star: (narrating) Far, far away, in a magical land called Mewni, lived a princess – Star Butterfly.
[Cut to interior shot of castle, on a portrait of Star Butterfly, King Butterfly, and Queen Butterfly. Star Butterfly slides down the staircase rail and breaks a floating crystal decoration. The portrait falls on top of her. She rips through it as she stands up, and the chandelier tilts.]
Star: (narrating) Some people have called me reckless and irresponsible just because...[Cut to interior of a cave, where Star fights monsters.]
Star: (narrating) ...I fight monsters... [Cut to shot of a unicorn drinking from a creek.]
Star: (narrating) ...and tame wild unicorns.[Star lands on the unicorn's back, and the unicorn rears up.] Star Yee-haw!
[Star rides the unicorn through Mewni, scaring some of the civilians.]
Star: (narrating) I like to have fun! And I'm about to have a whole lot more because today is my 18th birthday! And according to tradition, my mom the queen has to bestow upon me our greatest family heirloom the royal magic wand!
[King and Queen Butterfly wait for Star in the throne room. The audience looks to the doors. Just before the guards open them, Star and the unicorn crash through, scaring the audience. As the unicorn crashes through the rear wall, Star jumps off and lands by her parents.]
Star: [panting excitedly]
Queen Butterfly: Now, Star, this wand is a big responsibility. If it falls into the hands of evil forces, the universe could be destroyed.
Star: [laughing]
[Star takes the wand from Queen Butterfly, and it magically changes from a royal scepter form to a light purple form with white wings]
Star: [gasps] Don't worry, Mom. I can handle it.
[Smash cut to Star looking distressed outside Mewni. Behind her, Mewni is on fire and its civilians are screaming in terror. Star slowly shuffles off-screen. At the castle, King and Queen Butterfly and Glossaryck observe through binoculars.]
King and Queen Butterfly: She can't handle it.
[Cut to shot of a manticore-drawn carriage. The camera pans over to Star pleading to her parents.]
Star: Nooooo! I can be good. Please! Don't send me to St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses!
[Thunder strikes. Cut to shot of Star being sent to St. Olga's Reform School on a conveyor belt while screaming. Cut back to Star still screaming while clinging to her mother's dress.]
King Butterfly: Sweetheart, we're not sending you there.
Star: Oh!
Queen Butterfly: ...Yet.
King Butterfly: We're sending you to train in a safer dimension; a place called Earth.
Star: Earth?
[Queen Butterfly pushes Star toward the carriage as she wails.]
King Butterfly: Manfred, open the portal.
[Manfred uses a pair of dimensional scissors to open a portal. The carriage moves through it as Star looks forlorn.]
Star: [sighs] Goodbye, Mewni.
[Buff Frog appears from behind a bush.]
Buff Frog: [laughing evilly]
[Cut to exterior shot of Echo Creek Academy. A teenager takes a photo of one of the manticores with his smartphone. The manticore roars at him, and he runs away. Inside Principal Skeeves' office, King and Queen Butterfly talk with the principal.]
Principal Skeeves: So you say you're from another dimension.
[The office lights flicker on and off. The king, queen, and principal look to Star, who's toying with the light switch.]
Star: And you said there was no magic on Earth.
Skeeves: Yeah... this isn't gonna work.
[King Butterfly presents a chest of riches, and dollar signs appear in Skeeves' eyes.]
Skeeves: She is gonna love it here!
[Star continues to mess with the light switch.]
King Butterfly: She's going to need a guide.
[Cut to Jackie in a classroom writing in a note book.]
Skeeves (on P.A. system) Jackie Lynn Thomas, to the principal's office. Jackie Lynn Thomas, to the principal's office.
Jackie: [smiles] Wonder what's that about [sighs] maybe Y/n did something again. [Jackie walks out of the room.
[Cut to Principal Skeeves and Star Butterfly outside the principal's office. Jackie shortly joins them.]
Skeeves: Jackie! I want you to meet our new foreign exchange student – Star Butterfly.
[Star presses the button on a water fountain. When a spout of water appears, she backs away in fear and growls at it.]
Jackie: Ok what do you need me to do.
Skeeves: I need a somebody who will watch over her and be her guide will she stays here. And who better then one of the two most popular students on shcool.
