Obi-Wan stood behind the pilot's chair of the gunship, looking intently out over the battlefield below them. As far as he could see, hundreds of mechanized transports and untold numbers of troopers and droids engaged in heated battle, as thick smoke filled the darkening sky.
How had it come to this, he thought to himself. He looked down at the hard, metal floor of the gunship, as he held tightly to the railing over his head. His mind drifted back to the blood-stained arena; many of the Jedi who had fallen were his friends, whom he had known all his life. Now they were gone, lost forever on a barren battlefield that should never have existed. He squeezed the railing tightly in his hand, as he felt a wave of anger overtake him. No, he thought to himself; he wouldn't give in to the same evil force that drove Dooku and whatever dark master he served. He closed his eyes, allowing the Force to calm him and drive the dark emotion from his mind.
His mind drifted again, this time to his young padawan. He opened his eyes and looked back out of the cockpit window. There was no longer any doubt as to the decision that Anakin had made, he knew that. He had sensed it, on the battlefield, when Anakin had freed him. Perhaps, Obi-Wan thought to himself, as he turned his eyes back to the floor, it was best this way, after all. Anakin had always been so reckless, so unsettled; perhaps, if he and Padmé truly did love each other, expulsion from the Jedi Order would be a small price to pay if his young friend could, finally, find some peace and happiness in his life. He took a deep, thoughtful breath; he hoped, with all of his heart, that Anakin had been able to find her and that they were both all right.
The ship's pilot suddenly turned his head toward Obi-Wan and called to him. "Sir," he said, as Obi-Wan looked up from the floor at him. "Look here, below us."
Obi-Wan took a step closer to the captain as he brought the ship lower to the sandy landscape and looked out of the cockpit window, to the spot where the captain gestured with his hand. There, in the waning sunlight, Obi-Wan saw a speeder, flanked by two small ships, moving quickly across the landscape, away from the battlefield.
Obi-Wan strained his eyes as he looked at the dark clad figure on the speeder. "That's Dooku," Obi-Wan said, looking intently at the speeder as it's rider's long, black cloak flapped in the wind. "We've got to stop him," he said, turning to the captain. 'Follow him!"
"Yes, sir," the captain replied and, turning the ship quickly, he threw the engines into full throttle, dropping closer to the landscape, as they laid chase to the tiny speeder as it sped off across the landscape.
Padmé pulled back smoothly on the controls, bringing the ship up, as she skimmed just over the top of the rocky outcropping, so close that huge, whirling clouds of sand and dust whipped into the air in their wake as they cleared it and descended quickly into the valley below.
"Miss Padmé," Threepio called nervously from the bench where he sat in the cockpit, "are you sure you wouldn't rather have Artoo pilot the ship?"
"Artoo's busy, Threepio," Padmé said, never taking her eyes from the cockpit window, as she reached over with her right hand and pushed the ship's throttle a little farther forward.
Anakin looked at her with a smile from his position in the copilot's chair. She was an amazingly skilled pilot, and he looked back out of the cockpit window, watching her skim the surface, weaving in and out of the massive stone formations with a grace and beauty that rivaled her own.
Anakin turned his attention to Artoo, who sat at the communications console, his data probe whirling quickly, as he continued to track Obi-Wan's signal. Anakin looked back at the radar display on the ship's console again. There, near the top of the display, he could see Obi-Wan's signal, moving quickly off to the west, away from the valley where the battle raged furiously.
"We're gaining on them," Anakin said, as he reached over and adjusted the scale of the display, narrowing the range.
Padmé smiled and glanced over at him, as she swung the ship hard to the left and around a massive stone formation, causing Threepio to cry out in fear once again. "Of course we are," she said, as she turned the ship toward Obi-Wan's signal on the radar display. "We're lighter and faster then they are."
"It doesn't hurt that we have a better pilot, either," Anakin said, looking at her with a smile.
"That's a matter of opinion, Master Ani," Threepio said, nervously, as he struggled to keep himself from falling off the padded bench as Padmé maneuvered the ship around another rocky outcropping.
Padmé glanced over her shoulder at Threepio, and then turned and looked at Anakin with a smile, as she pushed the throttle again, the ship's engines pushing them ever faster over the rocky landscape.
