Match Maker

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Star: Hello everyone [recording on her hand mirror] today is my 7th day anniversary of being on hearth so I thought on surprising my room mates who are the most awesome people ever and are surprisingly super-hot to [bites her lip and blushes but shakes it off] with a surprises breakfast now [lies down on her bed and starts to read from a cookbook that's upside down] I don't know what half on what this thing says but I'm going to give it my all so wich me luck.

[cuts to Y/n and Jackie in their bedrooms as they start to wake up]

Y/n: [starts to wake up and rubs he's eyes and looks down at he's chest and find he's girlfriend Jackie naked after having a night of love making] hey there beautiful.

Jackie: [rubs her head on he's chest] hey there handsome.

Y/n: Sleepwell. 

Jackie: [sits on he's chest exposing her body to him] after the night we had you expect me to sleep. 

Y/n: shut up you love it.

Jackie: jeje I never said I didn't.

[star burst into the room with two plates field with what they assume was random things from there friges]

Star: Hello there friends I have brought you so- [looks at them both and gets a nosebleed while blushing]

Jackie: hey there star what you have there

Y/n: I'm assuming breakfast.

Star: ye-yea i-its the 7th day of me staying on earth and I made you two this as a thank you for letting me stay here.

Jackie: awww thanks star let me take a quick shower and I'll eat it.

[Jackie stands off the bed showing her body as star stares at her double D chest and big ass, as she walks to the bathroom in the room] 

star: [looks down on her body] she may have bigger boobs and ass but mine are softer.

Y/n: Um star what did you make [looks over at the food]

Star: oh well I didn't know what was what so I use whatever I hope you enjoy.

Y/n: yea I "hope" to [ takes a spoon full]

Star: so how is it

[after a few  moments Y/n collapses into the ground]

Star: ahh Y/n

Jackie: [walks out drying her hair] what happened. 

[Cut to interior of Echo Creek Academy as Y/n Jackie and star walk down the corridor as Star tosses her up and down.]

Jackie: I like shorts, So I bought a dozen of them.

Random student: Hey, it's that magic girl!

[A large group of students and the school janitor pass by Star, Y/n and Jackie, saying hello to Star and a few girls to Y/n.] 

Star: Hi, new friends! Hi! Everyone's so cool here. It makes me wish my parents had tossed me out of the years ago.

Y/n: Don't say it like that its sound weird.

Jackie: Well your about to meat two if the coolest people we know.

Cut to Jenna and Marco standing next to some lockers.

Jackie: Jackie 

and Marco.

Jenna: Jackie is Y/n available this weekend.

Marco: Jenna not in school if the teacher find out.

Jenna: don't get your panties in a twits safe girl 

Jackie: They're usually more civil.

Star: well, hello I'm star Y/n and Jackie roommate from another dimension.

Jenna: Oh so your the girl we heard so much about [wraps her arm around star shoulder] dos that mean you and Y/n fuck all the time

[star blushes]

Marco: Jenna!!

Jenna: [throws her arm into the air] I cant say anything [pouts]

Marco: I'm sorry about her she usually like to cause trouble [stares at Jenna] but I'm Marco Diaz

Star: Marco but that sound like a boy's name [looks Marco up and down]

Marco: oh that's because I am a boy.

Y/n: you see star Marco here Is what we call a femboy or a feminine boy.

Star: oh, what's a femboy?

Jackie:  A femboy is a young, usually cisgender male who adopts a feminine aesthetic and or taste.

Jenna: Like taking dick down her bussy

Marco: JENNA!!!

Jenna: Se ya [runs off with Marco chasing after her]

star: are they usually fighting?

Y/n: Mots of the time.

Jackie: But there really good friend Jenna just gets under Marco's skin.

Star: Really how [gaps] can she shrink

Y/n: Not literal star.

[the bell rings]

Jackie: well better get to class 

[Scene transitions to the classroom. Star draws on her desk.]

Star: Look-look-look-look-look! It's my name! It's my name! With a star inside a butterfly and two hearts. And a spider.

[Miss Skullnick slams a test paper on Star's desk, and she looks monstrously annoyed. She hands out test papers to the rest of the class.]

Skullnick: As you can see, class, most of you have done a pathetic job.

Star: Not me! I got an "F" for "fantastic"!