Jackie: [rubs her neck] I don't know I don't have that much time in my hand but if I get a little bit of "motivation" I could be her guide.
Skeeves: [looks at Jackie and sighs giving her some of the gold he was given] was that enough motivation for you.
Jackie: Oh yea that's more then enough
Skeeves: Good Now I'm off to the ice cream shop. Daddy's getting all 52 flavors! [walks off-screen]
[Camera pans over to Star trying to eat the water fountain. Later, Jackie shows Star around the school; Jackie walks as Star skips. They pass by several students in the background.
Star Thanks for showing me around.
Jackie: No problem always happy to help new people.
Star: Ohhh..
Jackie: I wonder where Y/n been all day maybe he's working.
Star [gasps at a passing student] Hi. who is Y/n?
Jackie: Oh he's my boyfriend
Star [gasps] You have a boyfriend ?
Jackie: [blushes and shows her a picture on her phone of her and a person with y/s, y/h and white strips of hair and two different color eyes one Y/c and the other purple] Yea we have being dating for 8 years now.
Star: Aww you both look so cute together. [suddenly her wand shoots a magic beam at a moth flying by and turns it into a monster that grabs a random student and fly's away]
Jackie: whoa what was that.
Star: Oops. I got a little exited.
Jackie: [looks at Star suspiciously] you're not normal are you?
Star: Nope I'm star butterfly and I'm a magical princess from another dimension!
[Star makes a rainbow with her wand, and several cute creatures appear around her. The rainbow suddenly bursts into flames, and the cute creatures run away. Jackie looks stunned.]
Jackie: Well that was something [the bell rings] well seems the school day is over do you have a place to stay if not you can stay with me.
Star: awww that's really nice of you Jackie
Jackie: don't mention it.
[Jackie smiles at Star and then they walk away from the shcool while the fire spreads to the nearby building. Scene fades to black. Fade in on Jackies house witch was a normal two story house]
Star: I can't thank you again Jackie for letting me stay at your house.
Jackie: don't worry about it but I have to warn you I don't leave alone my boyfriend Y/n lives with me. [as Jackie was about to open the door a girl come out of her house with messy hair and clothes]
Leah: o-Oh a J-Jakcie your home
Jackie: Hey Leah are you and Y/n finish.
Leah: [blushing] y- yea we are and here [hand her a wad of cash]
Jackie: Thanks Leah hope you enjoyed your self
[Leah walks away blushing and fixing her hair as Jackie and star come inside]
Star: Who was that?
Jackie: Oh her that's Leah a girl from school she a regular.
Star: A regular?
???: Jackie is that you.
Jackie: Yea babe come down I have someone to introduce to you.
[Star hears someone coming down the stairs as she looks to see who it is she blushes and gets a nosebleed as a boy come down the stairs naked as the day, he was born fixing he's hair.]
Jackie: Hey babe [goes up and kisses him] did you and Leah enjoy your self's.
???: We did [notices Star] oh who's this another customer.
Jackie: No she a new student at school who is going to live with us.
???: is that right well [goes up to Star and extends he hand] the names Y/m L/n Jackies boyfriend nice to meet you.
[Star is left stun as this hunk of a man was revealed to be Jackies boyfriend and he's standing before her naked with a semi erect member]
Star: [grabs he's hand] N-Nice t-to -m-meet y-you m-my n-name i-s st-star B-Butter -fl-fly.
Y/n: Star Butterfly cute name well any way I should get drees [goes back upstairs]
Star: Um Jackie I have SOME QUESTIONS.
Jackie: Yea I figure you might [sits on a chair] so shoot
Star: why was Leah at your house
Jackie: She was here for Y/n services.
Star: Services?
Jackie: She was here to have sex with Y/n.
[star is left speech less]
Jackie: You see Y/n works as a male escort for the women of Echo Creek what that means is that girls pay Y/n to have sex with them.
Star: An-and your ok with that.
Jackie: Sure I am Y/n have a special reason for doing this and plus it just sex.
Star: S-so any one can do it?
Jakcie: sure as long as they pay why [smirks] are you interested.
Star: I uh maybe
Y/n: Maybe what ?
Star: [screams]
[she turns around and sees Y/n fully cloth]
{what you wear}
Jackie: Nothing just Star wanting to have sex with you.
Star: JACKIE!!!