Obi-Wan felt the ship rock, hard to the left, as another wave of laser blasts struck the shields from behind.
He knew that, soon, he would be facing Dooku. He remembered the stories that his master, Qui-Gon, had told him about his old master when he was younger. Dooku had been a very powerful Jedi, and it had indeed been a serious loss to the order when Dooku, along with twenty other Jedi Knights, had left so long ago. Now, he thought to himself, he was going to face his former master's teacher, and he would do it alone. For the first time in many years, he felt lost, alone, the same empty feeling that he had experienced when his master Qui-Gon had died. He found himself wishing, again, that Anakin were here with him now.
Obi-Wan turned his attention back to the cockpit window and watched as Dooku's speeder turned quickly and disappeared into what appeared to be a massive hangar in the side of the rocky mountain a good distance ahead of them. He felt the ship rock violently, yet again, as the two small ships behind them fired at their gunship furiously. They had broken away from Dooku earlier, and, having circled behind them, now pursued them at a furious pace.
Obi-Wan turned and looked to his right, as the trooper in the side gunner's position opened fire again at the small ships. "They're too fast," the gunner cried, as he continued to fire at their attackers.
Obi-Wan turned his attention back to the Captain. 'Bring us in fast, and swing as close as you can to that hangar entrance," he said, pointing to the spot where Dooku's speeder had disappeared. "If you can slow down, only for a moment, I think I can clear the distance."
"Yes sir," the captain replied with a nod, and he pushed the ship's throttle hard as he swung the ship quickly toward the hangar's entrance.
Obi-Wan turned quickly, and took hold of the support railing near the left side of the ship. He looked out of the open door, as the hangar's wide landing platform began to loom large as they approached it.
"Get ready, sir," the captain called over his shoulder, as he turned the ship quickly, bringing them in at an angle parallel with the mountain's rocky face. As they neared the platform, he pulled back hard on the throttle and, as the ship slowed quickly, Obi-Wan reached down and took his light saber from his belt. Holding it tightly in his hand, he took a deep breath and, reaching into the Force, he jumped.
The force of his jump, combined with the ship's forward momentum, carried him through the air and well over the landing platform. As the captain punched the gunship's throttle again and turned away back over the valley, Obi-Wan landed midway up the platform and, as his boots hit the ground, he ignited the blade of his saber and ran quickly into the hangar's entrance.
Yoda stood on the deck of the command vehicle, looking out over the valley where the battle continued to rage. From his vantage point, high on the command deck, he could see that the Federation's droid army was dwindling quickly, as the highly trained clone troopers continued to advance, relentlessly.
Yoda turned his eyes away from the battlefield for a moment, his weathered face troubled, thoughtful. Ever mindful of the living Force, Yoda now found himself drawn to Obi-Wan; he stood quietly, as he stretched out with his feelings, as the battle continued to rage around him.
The clone commander who stood nearby turned and approached the diminutive Jedi Master. "Master Yoda," he said, as Yoda looked up thoughtfully at him, "All forward units are advancing. The droid army appears to be in full retreat."
Yoda nodded, thoughtfully. "Very good, commander," he said, and then turned and looked back out over the battlefield for a long moment.
"Bring me my ship," he said, finally, as he turned and looked at the commander once again.
Nodding affirmatively, the commander turned and motioned to several of the troopers who stood nearby.
Count Dooku stood in the dimly lit hangar near his ship, as his droid pilot worked at the console, getting the massive interstellar sail ship ready to return to Coruscant.
He heard the sound of footsteps approaching him from behind and, turning slowly, he looked back over his shoulder towards the entrance of the hangar, just in time to see Obi-Wan run through the massive archway, the brilliant green blade of his lightsaber glowing brightly in the dim light.
"Well, Master Kenobi," Dooku said with a smile, turning to face Obi-Wan as he walked slowly into the hangar. "How nice of you to come and say goodbye."
"You're not going anywhere, Dooku," Obi-Wan said, as he walked slowly toward the center of the hangar, "except back to the Council to answer for what you've done."
"Come now, Master Kenobi," Dooku said with a smile, walking slowly towards the center of the hanger, his long black cloak swirling at his feet as he walked. "Do you really think that you'll be able to take me in?"
