Chapter 6

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#Above Rakata Prime the temporary capital of the Mandalorian Empire#

*Jacob Pov*

I was looking outside of the window looking at my fleet increasing in size with one of the Eclipse, behind me were Alita, Kira, Lira, The female clones, Isisama, Iven, Kim, Shego, Feic and Jyn. All were exhausted after they received their reward even if i had retard it for a few day because i had to send them to the outer rim because the rebels that were still opposed to us were attacking and were trying to steal our supply for the civilian while we were fighting the Empire, thus making peoples starve and making us lose support of those peoples but they also steal weapons from our own supply that were for our militia against the pirates,slaver and small of storm trooper.

I had been frustrated and the girls had asked for a reward so i gave them one something they will remember but i didn't do it only for the pleasure it would procure us but also let me tell them that i love them like the rest of the girls and that they are part of the people that are close to me.

I exit the room toward the command center and enter to see Anakin, Padme, Leia, Obi-Wan, Satine, Cody, Rex, Ahsoka, Barris, Fay, Nasse, Rey, Ayala, Bly  and the rest of the Torrent."I am sure you all have heard of the attack on our supply for the Outer Rim against the Empire there they were done by the rebels."They nods before i push a button making the map of the galaxy appear. "We will divide ourselves into multiple sectors to attack the rebels that attack our supply and use it for themselves letting peoples starves while my militia is trying to stop them and fight the influence and the forces of the empire."Making them gain grim expression especially since images of the raids and the peoples starving were moving above the holotable.

"I will take the part where the most help is needed, i will escort the supply to them with my fleet along with Satine and Cody."Obi-wan said making other nods seeing as his fleet was the most protective and could offer the best defense for the supply ships.

"Alright, since it seem like at this area the Empire is about to overcome our militia so i will go directly to push them back and let our troops breath and take new supply."Anakin said making the other nods as his fleet was the best for battles.

"Me and Ahsoka will search for the main base of the rebellion in this sector and try to talk or if they don't want  to listen then we will attack full force."Barris said making Ahsoka nod with a determined look as even if they attack and kill other peoples, they know that some of them were pirates or even for some case slaver.

"My fleet along with the one of Rey and Nasse will be joined together to give humanitarian aids and supply them with food and other need."Fay explained to them but they all acquiesced that it was the most logical and strategic thing to do.

"And finally mine will go attack precious installation of the Empire to give relief to our troops from the assault of the empire."Ayala said with Bly at her side looking at the map already formulating plan and the tactical equipment they will be able to use.

"I myself will attack the biggest reserve of the Empire to make them collapse because of their lack of warship, for this mission i will deploy my full force with the new Eclipse and of 99 ships, i will take an extra amount of fifty munificent serving as front line destroyer. I will also try to capture multiple ships there augmenting a little our forces and making the Empire slow their activities because of the lose of their reserves ships."I said making them as the Empire had a large amount of Star Destroyer so they must have ships waiting for people to crew them.

We all then left to our own ship and left in hyperspace.

My fleet left the system in route to Kuat Drive Yards, i was overlooking a hologram of the defenses of Kuat along with where we need to hit them to do the most damage.

There seem to be at least sixty Imperial Star Destroyer docked to some of Kuat Orbital Platform, there was one Praetor and two Allegiance Star Destroyer. The defense fleet was on a patrol on the other side of the planet and would take at least an hours to mobilize it ships to intercept us, but i will divise my forces into two, they will each attack the defenses on each sides while also launching gunships with BX Commandos and B1.

While my ship and my two Scarab Class Super Star Destroyer will use the micro Jump tactics to arrive directly past the defenses of Kuat and in front of the Praetor.

I began give my fleet their orders, just as we exited Hyperspace we disappeared directly after to reappear inside the formation of the defenses. I look out to see some hazardous weapons beginning to fire on us.

"Activate the Bunker mode and launch all our Star Fighter along with the Gunship loaded, i also want the escape pods launch into the station each of them protected by our Star Fighter."I ordered

I watched as the window was covered by a large plate of armor before holographic screens appeared to replace them, i could see all the battlefield while seeing some of my Munificents taking the most of the firepower while some other even explode when Tie Bomber attacked their bridge. 

The Ties were being decimated by my own's Starfighter while my bomber were attacking areas of the Shipyard, i saw what i think is the design building being explode to hell. Some Tie Reaper bombed my hull but were met with my laser defenses. 

I finally saw the three BattleCruiser move out of their docks as some defenses were shots by them, they seem to have used the tactic of slaves circuits to control all of its turrets.

"Turn us around, and prepare to make a path out, call the others and tell them to retreat with their prices we will leave after them."I received multiples affirmation as the ship began to turn, i saw the two other do the same.

When we were in the right direction, out of the corner of the screen i could see the Imperial Fleet composed of Bellators, Imperial and a Mandator. This would have been troublesome if i ten of my munificent decided to do a kamikaze run against them, they were dead in the water but my droids aboard were still active so they decide to take over the enemy ships an began to launch every ships in their possession against the shipyard destroying a total of 45% of the shipyard was destroyed as it reserved of Gases, Fuels and  vehicles stocks.

We then for Rakata but taking random routes to confuse the imperial tracker, it would take us a few more hours before we arrive.


Anakin Pov

I looked at Padme at my side with a fondling smile, My commander was readying the troops for a possible ground assault on the Empire while my pilots were waiting at their fighters waiting to be deployed for combat, one of the things that had changed was the fact that she was a god damn good tacticien in one of our simulation to test our tactics, she came close to annihilate my troops its an exploit in itself especially when i have experience as General in the Clone Wars and 2nd in command of the Empire, with All the hideout of the Separatist destroyed with a lot of different Tactics. In those war game she almost multiples times beat me, making me sweat sometimes.

