On the Way to the Club

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i got to work a minute before i was supposed to start, completely out of breath. i ran into the back room and put my apron on as quick as possible and ran out behind the counter. i traded off positions with my coworker and took over the shop.

it never gets busy here, so it gives me free time to sit around bored and doodle. as i sat around scribbling on paper i heard the door ring, and i saw a familiar face walk in. it was graham!

"graham!!" i shouted at him, he let out a gentle smile, he was mostly quiet and conserved until you got a couple of drinks in him. he always got the same thing, a black coffee, so i started right away on his drink. "you know, you and damon should probably cool off on the party nights, poor guy looked dead this morning" i sounded like a mother lecturing her kids.

"you should've seen him lastnight... it was worse" he laughed, and played with his hair

"thats hard to believe" i said "why've you guys been drinking so much anyway?" i was curious, they had to have been stressed out or something

"ahhh, damon didnt tell you huh..." graham said with an awkward look on his face. i shook my head and finished up grahams drink, sliding it across the counter. "the gallaghers are playing at our regular spot. tonight... as much as he doesnt show it, he's been freaking out about it." he looked like he was telling a secret i wasn't allowed to know.

"oh shittt..." this was kind of a big deal in our friend group, damon and all them hated the gallaghers, and the gallaghers hated them. their interactions always end up being a big deal. "well lets go," i blurted out. graham looked confused "we might as well go see them, i mean if its your regular spot you should assert your man band dominance or whatever" graham looked scared "ill talk to damon..." he grabbed his coffee and left.

i finished up my shift and went straight back to the flat, walking into the door to see all four of the boys sitting on the worn in leather couches. i waved at all of them and walked into my room, throwing my stuff on my floor and falling onto my bed. i got a couple minutes of silence until there was a knock on my door

"you can walk in" i shouted, damon poked his head through the door "you're right, we should go see them play. i want you to come with though, please?" he smiled at me like a child, "okay okay, only since you asked so nicely. i have to get dressed then im ready to go okay?" he nodded and walked in and leaned his back against the door frame. i stared at him and he stared back.

"are you gonna watch me get dressed orrrr...." i asked him, "yeah i think i might" he said as he winked at me and smirked his stupid beautiful smirk. i started undressing, and i could see him looking me up and down as he bit his lip, from the corner of my eye. i got changed into my baggiest pair of pants, and my smallest shirt, and slipped on a pair of trainers.

"was that fun for you?" i looked him in the eyes "yeah..." he looked down at my lips and back up to my eyes. i could feel my heart racing, and my face slowly turning red. "well, lets go then" i grabbed my bag and left the room, he made me so nervous i didnt know how to properly function.

it was only a ten minute walk to the bar. it was already dark outside and we immediately went to go get drinks. "im not sitting through this show if im not absolutely shitfaced" damon said, breaking the silence between us at the bar. graham nodded "i hate this" he didn't like conflict, and i could tell this was the last place he wanted to be. dave was halfway through a beer and alex was gone talking to girls already.

"shots?" i asked the three of them, they aggressively nodded. we drank enough by the time the show started to break their nerves. there they were up on the stage. this prideful shite of a person. but i couldnt lie, they were good at what they did.

"toniggghttt im a rock n roll starrr" i heard liam singing from the speakers. his hands were behind his back and he leaned forward to sing. graham had his head in his hands. but damon looked confident, i could tell he was planning something.

"what are you thinking right now?" i asked him, he didnt take his eyes off of liam. "im thinking about how much they suck, and how easy it would be to fight him" he was serious "yeah okay so no fighting." i said to him, as he nodded, clearly not listening. i leaned over and put a hand on his shoulder "im gonna go dance" i whispered in his ear. as i dragged my hand down his arm his attention immediately shifted to me.

he followed me to the pit, i started jumping up and down dancing to the music. it looked like he'd forgotten about liam because he started dancing with me. we weren't very good, but it was fun, and we laughed and danced till the end of the set, leaving us both extremely exhausted.

when the set ended damon grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the table. there sat graham, alex, dave, and liam. "for fucks sake" damon grumbled under his breath, his mood immediately changed.
liam was shit talking, while the three of them sat there silent.

"oi fuck off" damon yelled at him with a glare on his face. "oh fuck of you piece of shite" liam said to him as he walked towards us. "who's your friend" liam was looking at me up and down. damon grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him "thats none of your business" damon barked back

"well it can be," liam responded, walking closer to me. damon stepped in front of me, and before i knew it he struck liam straight in the face, knocking him backwards. his nose bleeding into his hand. "lets go outside huh." liam said, shaking the blood of his hands.

"damon stop," i grabbed his arm, but he pushed me off and followed liam outside. graham running after them both

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