Obi-Wan looked at him, coldly, as the two Jedi Knights faced off near the center of the hangar. "I suppose we'll find out," he said, as he raised his light saber slowly.
Count Dooku smiled at him for a moment and then, stretching out his hand, a fierce bolt of Force lightning surged from his fingertips across the hangar. Taken by surprise, Obi-Wan swung his blade up quickly; the force of the blast was considerable, and he took a step back, steadying himself, as his blade deflected the massive bolt harmlessly toward the stone wall of the hangar.
"As you can see," Dooku said, as he lowered his hand to his belt, "my Jedi powers are far beyond yours, my friend." He looked at Obi-Wan with a grim expression. "Now," he said, coldly, "back down."
Obi-Wan returned his defiant stare, bringing his saber up beside him. 'I don't think so," he said, firmly, as he wrapped both of his hands tightly around the hilt of his saber.
Count Dooku smiled at him for a moment and then reached under his long black cape and, slowly, produced his lightsaber. He held the smooth, curved shaft of his weapon tightly in his hand, as he walked slowly around Obi-Wan, eyeing him carefully. Then, very smoothly, he ignited his weapon; the brilliant crimson blade hummed loudly as Dooku raised it slowly, in a formal salute, and then turned to face Obi-Wan straight on.
Obi-Wan leapt toward Dooku, bringing his saber around quickly, directly at Dooku's head. Nimbly and efficiently, Dooku stepped quickly to the side, parrying Obi-Wan's strong blow harmlessly to the side.
Obi-Wan swung his blade, smoothly, in circular fashion, as he pressed his attack on Count Dooku. Each time, as he did, Dooku gracefully dodged and blocked each of his attacks.
Obi-Wan watched him as he fought; Dooku's fighting style was different; he was a swordsman, rather than a Jedi, a master of the old fighting style that the Order had abandoned long ago as being too difficult to master.
He struck out again, hard, as Dooku brought his blade up, catching Obi-Wan's blade, holding it steady in front of him as the two blades crackled and hissed wildly as they opposed each other.
"Come now, Master Kenobi," Count Dooku said, his lips curled into an evil smile. "You disappoint me. Yoda holds you in such high regard."
Obi-Wan dropped his blade, bringing it around, hard, as the Count raised his in reply, driving Obi-Wan's weapon harmlessly toward the hard stone floor. Quickly, Dooku switched to the offensive, bringing his crimson blade up and lunging hard at Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan leapt to the side, barely catching Dooku's lightning quick thrust with his blade, pushing it just far enough away from him that it pierced the edge of his tunic. He stepped back, quickly, panting hard as he fought to regain control of his situation.
Reaching into the Force as strongly as he could, he grit his teeth and, swinging his saber hard, he lunged at the Count, their weapons crashing and flashing brilliantly in the darkness.
"There," Anakin said, as he stood next to Padmé's pilot chair, pointing toward the landing platform in the mountain's face.
Padmé nodded, as she turned the ship hard, making for the platform as quickly as she could. "I see it," she said, as she reached forward and pulled back on the throttle, slowing the ship as she made a quick descent to the landing platform at the hangar's entrance.
Anakin closed his eyes, reaching into the Force; he could sense his master's familiar tremor in the Force now, as they neared the hangar. He could also tell that Obi-Wan was fighting, fighting hard, harder than Anakin had ever sensed when he and his master had fought together before.
"Hurry, Padmé," Anakin said, opening his eyes again, looking at her, his face troubled, worried. "He's in trouble."
Padmé reached over and punched the landing thrusters, and the small ship's graceful landing gear unfolded quickly. Just as it opened fully, Padmé cut the engines and dropped the ship the last several feet onto the platform, and then reached over and punched the button on the console that opened the rear entry hatch to the ship.
She turned and looked at Anakin, gazing into his eyes, as he reached to his belt and took his weapon tightly in his hand. "Go," she said, softly. "I'll catch up."
Anakin looked at her for just a moment, and then, quickly he turned and ran down the ramp.
Padmé stood up from her seat in the pilot's chair, and, as she went quickly to retrieve her weapon from the bench behind her, she watched, her heart aching again, as Anakin ran quickly down the landing platform and disappeared into the hangar's dark entrance.