I looked back to the window to see us, exit the hyperspace i saw the fleet of the Empire fighting our militia while rebels were waiting outside of range to attack, but they don't seem to have prepared themselves for our arrival so i sent all my X-Wing while arriving behind the enemy caused them to disperse but they were easily picked up by our Laser defenses and Fighters.

The Bombers exited the ships to ran a bombing run on the Empire Fleet, when the Empire finally saw us approaching, they tried to jump away but were blocked by my flagship's Interdictor fields.

"Padme go oversee the ground operation along with the resupply of the bases on the planet and the resupply of the inhabitants themselves."I asked of her as she left for a gunship, all eight Telum were sending all of the supplies necessary along with four Valor model Providence.

I decide to play some trick on the captains on the enemy ship.


Imperial Ship A

Captain Ship A Pov

My view was disturbing before i found myself in front of Lord Vader and Lord Sidious, with several other whom i recognize as the other captain of the assaults.

"You all have failed us, your lack of aptitudes is disturbing."Lord Vader began as we were all knelled before them, i then saw my colleague on my far left being lifted off the ground with a terrorized expression as he tried to claws away the invincible force that was killing him; I shiver a little before i saw the other looked at me with blank expression as i was assaulted by the sound of the Lightning of Emperor Sidious along with his laughter.

I was then return to the bridge where i saw it in Chaos as our fleet was already reduced to rumbles, officers traumatized along with myself.

"Listen Up ! All of you ! We will unite under the power of the Empereur and we will kill all of those little rebels, they have the gut of attacking us ! the hands of the empereur ! they will be met with his fury along with ours !"I exclaimed while i began to laugh hysterically as several other visions of our victory/defeats, the lightnings of Lord Sidious, pains and all the slaves i enjoyed with me in my bed.

But i was cut short as i was tackle by several officer that tried to restrain me even Storm Trooper ! they all have the guts to go against the orders of the Emperor ! Heretics Rebels all of them !

"Unhand me ! i shall execute the order of the Emperor !"I exclaim as i keep struggling against them.

"Keep him down don't let him activate the self destruct command especially the voice command block his mouth ! Now !"One of them exclaimed as they tried to block my mouth, No ! No ! they will not stop me from doing his order ! I felt him in me as he gave me my order !

"Voice Command Captain A Self destruct Code Access FOR THE EMPEROR !!! "I exclaimed with all my forces. The ship shook as it accept my command, my slime split my face while i look at the horror on the officer before they all began to rush to the Escape Pod.

End Captain A Pov


Anakin Pov

I look with a morbid fascination all of the ships of the Empire exploded in a shower of lights, while my fleet was tearing appart what was left of the Empire Task Force and the Rebels Group.

"Now that they are all eliminated put all of our ships in a sync orbital with the planet and blockade the planet against possible other parties attacking."I received multiples nods as they carried out my order, the militia fleet had left to the nearest shipyard to receive either entire new ships or have the one still mostly intact repaired and refitted with enough weaponry, hull plating to go against all possible new weapon that the Empire or the Rebels could use against them.

I left for the hangar bay where i met up with Padme who had a Mandalorian Armor, my 501st was already ready for the combat.

We landed where the militia was stationed, we arrived to a battlefield just outside the base, i saw several dozen of injured, and multiples dead around. Padme seeing the chaos in front of us, directly taking charge of the militia and all our teams of Medics here.

"Anakin go take care of the peoples that did this, i will stay here and help treat the injured, those of the militia force were only protecting the civilian inside the building, some children, women and men died because of the Rebels attacking our supplies that are destined to supply the planet and the constant attack of the Empire, the militia soldier were obliged to give a part of their rations to the civilian for them to survive thus reducing the efficiency of the soldier.

I nod, seeing her take the reign turned me on but i shook my head, this was not the moment i turn to my troops and their equipment deployed.

"Listen Up Peoples ! Those Bastard attacked our peoples and killed several innocent in their assaults ! The Rebels preach about making the Republic return but look at what they did, their actions caused the death of innocent and of our peoples protecting them ! The Empire want to have the galaxy under their thumbs, they no better than the Rebels they kill all none human or near human just because they aren't like them ! It is time for the one here to be eliminated for their crimes here !"I exclaim gaining a cheer from them, i also heard a cheer from militia soldier behind me that could still stand. "The Militia and some 501st will stay here to protect the civilian and the injured from our two enemies." I gain nod from everyone."Its time people let go !"I ordered to my troops as we all began to leave with Walkers marching with us, Gunship passing overhead and Bomber passing with escort of Starfighters toward the Empire and the Rebels.

For several minutes we marched before arriving just outside of a city that was deserted except for the combat happening within.

"I want all the walkers to encercle the city with every artillery available to be ready for precise strike, do not let any of them leave the city, if they surrender themselves take them in but strip them in their underwear."I received nods before we divided ourselves as my group was entering the city i had lightsaber activated, i could heard the sounds of the fighting approaching.

I motion the troops to go in the right alley while i go in the left alley, they continued on their own creeping behind the Imperial while i did the same with the Rebels, i saw their vanguard hiding in the hallways between several houses before a rocket destroyed a wall above destroying the access to the other rebels, as i was in the shadow blending in.

I switched to my red lightsaber and activated a synthetic respiration that was about to strike fear in them.

I slaughtered them as the one in the back tried to pass the rumble but without success, after them i just lifted the rumble launching them in the back of the rebels troops, killing a lot and injuring some other.....

It was time for them to understand what it was to strike against the Mandalorian Empire especially if those are our peoples and there was innocent killed...


There ! A new chapter for this story and like all the other i just need time to think of proper plots for them as i don't want them to go in a lot of ways like the first one.

I hope you all liked it, for now goodbye and see you later. 

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