raises their hand. Barbara raises her hand again.
Steven: Anyone?
Bill: I do believe you have a willing participant, Mr. Sharpe.
Steven: ...Yes, thank you, Mr. Gacks. What is your idea?
Barbara: This may sound a bit silly, but the farmers would do Cow Pie Bingo to raise money for the schools way back when. They would raffle of square plots in a field and they would-
Steven: It does sound silly and disgusting. Any others? Anyone else with an idea?
The room stays silent.
Steven: Well, no one else? I'll come up with something.
He walks away.
Steven: Mr. Gacks, a word.
Bill follows after him into a private area.
Steven: What the hell are you doing showing your face down on Earth?
Bill: Number one, it is not my face. Number two, I am on Earth at Mahkent's request.
Steven: Since when do you take orders?
Bill: Watch your tone with me, creature. I do not take orders. I am here, as your "American Dream" is as important to me as it is to you.
Steven: Oh please, all you're interested in is that elusive alien watch of yours.
Bill: Fool, the project will progress the human race and once you are done, the same will happen to Vilgaxia. There is nothing I would not do to keep my people safe.
Steven: (chuckles) Vilgaxia, you aren't the most modest person, are you?
Bill: Now, now, Sharpe, do not throw stones with those delicate glass walls around.
Kevin walks up to 'The Pit Stop' and sees someone inside.
Kevin: Hey, you the owner of this joint?
Pat: Yes, I am. Do you need anything?
Kevin: No, actually. I'm the owner of the other garage in town.
Pat: Oh yeah, Levin's, I've heard of you guys. Word is, you've got some high-end stuff.
Kevin: Some say... it's out of this world.
Pat: Well, I don't doubt it. I was just on my way to the gym.
Kevin: That psycho, Crock's, place. Good luck.
Pat: What do you mean?
Kevin: It's crazy in there. I just stick to my own regiment.
Pat: Oh- okay.
Kevin: Anyway it was good to meet you...
Pat: Pat, Pat Dugan. Likewise, um...
Kevin: Kevin Levin.
Kevin walks away from the shop as Pat is left to walk to the gym, worried.
Nate and Courtney were in the line getting food at lunch.
Courtney: Is Alien X real? Pat mentioned him and it just sounds ridiculous.
Nate: Alien X is definitely real.
Courtney: Is it true that he recreated the universe?
Nate: Yeah, no-one believed it until the trial though.
Courtney: Why don't you just turn into him and just erase evil?
Nate: That's not how it works. Also, because I have no persuasive skills so I'd be trapped in eternity with the two most annoying people in the world, having to mediate their petty arguments.
Courtney: You do know that none of what you said made any sense, right?
Nate: It did in context.
They both go down to sit at the table where Yolanda was sitting in silence and Beth was eating her lunch with her mom on video call.
Beth: I love having lunch together.
Bridget: Yeah, the chicken cordon bleu is delicious, honey, but it's a little heavy for this time of day.
Beth: I'm so glad you like it. Let's call Dad. Family lunch!
Courtney and Nate look at each other awkwardly across the table as they are forced to listen to the conversation.
James: Hey, sweetie. I'm a little swamped right now-
Beth: I've got Mom on the line, too.
James: Hey, babe.
Bridget: Hey, hon.
???: Dr. Chapel.
Bridget: Hello, Henry.
Beth: Is that Dr. King? Hi Dr. King.
Dr. King: Hi, Beth.
Bridget: Honey, who's that with you?
Beth: Oh, that's Courtney.
She turns the camera to face her.
Bridget: Well, why don't you have lunch with her?
James: Yeah, have lunch with your friend, Beth, okay?
Bridget: Your father and I have to get back to work. We'll see you at the open house tonight.
Beth: You'll see everyone at the open house tonight. It's gonna be a party! Love you, Mom.
The video call ends.
Beth: My parents are the best.
Courtney gives an awkward smile and looks over at Yolanda.
Yolanda: Can you stop staring at me?
She leaves the table.
Courtney: I wasn't...
Nate: Just let her do her thing.
Courtney: Are you coming to the open house tonight?
Nate: Knowing my aunt, she wouldn't let me pass up a school event. She just loves learning more than anything.
Beth looks at the Nate's wrist and sees the Omnitrix.
Beth: What's that?
Nate: Oh, um... it's a watch.
Beth: A watch?
Nate: From... Japan. Yeah, my mom's doing an excavation there and she sent me this.
Beth: Oh, cool.