Y/n: That's an "F" for "fail".

Star Huh?

Jackie: What? You don't have tests on mewni ?

Star Uh... So what grade did you get?

Y/n: [holds up his test paper] I got a D.

Jackie: And I got a B.

Star: Well what the best one.

Y/n: That would be and A

Star Ooh... I want the best one too!

[Star walks up to Miss Skullnick. Marco tries to stop her and fails.]

Jackie: Wait, don't!

Y/n: Oh there going to be blood.

[Miss Skullnick writes on the chalkboard.]

Star: [sing-songy] Oh, Miss Skullnick!

[Miss Skullnick crushes the chalk in her hand and turns to Star with a growl.]

Star:Hey, Skullzy! Can you please do me a teeny favor and turn my "F" into an "A"?

Skullnick: You're whining about a lousy grade? I finally got a guy with a boat, and he left me at the dock!

Star: The dock?

Skullnick: The dock isn't the important part!

[Star nibbles on her wand.]

Skullnick: I guess I'm doomed to dry land.

Star: I got it! I'll cast a spell to get you the perfect guy, and you can give me the perfect grade.

Skullnick: What?!

Star: Man Magnet...

Skullnick: Wait!

Star: ...Love Storm!

[Star transforms Miss Skullnick into a hideous green-skinned troll.]

Students: [gasps]

Y/n: oh ho!

Jackie: Star, what did you do?!

Star I-I think I turned her into a troll.

Student: Wha...?

Justin: Star Butterfly rules!

Students: [cheering]

Skullnick :[screams] I'm hideous!

Y/n: I say she looks almost the same

Jackie: Quick, change her back!

Star:Oh, okay, yeah, right! [laughing nervously] Okay, yeah... Lightning Change Back!

Skullnick: [screams]

[Star, Jackie, Y/n and Miss Skullnick vanish from the room.]

Students: [gasps]

[Star, Marco, and Miss Skullnick magically reappear in Star's bedroom. Skullnick screams and runs up and down the room.]

Star Huh. Where are we?

Y/n: You just zapped us back to the house!

Star Ohhhh... I wish I knew how I did that. It could really come in handy if I don't feel like using my legs.

[Skullnick appears close to the camera and screams again. Camera pans left to Buff frog watching from outside the window.]

Buff Frog: [laughing evilly]

[Cut to exterior shot of Ludo's Castle. Inside, Buff Frog jumps out of a dimensional portal and salutes Ludo .]

Buff Frog: Ludo, master. Star Butterfly has come home from school early today and she seems... distracted.

[Ludo licks an ice cream cone.]

Ludo: Distracted? Excellent! This is the moment I've been waiting for.

[Ludo's ice cream falls off of the cone, and puts it back.]

Ludo: No one's at their best when they're... distracted! [laughing] Finally... [drops his ice cream cone] I'll get my hands on that glorious wand!

[Ludo imagines holding the wand.]

Ludo: When it transforms, it'll match my hat!

[The wand magically changes from a purple form with white wings to a skull form with black wings.]

Ludo: And I'll get my big boy body! [laughing]

[Imagination Ludo suddenly grows into a large, hulking form. He terrorizes Mewni by zapping everything with magic.]

Ludo: Kick down the tower. Zip, zap, zip-zip, zip, zap! And... I'm a lifeguard!

[Imagination Ludo is suddenly in a hot spring surrounded by buxom beauties. Cut back to Ludo's throne room. Ludo imagines giving CPR.]

Ludo: One, two, three... [blowing]

Bearicorn: Is that CPR?

Ludo: Silence! ...Yes. Unfortunately, I was too late.

[Scene transitions back to Star's bedroom. Miss Skullnick is tied to a chair. Her uncontrollable sobbing makes a large puddle on the floor.]

Star Please don't cry, Miss Skullnick.

Y/n: Yea it's not like you look like an ugly troll [miss Skullnick cry's harder]

Jackie: Y/N!!!

Y/n: What she looks like a reguler troll I'm trying to help. 

Jackie: Star, we can't keep stalling. You're gonna have to call your mom. She'll know how to reverse the spell.

Star [gasps] No! I can't ask for help! If my parents find out about this, they're gonna send me to...

Thunder strikes. Cut to exterior shot of St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses..