Y/n: Well maybe later I was thinking on going out to eat as a welcome to Echo Creek.
Jackie: Thats a wonderful Idea Y/n what do you think Star.
Star: [blushes] Well in you insists
Y/n: Alright then lets go.
[cut to night where we see Star, Jackie and Y/n walking home after a nice dinner]
Star: Man that was so good thanks for taking me out you guys
Y/n: Don't mention it Star
Jackie: Yea as long as you stay with us your going to have a awesome time.
[Star smiles]
Star: Thanks guy that me-
???: are we interrupting something?
[they all turn around and see Ludo and he's monsters]
Ludo's minions: [growling]
Ludo: Star Butterfly! At last, I've found you!
Star: Ludo! How did you know I was here?
Ludo: [chuckling] Wouldn't you like to know?
Star: Yes. That's why I asked.
Ludo: Well, Buff Frog—hey! I don't have to tell you anything! Get her!
Ludo's minions: [roaring]
[Star assumes an attack stance when Y/n jumps in front of her. Y/n drops a three-eyed minion with a punch to the gut and grabs he's head and delivers a knee to he's faces knocking out a few teeth.]
Y/n: Man how pathetic are you guy to gang up on a sweet girl like that.[the three-eyed minion get back up and try's to punch Y/n only for Jackie to kick him to the floor]
Star [laughing] You guys can fight?!
Y/n: Of course we can
Jackie: Now are just going to stand around and look pretty or are we going to kick ass.
[Y/n drops Bearicorn with a punch to the face. Jackie fights Beard Deer who is wielding a hammer she kicks him in the stomach, and the hammer bonks him on the head. Star blast a monster across the screen.]
Ludo: You said she was unguarded!
Buff Frog: [confused grunt]
[Three-eyed Potato Baby flies on and off-screen, and Beard Deer is hit with a blast of water.]
[Y/n grabs the heads of the two heads minion and smash them together.]
Y/n: Man you guys are weak.
[Star jumps behind a giraffe-headed minion
Star Rainbow Fist Punch!
Star produces a rainbow-colored fist to knock the giraffe minion through a car window. While fighting the first three-eyed minion, Jackie opens the car's driver side door, and the giraffe minion's neck stretches to knock the three-eyed minion out.]
Star Hah!
Star knocks a minion over with her wand, and it whinnies in pain like a horse. Y/n and Jackie appears next to her, and they smile at each other as Y/n and Jackie punch the heads of the two-headed minion. Star blasts Buff Frog back into a streetlight.]
Ludo: You're embarrassing me! Get up!
[Buff Frog gets up and breaks the streetlight off its base, using it as a club.]
Buff Frog: [roars]
Star: Jellybean Hallucination Mist! [Star blasts Buff Frog with magic, and he hallucinates raining jellybeans and faces on his hands.]
Buff Frog: Whoa... what is happening?
[Three-eyed Potato Baby and Big Chicken punch Star and Y/n to the ground]
Jackie: ragh
[Jackie knocks them away with her skateboard]
Star: Mega... Narwhal Blast!
[Star knocks out all the minions with an army of narwhals.]
Ludo's minions: [groaning]
[One of the narwhals slithers away. Ludo looks surprised, then displeased.]
Star: You want some of this, Ludo?
Ludo: No... [takes out dimensional scissors] You see, you morons?! This is what happens when you don't work out! [opens a dimensional portal] Your muscles are like pudding! Come on, back in the portal, back in the portal.[
Ludo's minions, groaning and covered in bruises, shuffle through the portal.]
Ludo: You even retreat like losers!
Buff Frog: [still hallucinating] I'm freaking out...!
[Ludo enters the portal last.]
Ludo: I'll get you, Star Butterf—! [gags]
[The portal closes around Ludo's neck, choking him. He pulls his head in at the last second, leaving behind his skull crown.]
Y/n: That was amazing!
Jackie: Yea Star you were pretty cool
Star Yeah. I guess I Was.
Jackie: Well it's getting pretty late and we have school tomorrow and you mister [points at Y/n] have a lot of schoolwork to catch up on
Y/n: Awww man pleas Jackie don't make me.
Star: [laughs at both of them] I guess this won't be so bad.
[cut to black]
{and that's the first chapter of star vs the forces of Evil done let me know what you guys thinks and I will see you guys in the next chapter}
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