Gwendolyn, Kevin and Nate were sat with each other in the audience at the open night, listening to Principal Bowin's speech.
Principal Bowin: I'd like to thank you all for coming to what is my favourite night of the year here at Blue Valley High. These boys and girls of yours are the future of America-
Kevin: (whispering) Scary thought.
Him and Nate chuckle quietly. Gwendolyn hit Kevin in the side.
Principal Bowin: ...including my own son, Isaac. I love you, sweetie.
Many people in the audience made mocking 'Aw's to her embarrassed son who was sitting in the front.
Principal Bowin: I am proud to announce last year's graduating class was in the top 1% of the nation.
The audience clap.
Principal Bowin: I'd like to thank a few of the many supporters that made that possible. Councilman Zarick, for his undying commitment to making sure our school receives the funding it needs.
He stands up and the audience claps for him.
Principal Bowin: Doctors Henry King and Bridget Chapel of the Blue Valley Medical Center...
The audience clap once again.
Principal Bowin: ...for their generous volunteer work supporting our team.
Larry/Paula/Artemis: Go Prairie Dogs!
Principal Bowin: Go Dogs, and, finally, everyone employed by The American Dream, by Blue Valley Tires. The lifeline of this town. Please, stand up.
Many people throughout the audience stand.
Principal Bowin: Everyone give a hand to the backbone of this great community.
Applause fills the room once more. The speech finishes and everyone gathers in the main part of the gym. Kevin had wandered off into the crowd while Gwendolyn and Nate were talking with the school's coach
Gwendolyn: You know, my nephew here has been thinking about joining the soccer team.
Coach Hank: Really?
Gwendolyn: Oh yeah, he's an outstanding goalkeeper, just like his father.
Nate: She's over-embellishing.
Gwendolyn: No, I'm not. He's great, trust me.
Larry: Well, he's no better than Artemis, obviously.
Larry Crock and Paula Brooke appeared with their daughter, Artemis.
Paula: She's the MVP of every sports team in the school, and we couldn't be prouder.
Artemis: Mom, please.
Paula: What? We're proud of your achievements, there's no crime in that.
Coach Hank: Yes, well, if Nate wants to join then try-outs aren't that far away.
Nate: That's great.
Nate looks over and notices Courtney walking out of the hall.
Nate: Excuse me, a second.
Nate walks away and starts to follow after her. He turns the corner to see her confronted with a man that looked like Brainwave, the man that had attacked them. Nate walked up to Courtney.
Nate: There you are. I've been looking for you all over. Sorry, she has a habit of wandering off.
Dr. King: I am not a fool. You were the one with her.
Nate: Damn it.
Dr. King: As I was just telling your friend. You're going to bring me the Cosmic Staff... and the Omnitrix. You're going to come back here with them at midnight.
Dr. King enters both of their minds. Presumably saying different things to each.
Dr. King: {If you do not bring me the Omnitrix, I will kill your Aunt and your Uncle. And when she returns, I will kill your mother too. It won't be hard to cover it up. Do you understand?} Midnight, you two.
Courtney rushes back into the gym and Nate follows after her. Courtney walks up to Pat.
Courtney: Pat. He's here.
Pat: Brainwave? Where?
Courtney: He knows who my mom is and he said he'd kill her if I didn't meet him back here at midnight with the staff.
Nate: He threatened my family for the Omnitrix.
Pat: What? Where is he?
Courtney: I...I don't know. He-
Pat: Okay, hold on. Nate, I suggest you convince your family to leave.
Nate: Easier said than done.
Pat: Just do it.
Nate: Alright.
Nate walks off and meets up with Gwendolyn.
Nate: Hey, Aunt Gwendolyn.
Gwendolyn: Hey, where did you go?
Nate: That's not important. We need to get home, though.
Gwendolyn: What, why?
Nate: Um, I, uh... left the kitchen gate open, and you know what Zed's like when there's no one in the house.
Gwendolyn: Oh, definitely. Go find Kevin and we'll leave.
Nate: Alright.
Nate goes around the hall looking for his Uncle. He was over by the food.
Nate: Hey, Uncle Kev, we're leaving.
Kevin: Oh, come on. This is free food, it's a steal.
Nate: Zed has access to the kitchen.
Kevin: Oh no, my baby, we better get back before she gets into something that isn't good for her.
After they had gotten home to check on Zed, Nate was in the attic looking around for the Plumber suit. He opened up a loose crate, which is where he found it. He started to go back down when he saw a case for glasses. He picked it up and noticed
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