Star St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses!

[Cut to Star strapped to an operating table with her hair tied back and the words "CUT HERE" and a dotted line drawn on her forehead. A demonic-looking surgeon appears before Star. He has a buzzsaw for a left hand, and his right hands holds a scalpel.]

Star: It's a terrible, horrible place, and no one who goes there ever comes out the same! [screams]

[Cut back to Star still screaming. After a few seconds, she stops.]

Y/n: Ya done?

Star Almost. [screams] Okay, I'm done.

Jackie: Look, Star, you just need to get the information without letting her know what's going on. You know, dance around the truth.

Star I'm a great dancer!

Star dances as she goes up to a curtain. She pulls the curtain back to reveal her .

Star Mirror, mirror on the wall... Call Mom.

Mirror: Calling Tom.

Star: W-W-W-W-W—

[Tom appears on the mirror's surface.]

Tom: Star!

Star No. No.

Tom: W-Wait! You're here, I'm here—

Star: I said "call Mom", not Tom.

Tom: No! Star! [in demonic voice] DON'T HANG UP!

[Star presses a button on the mirror, and Tom's image vanishes.]

Y/n: Man he has issues. 

Star I really gotta delete him off my mirror.

[appears on the mirror's surface.]

Queen Butterfly Oh, Star, darling, what a pleasant surprise!

Star: So, Mom... let's just say that someone accidentally turned someone into a troll with the wand. Not that I would do that, no, because that would be completely irresponsible—

[There's a loud crash and scream off-screen. Y/n dashes across the screen.]

Queen Butterfly: Wait was that Y/n, Star, what is going on?!

[Star quickly closes the curtains.]

Star Gotta go, bye! What happened?!

[Jackie stands next to a large hole in the wall.]

Jackie: She jumped out the window!

[Y/n crashes trough the ruff and land on the floor]

Jackie: And she threw Y/n through the roof.

[Miss Skullnick, still tied to a chair, runs across the house yard. Y/n tackles her to the ground. Star lands on top of Y/n.]

Jackie: Wow, good job, Y/n.

Ludo: [ mockingly] "Wow, good job, Y/n."

[Camera pans left to reveal Ludo and his monsters.]

Star: Ludo! What are you doing here?

Ludo: Catching you at your most distracted!

Star: What? I have been way more distracted than this.

Ludo: I don't know. You seem... pretty distracted.

Star: Nah, not really.

Ludo: Oh, well... What's that over there?!

Star: What?! Where?!

Ludo: Get her!

Ludo's army: [roaring]

Star, Y/n and Jackie [screams]

[Y/n, Jackie and Star run away. The monsters chase after them, trampling over Miss Skullnick in the process. Ludo climbs up his giraffe minion's neck and jumps onto the back of a flying bat creature. As the monsters approach Star and Marco, Star jumps into the air.]

Star: Dagger Crystal Heart Attack!

[Star fires a volley of hearts from her wand.]

Star: Feel the love!

[The monsters fly backward with hearts stuck in their bodies. Jackie and Y/n faces down Bearicorn, Big Chicken, and Three-eyed Potato Baby.]

[Y/n take of he's jacket leaving himself with a tank top]

Jackie: this wont take to mush time.

[The monsters fake being scared. Jackie picks up a rake and spins it around. She smacks Bearicorn and sweeps Three-eyed Potato Baby's legs and strikes his face with the rake end. Big Chicken attacks Y/n from behind and pecks at him continuously.]

Y/n: Ow! Hey! Ow, ow! Owww!

[Y/n kicks Big Chicken in the beak and knocks him over. Emmitt appears behind Y/n and cracks his knuckles. Buff Frog throws a punch at Star. She dodges and bites Buff Frog's arm.]

Buff Frog: [pained yelling]

[The crocodile minion snaps its jaws at Star, misses, and smacks her tail with its tail. As Star flies backward, she spins around and strikes a three-eyed minion with her wand, making a large bump on his head. Emmitt puts Y/n in a headlock and continuously punches his stomach.]

y/n: Ow! Oww!

Star Rainbow Blast!

[Star blasts Emmitt with a rainbow beam. As Miss Skullnick stands up, Emmitt flies into her, knocking them both down.]

