Han Solo (2)

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((A/N)): some of y'all will probably miss the previous version of this one; I'll admit, it was funnier, but I'm much happier with this version. Hope you guys can handle a little angst >:)


"I think she's in Hangar C, with Han".

You froze. Poor Luke had no idea. Slowly, he turned around to face you, frozen in shock, hurt, and anger.

"Y/N, wait-", he started, but didn't get the chance to finish.

Rebels were quick to jump out of your way, seeing you storm furiously down the halls. The hangar was in sight. You quickened your pace, and slammed face-first into the first person you knew for a fact would only piss you off further.

"Whoa there, Y/N", Lando grinned, catching you by the shoulders. "Where are you off to like that?"

"Where. Is. He", you forced out, not answering his question. Lando studied your face, grin slowly disappearing as he put the pieces together.

"Now, hold on there, Y/N...", he started, but you shoved him away with all of your strength. He hit the wall and watched helplessly as you strode into the hangar. After knowing both you and Han for years, he had yet to see you use that much force, even in a fight. Wishing Han the best, he quickly set off in the opposite direction. Much as he loved the occasional scuffle, this wasn't his place to interfere.

Bursting into the hangar, you seethed when you saw him. Looking up, Han grinned and opened his arms towards you.

"Just the person I wanted to see-"


Han's head whipped to the side with the force of the blow. Tears blurred your vision as you fought to strike him again. Letting out a distressed howl, Chewie quickly grabbed you, keeping you away from a shocked Han.

"Where is she?" you demanded, voice wavering.

"Sweetheart, what are you talking about-"

"WHERE IS SHE, SOLO", you screamed.

Luke's words rang in your head. She. Princess Leia Organa was royalty. As far as you were concerned, she had been raised with a silver spoon in her mouth, and was accustomed to getting what she wanted. And even though you had come to see her as a friend, and knew that that wasn't true, it wasn't fair. Not to you, when you thought it concerned Han. You, who had started out an orphan. You, who had clawed your way to the top to earn Jabba the Hutt's favor. You, who, offered the smallest bit of compassion from the smuggler you were supposed to bring back dead, had melted almost instantly.


Luke burst into the hangar not a few minutes after you, Leia quick on his heels.

"Y/N, wait! You didn't hear the whole thing", Leia said, quick to take your hands in hers.

You almost pulled away. The tears were flowing freely down your cheeks now, and you hadn't the heart to attempt to.

"Y/N, those guys were a repair team", Luke explained, guilt glimmering in his blue eyes. "They were asking about the Falcon".

It took you a minute to realize your mistake, and even after you had, you stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry. I explained it terribly", Luke said sincerely, and you knew he meant it. That kid had always had a heart of gold, since the first time you met him. You let Leia brush your tears away with her thumbs, cupping your face in her hands.

"Dry your eyes, Y/N. Be strong", she said.

You cracked a small, wavering smile at her before she slowly, hesitantly, stretched her arms around you in an almost awkward hug. Almost awkward, if she hadn't been Princess Leia Organa. When she pulled away, she gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze as she motioned for Luke and Chewie to give you a moment of privacy. You waited until all three had left the hangar before you slowly stepped to Han, cupping his reddened cheek with your hand.

"Oh, Han. I'm so sorry".

Your voice cracked. Han was quick to wrap his arms around you, holding you to the warmth of his chest.

"Not your fault, sweetheart", he mumbled.

You pulled away, looking up at him with shining eyes.

"I hurt you. Han, I hurt you, and you didn't deserve it".

At that, he smirked. It made you feel better, that near constant trademark grin of his.

"Physically, you couldn't hurt me if you tried".

You laughed, sinking into his arms again.

"You sure?"

"Always, princess". 

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