She turned to Artoo, as he sat at the communications console. "Artoo," she said, her expression determined, "take the pilot's station. We may need to get out of here in a hurry."
Artoo whistled in reply, as, turning quickly, Padmé turned and ran down the ramp toward the hangar, her blaster swinging in her hand as she ran.
Obi-Wan took a deep breath and, with all of his might, he struck out, hard at Count Dooku. He brought his blade down, again and again, as the Count stepped quickly backwards, away from him, as he blocked each of Obi-Wan's thrusts.
Suddenly, Dooku swung his blade and, pressing Obi-Wan offensively, he unleashed a new fury of blows at the Jedi Knight. Thrusting furiously, Dooku began to step quickly toward Obi-Wan, his blade flashing brightly, as he drove Obi-Wan back across the hangar, toward his ship.
Obi-Wan fought furiously, as, with all of his might, he worked to deflect each of the Count's angry thrusts; he was growing tired, and each blow that he blocked left him weaker and weaker.
Dooku swung his blade hard, and Obi-Wan caught it with his own, as Dooku pressed his blade slowly down and toward the floor. Then, with a lightning quick thrust, Dooku lifted his blade and brought up and around, directly into Obi-Wan's right shoulder.
Obi-Wan cried out in pain as he stumbled backwards, instinctively reaching around with his left hand to his wounded shoulder. As he did, Dooku thrust forward, hard and fast, driving the point of his blade into Obi-Wan's right thigh.
With another cry of pain, Obi-Wan collapsed onto the cold, hard floor, his weapon rolling across the hangar as its blade disappeared into the handle.
The pain that coursed through his leg and shoulder was unbearable; his head swimming with pain, Obi-Wan grasped his leg with his wounded arm, as he struggled to find his bearings. Desperately, he reached into the Force, trying to calm himself; his eyes searched the cold, stone floor anxiously, trying to find his Jedi weapon. He caught sight of a flash of silver, lying several yards away. If he could only retrieve his weapon, he thought, he might still have a chance.
Dooku's swirling black cloak suddenly filled his field of view, and he looked up; the Count stood over him, the brilliant red blade of his light saber casting a crimson glow to his weathered face as he studied the fallen Jedi with a look of disdain and disappointment.
"As I said, Master Kenobi," Dooku gloated, bringing the humming blade of his saber within inches of Obi-Wan's face, "I expected more of you."
Obi-Wan drew his head back, as best he could, as the crimson blade hummed just an inch or two from his face. He was out of options; he had always known that this day could come, but now the cold reality of his own death began to sink in. He felt the same despair that had overtaken him years ago dog him, the cold, empty feeling he had endured when held his own dying master in his arms. He tried to calm himself again, but the cold reality of what was about to happen was sinking in; he was about to die.
Obi-Wan looked up at Dooku's face. His cold, vengeful eyes stared down at him, and Obi-Wan felt a sense of utter hopelessness overtake him as he watched the Sith Lord slowly raise his light saber high over his head. Obi-Wan closed his eyes, and steeled himself for what he knew was about to come. Dooku brought his saber down quickly, directly at Obi-Wan's exposed neck.
Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a brilliant blue blade of light appeared, stopping his thrust cold as the two blades hissed and crackled loudly, contacting each other in violent opposition.
Obi-Wan opened his eyes and followed the glowing blue blade to its owner. Anakin stood directly over him; on his face was a look of grim determination, as he stared directly into Dooku's astonished face.
"Well, well," Dooku said, slowly, his blade still held at bay by the young Jedi. "Very brave of you, my boy." He paused, his eyes flashing angrily in the dim light. "Foolish, but brave."
Dooku heard footsteps approaching. He turned and looked over his shoulder, toward the entrance to the hangar and, to his amazement, he saw a familiar figure run through the narrow passageway and stop near the entrance. Breathing heavily, Padmé lowered her blaster to her side as she stopped just inside, and she stared coldly at the Sith as he stood, perplexed, his blade still crackling wildly in contact with Anakin's.
Dooku turned and eyed the young Jedi warily, a sinister, yet surprised smile on his face. "I thought I'd seen the last of both of you," he said,
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