Episode 2: Hustle in the Dressia Palace

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Take note that I own absolutely nothing but the plot!

Last time, Mao and eleven other girls have been chosen by Izumi-san to save their world as they know it. And over the course of the meeting, Mao know that she figured out what the 'SD' in her AiPla phone stood for which is 'star-destined' or 'star destiny'. This time, we get to see more of them in action, just not much the ones you've come to expect.

Now, let's focus on Ann's POV.

Another day back in the Million Agency office and Mao-san came to visit me and Ayumi-chan. After a while, we head to Aikatsu Planet using our passes and phones. I got to spend more time with Mao-san being the new Hana. And now, we got a visit to the Dressia Palace in the middle of the forest. Not long after, Meisa-san of Rose Room followed us to inspect the Message Orbs. But little that she know, that she would have done that for our assistance to her.
(The Dressia Palace is a fort set up by AiPla engineers to store the rarest of Dressia by placing rooms into habitats depending on the Dressia type.)

"Come on, Ann-chan. Don't be such a baby idol." Hana-san said as she pulled me to the entrance to the palace's Positive Message Orb hall, "Haven't you always wanted to see what's inside of the Positive Message Orb hall?"

"Yes, Hana-san." I replied. "But not at the risk of being scolded!"

"Oh, like someone could scold us this easily." Hana-san said positively. "I've got to see a Message Orb for myself, or I'll soon burst!"

And so we entered the room, where there are shining Message Orbs floating all around. It is so spectacular, I could hardly hold my breath.

"How cool is that?!" said Hana-san as we saw the orbs. "Have you seen anything more... breathtakingly-brilliant?"

"Yes, I've seen that many times." I replied to her.

"Now we have to leave!" I said as I graspingly hold Hana-san's hand as she stood still.

"Come to think of it, inside this orb is someone's inspirational message that we might be able to carry on someday." informed Hana-san about the orbs. "Then we could deliver all the positivity we can everywhere back in our world!"

"Unless we might get severe detention!" I said panicking. "Now let's go!"

Suddenly, we heard the door open from outside.

"Did you hear that?" Hana-san asked and I responded with "Yes."

"Let's hide!" she said as we hid behind the fountain holding the orbs.

And from there, we saw who watches us and the Message Orbs from outside. It was none other than Meisa-san's avatar Rose!

"It's Rose-chan." said Hana-san.

"I know it's her, but what is she doing here?!" I asked her. "I thought no one would be here."

And she gasped in shock, "Hold on, I just remembered! She's a junior message keeper, she's probably here to keep an eye on the Message Orbs in case any of them became ready for delivery."

"Well, easy for you to say." I angrily said to her. "You should've told me before we snuck in here!"

"I know, I'm sorry." she apologized to me.

"Now let's get out of here before she sees us." she told me as Rose-san knows what we're doing when suddenly, the blush of the fountain opens up for more Message Orbs ready to be delivered to the idols who sent them here.

"Holy cow!" Hana-san awed in bashfulness as she jubilantly saw the orbs. And then, she ran into them and took initial care of them.

"Hana-san!" I called her, "Get back down here!"

"But this orb, it's so shiny!" said Hana-san, "We might be ready to deliver it!"

And more orbs draw closer to Hana-san, and I was worried that she might almost sink in them.

"Hey, that tickles!" giggled Hana-san as she continues to be friends with the Message Orbs, ultimately taking a dive.

"Hana-san!" I gasped.

And then just in time, Rose-san rescued her being mistaken for me.

"Thanks, Ann-chan." Hana-san sighed in relief.

"Now let's get out of here before Ro-" she said as she already saw Rose-san covering for us.

"Rose-chan?" gasped Hana-san in shock.

"Please don't tell this to Izumi-san!" she begged Rose-san for her forgiveness.

"Why not?" said Rose-san, "Then I might rid myself of two troublemaking first-years."

"What?!" I asked in shock.

"Please, Rose-san." I said to her, "Calm down!"

"Wait, Rose-chan. Hear our story." Hana-san informed Rose-san. "If you're a junior message keeper, then why weren't you watching the Message Orbs?"

Rose-san stuttered, "Oh, well. Actually..."

"I know why!" I gasped surprisingly correcting her. "You just came from the Practice Message Orb area!"

"Well, I might have made some trouble as a first-year." Hana-san asked Rose-san, "But aren't Practice Message Orbs only supposed to be use under the supervision of an instructor?"

"Fine, I won't tell if you won't." Rose-san reluctantly replied.

"Now hurry and get out of here!" she madly permitted us to leave as Hana-san hugged her.

"Oh, and Junior Message Keeper." she left Rose-san an oral message from us. "I saw a orb ready for delivery, you might wanna call someone about that!"

I chuckled as we watched the Message Orbs tickling Rose-san.

"Hey, that tickles a lot!" she hollered guffawingly as we left the Positive Message Orb Hall.

-A few days later-

A few days have passed and I was granted the day-off, and suddenly my pet chihuahua 'Chocolate' is running around! I've got to catch him as soon as possible!
(NOTE: Chocolate the Chihuahua is Aikatsu Planet's counterpart to Star Darlings' Bitty the Glowfur.)

"Chocolate! Chocolate, where are you?" I called him, "You know you've gotta stay in my room after school!"

Suddenly there Chocolate is, near the table with my drink.

"Oh, there you are!" I said as he jumped down from the table.

"Watch out!" I gasped as I swung into action saving the cup of my drink from breaking into the floor when suddenly, he went to the vase table and jumped to the bed.

"Chocolate, stop there!" I hollered as I tried to save the vase and unexpectedly succeeded.

There he is again, playing by my homework!

"Chocolate, please, enough playing!" I said as I put back together the homework Chocolate had tipped on, and there he is lounging by my sofa.

I chased him around saying "Please, you've got to get back to my room!".

"Gotcha!" I said as I almost grasped Chocolate, but he finally got back to my room.

"Good boy." I said to Chocolate as I became tired, "That was exhausting."

And suddenly, Chocolate came back to comfort me. I guess someone didn't know how to take time properly.

[End of Episode 2]

Next time, we go underground with Mao, Meisa and their friends as they meet a new person waiting for us. Who could it be? We best might tune in next time to find out.

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