Ch: 9

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---Vision Start---

I was greeted by an empty white room with no one in it, well, until I managed to drag Kala into it as well. "Where are we...?" I heard her ask as she walked around the white void. She held out her hand to the white void and stated, "this is incredible, the energy all around me...."

"Somewhere in the Force," I responded. "I don't know exactly where though."

Suddenly, I watched as Ashlyn faded into view right behind Kala, who didn't realize that Ashlyn was here until she turned around and was spooked. "Hey, Nova. Who's your friend...?" Was all Ashlyn had to say, or in this case, ask.

"Ashlyn, meet Kala." I then proceeded to introduce the two.

"So, do you have a reason for being here or whatever...?" Ashlyn asked me. "Not that I don't mind or anything but I was hanging out with Mizella until you decided to pop in."

"Just to learn more about you," I told her.

"Like...?" Ashlyn asked me.

"I wanted you to show me something else that I could try and learn," I told Ashlyn.

"Can you even do what I first taught you...?" Ashlyn asked me. "Because we'll play around with that next."

"More or less." I had told Ashlyn.

"Then show me but first...." Ashlyn stated and with that, the scenery changed to that of the Temple I had been at the last time I was here.

"Is this...?" Kala started to ask but stopped herself.

"One of the old Jedi Temples on a planet called Tython," Ashlyn told Kala. "Also, why are you here...exactly...?"

"I brought her here," I told Ashlyn. "As something may have happened which may or may not have caused me to create a force energy barrier thing to protect her."

"What happened...?" Ashlyn immediately asked me, concern shown on her face. Kala and I both told Ashlyn about the training droids glitching out or something and attacking everyone. "That sounds like a similar problem we had at one point. At least we caught the person who hacked into the training droids."

"Wait, hacked...?" I asked Ashlyn.

"Yeah, but aren't you going to show me what you can do so far...?" Ashlyn asked me as we got to the training spot we were at the last time I was here.

Well, at least this time there isn't a group of people there to watch me mess up. I told myself.

"New girl, Kala, was it...?" Ashlyn asked Kala. Kala nodded her head and Ashlyn continued. "Do you have a lightsaber...? And what rank are you in the Jedi Order...?"

"No, and Jedi Knight," Kala responded.

"How could you not have your lightsaber again...?" I asked Kala. "Didn't you learn the last time you needed it...?"

"Again..." Kala told me. "I didn't think I would need it in the Jedi Temple of all places."

"I told you I was heading to a training room and you followed me there without a lightsaber...?" I asked her.

"I didn't want to leave you, you would've run to the room without me," Kala told me.

"I would've at least waited for you to run and get your lightsaber before I started to go to the room," I told her.

"Would you...?" Kala asked me.

"Ugh!" Ashlyn told us. "Just use mine." Ashlyn then unclipped her double-bladed lightsaber and tossed it to Kala, who had caught it by the hilt.

"I don't know how to use one of these," Kala told Ashlyn, who then gave the lightsaber back to Ashlyn via the force.

Ashlyn caught the lightsaber and said, "then just use Nova's."

I unclipped one of my lightsabers, knowing that Kala can't dual wield lightsabers like me, and tossed it to her. Kala caught the lightsaber and said, "now this, I can use." With that, she turned on the blade, an icy blue color coming from the silver hilt of the lightsaber.

"Now go into the center of the training area," Ashlyn told us. "Oh, and you won't need this." Ashlyn used the force to grab my other lightsaber that was on my belt.

"Hey!" I told her.

"I'll give it back to you after," Ashlyn told me. She then clipped it onto her belt right beside her double-bladed lightsaber. "Now, begin when you're ready."

"Begin with what exactly...?" Kala asked Ashlyn.

"Attack Nova with your...her lightsaber...?" Ashlyn told Kala as if it's obvious to what she wanted us to do.

"What...?" Kala asked Ashlyn. "But she's unarmed...?"

"Don't worry," Ashlyn told Kala. "If you die in here and you're not already dead, you'll wake up from your vision."

"What if you're already dead...?" Kala asked, probably referring to Ashlyn.

"Oh...?" Ashlyn says. "I can't die in here." Then as if to prove her point, she took out my lightsaber and used it as if she would cut off her hand. Nothing much happened though except for Ashlyn making a pained expression on her face. The blade literally went through her wrist, her wrist not even falling off as it would in the material world. "You can still feel it, it just doesn't do anything to you as you're already dead. However, you guys would just seem to poof out of existence and wake from your meditation. Now, are you going to show me what you already know or what...?"

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