Emmitt [incoherent babbling] Ohhh...

Skullnick Uhhh...

[Emmitt and Miss Skullnick look at each other with hearts in their eyes.]

Star: Narwhal Blast! Narwhal Blast! [looks at Emmitt and Miss Skullnick] Awww... Narwhal Blast...

[Star smiles at Emmitt and Miss Skullnick while blasting without looking.]

Emmitt: [incoherent babbling, chuckling]

[Emmitt returns to the battle as Marco fights the giraffe minion and Big Chicken in the background.]

Emmitt [incoherent babbling]

[Miss Skullnick looks lovestruck. Marco continues fighting the giraffe minion, Buff Frog, and Three-eyed Potato Baby. Star pops in from off-screen.]

Star: Hey, guys you can handle this for a minute on your own, right?

Jackie: Oh, yeah. No problem.

Y/n: Easy

Star Cool, thanks!

[All of Ludo's monsters appear behind both of them.]

Jackie/Y/n: Crap basket...

[The monsters all pounce upon them both. Miss Skullnick tries climbing over a fence.]

Star: [sing-songy] Oh, Miss Skullnick!

Skullnick: What?

Star: See that monster over there?

[Emmitt is kick in the face by Jackie.]

Star: He thinks you're cute.

Skullnick: Really? [climbs off the fence] Ooh! What should I do?

Star: Wait right here.

[Emmitt is on the floor as Y/n is kicking him.]

Star: Hey Y/n can you give me a minute with him.

Y/n: [stops] sure [ runs up to the Big chicken and tackles him into the ground and starts to beat the shit of off him]

Star Hey there, monster guy [Emmitt stand up] See that troll over there?

Emmitt: [excited babbling]

[Emmitt runs up to Miss Skullnick as Star watches. Behind her, Ludo and his army chase Y/n.]

Jackie: Star!

Ludo: Get them! Get them!

Star: Hey, guys! I think you forgot something.

[Star's wand glows yellow. The monsters stop chasing Marco.]

Ludo's army: Huh?

Ludo: Get the wand!

[The monsters run up to Star.]

Star Thermonuclear Butterfly Blast!

[Ludo, and Ludo's monsters all scream in terror on a seven-way split screen.]

Ludo: Not again!

[A loud explosion covers the yard in rainbow light and butterflies. Screen briefly fades to white. Fade in on Star, Y/n and Jackie looking surprised, surrounded by unconscious monsters and small fires. Ludo falls out of a tree.]

Star: Whoa-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho!

Jackie: This is going to take so long to clean up.

[Ludo shakes an unconscious Beard Deer.]

Ludo: Get up! Get up!

Star: Told you I wasn't distract— Wait, did I just kill that guy?

Ludo: No, he's not dead. He's probably just bleeding internally and being a total baby about it!

[Ludo kicks Beard Deer in the head.]

Ludo: Stupid wuss...

[He opens a dimensional portal.]

Ludo: Get up, you dipsticks!

[Ludo's monsters stand up, groaning in pain and covered in bruises, and shuffle toward the portal.]

Skullnick:Ooh, you're so muscly...

[Y/n, Jackie and Star look back toward Emmitt and Miss Skullnick.]

Y/n: Bleh!

Jackie: awww ewwww

Star Ooh!

Skullnick: [amorous noises]

Star: So... now that I hooked you up, how about that "A"?

Skullnick: Honey, please! I'd give you an A-plus if I was still a teacher. I'm setting sail with Captain Triceps here. [chuckling]

Emmitt :[excited babbling]

Star: What about my "A"?!

Skullnick: Try studying.

Y/n: [imitating a sad trombone] Wah-wahhh. [Jackie punch him on the ribs]

[Cut to Echo Creek Academy classroom.]

Star So anyway, long story short, Skullnick ran off with this weird man-bull guy thing to another dimension, and now she is gone forever.

[Camera zooms out to show Miss Skullnick's empty desk.]

Justin: Star Butterfly rules!

Students: [cheering]

[There's a bright light and scream off-screen. A dimensional portal opens over Miss Skullnick's desk, and Miss Skullnick falls through, smashing the desk. The portal closes.]

Students [gasps]

Jackie: Miss Skullnick?

Skullnick: He dumped me. I think. I don't know. I couldn't

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