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"Morning baby"

Chan kissed his boyfriend's cheek lightly who in return gave him a small smile since he had just woken up. Even if the bed wasn't exactly the biggest and they didn't have enough space, they had slept just fine.

"Good morning, Channie" he mumbled and snuggled closer to his body, humming "I don't wanna get up yet" Chan chuckled and reached up to play with Jeongin's hair as the other boy clung on him "Well, that's unfortunate cause we have to, Innie. Jisung is probably awake as well and just waits for us"

Meanwhile in the other room, Jisung was snoring while having his arms still around Minho's small figure who was also still asleep. The two had woken up in the middle of the night because Minho was having a nightmare and got scared so he woke the older up. The latter didn't mind staying up until Minho sleeps again, keeping him company and showing him affection like cuddling, giving him small kisses on the forehead, playing with his hair etc.

He had not set any alarms so they had to somehow wake up on their own. After about 30 minutes, Jisung was the first one to wake up and noticed it was almost 8:30 am, groaning lightly for waking up early. He turned his head to the side before reaching with hand lazily caressed Minho's cheek with the back of his fingers.

The younger boy stirred at the sudden but light touch and blinked his eyes open slowly to adjust the sunlight which was coming through the window. Once he was fully awake Minho unconsciously leaned in the other's touch, exhaling softly. Jisung pulled the blanket over Minho's body a little more, "Go back to sleep, Min, it's still early"

"I'm awake now" Minho yawns out; his voice was thick with sleep and muffled by the pillow, but it was enough to make Jisung chuckle. The older turned his body to lay on his side so he was face to face with Minho properly. Said boy was rubbing the sleep off of his eyes while Jisung was just watching him, smiling fondly "Stop looking at me with these eyes"

The smaller said once he was done and Jisung shrugged "What eyes?" he giggled as he questioned. "Like you have hearts in them" the smaller replied and poked Jisung's cheek with a small pout. The other turned his head and pretended to bite Minho's finger who pulled it away "Maybe I do have"

Minho furrowed his brows slightly, not getting how could someone have hearts in their eyes and he was about to question that but Jisung started to get up. Minho sat up with him and watched as the taller got off the bed, putting a shirt on since he had taken it off during the night, "Where are you going?"

Jisung ran his finger through his hair to comb it and reached down to pat Minho's head "First to the bathroom then I'm going to see how Chan hyung and Jeongin are doing and make some breakfast for the four of us. You can use the bathroom after me if you'd like, okay? Get up whenever you feel like it"

After earning a nod from the other, he walked out the room and went straight to the bathroom.


Minho was still questioning Jisung's reply from earlier that he might have heart eyes. How was that possible?

They four boys were currently sitting on the table while eating their breakfast, Chan and Jeongin sitting next to each other while being opposite of Jisung and Minho. The boy looked up from his plate and eyed the others who were minding their own business. He was contemplating if he should ask or not but in the end he just shrugged, "Chan hyung?"

He called out and said boy looked up, now everyone's attention was on him even if he had just spoke only to one of them, "Can I ask you a question?" he tilted his head as he said so and Chan glanced at Jisung before nodding "Sure. What is it?"

"Can people have hearts in their eyes?"

Jeongin and Chan shared a confused look then turned to Jisung who was just shamelessly staring at Minho "Why are you asking that?" Chan (and Jeongin) watched as Minho met eyes with Jisung whose lips automatically curled upwards when he did that. Minho returned a small smile with a blink before turning his head back to Chan "Because earlier I asked Jisung why he was looking at me like he had hearts in his eyes and he said 'I might have'"

After his explanation, Jisung had to look down at his plate to avoid Chan and Jeongin's smirks he could obviously feel. Jeongin decided to continue eating, leaving the answer to his boyfriend (cause he was the one who Minho had asked). Chan would definitely tease Jisung later, "Well. To answer your question Minho, people can't seriously have hearts in their eyes but Jisung probably meant something else"

Minho grew curious once he saw Chan's smile towards Jisung who still refused to look up "What do you mean? What else?"

Chan just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, picking up the fork again to finish his breakfast "That's something Jisung will tell you soon"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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